Let me preface this by saying that the documentaries of the festival are taking longer to produce than I had planned, partly because the sponsorship paid for them the capture much more footage, so while this is the final report there is still more content to be posted and I will be providing ongoing updates as Lina and I work on spreading Dash to other EU festivals.
Circus City Sponsorship Evaluation
Overall the sponsorship has added value to both Circus City and Dash, withing Dash branding reaching an audience of 200,000 people, 179 wallets installed for first time user, and the possibility of a lasting a legacy in the form of a network of festivals across the EU accepting Dash.
Dash Help Desk Evaluation
The most important aspect of the sponsorship for me was the creation and staffing of the Dash Help Desk (DHD) at the festival hub. The help desk was open 10:00-23:00 Monday to Saturday and 10:00-18:00 on Sundays with at least two members of staff present to introduce Dash to artists and the general public.
Over the course of the festival the Dash Help Desk engaged directly with 250 people, explaining Dash to them and installing phone wallets where possible. The festival team spoke to a further 500 people about Dash in relation to the sponsorship.
In their conversations the DHD staff would find out what each person knew about cryptocurrency and ask them if they had heard of Dash before so that we could tailor our interaction to their level of understanding.
Of these 250 people only 4 had heard of Dash, these were all members of the public who labeled themselves as cryptocurrency investors, the rest all heard about Dash for the first time from us. Of the 4 people who had heard of Dash none of them knew about the significant features of the network i.e. governance, instantsend, privatesend, masternodes.
30% of people had heard of bitcoin although often only in the vaguest sense and most of these people did not recognise the word ‘cryptocurrency’, they would usually report having a friend or relative who was ‘into bitcoin’ otherwise their association with bitcoin was entirely negative: connecting it only with illegal activity.
An important part of introducing people to Dash for us was informing people about the functions of money, to give them a framework with which to understand this technology. This is elementary stuff to anyone in the cryptosphere but it remains rare knowledge in the general population. Talking about concepts such as store of value, means of exchange and unit of account was clearly eye opening to many people, giving them the tools to look objectively at the fiat money they are used to and approach Dash with an understanding of the ways it fulfils the functions of money.
We installed 179 Dash exclusive wallets across android and iOS devices in addition to giving artists without compatible phones paper wallets. In each case this was part of a process of explaining Dash to them, with conversations that were often an hour long, as they raised questions and we provided the with answers appropriate to their current understanding. This was not an airdrop but a strategy for engaging people in meaningful conversation, adding value to the interactions we were having about Dash.
These are connections that would never have been made through other forms of advertising, these are not people that could be easily reached or convinced through online marketing, in this way the sponsorship has brought a hard to reach but influential audience to Dash.
We also started everyone off with some basic good practice in securing their Dash: before we would fund their wallet we gave them a booklet to write down their recovery phrase and also had them set a spending pin. This involved explaining the function of these features, with a great deal of emphasis placed on the importance of securing the recovery phrase. We wanted them to feel safe and secure using Dash, knowing that they had all the rights to their funds but also all the responsibility too.
The workflow for creating a new wallet on the iOS wallet was very clear, as it made sure they had written down the recovery seed and set a pin. While the android wallet brings the user immediately to the wallet which is useful for making transactions, I think that the hand holding for first time users in the iOS wallet is preferable with pop-ups that explain each aspect of the interface. A good feature is that the balance is not displayed by default, only appearing when a padlock icon is pressed. This seems like a good feature from both a security and modesty point of view, not everyone wants to show off how much Dash they have when making a transaction.
One very welcome feature of the iOS wallet was the fingerprint authorisation for transactions, whilst I recognise that this is not as secure as a decent pin it makes transactions seamless and is a very welcome feature.
Wallet Issues
Over the course of the festival Jaxx was unreliable at best and unusable at worst, this occurred on both android and iOS versions, with QR codes failing to scan and even valid addresses not working when copied and pasted by the DHD team. Balances would also fail to update and the iOS wallet could not sweep paper wallets for Dash. From the start we discouraged the use of Jaxx because of the more complicated interface and these reliability issues.
We had some extremely negative responses to the freewallet.org Dash wallet. Their system is incredibly slow, insecure and expensive to use with a mandatory network free of 0.01 Dash ($2.50 at the time of the festival). The app is deeply problematic with transaction confirmation taking between 15 and 20 minutes. Worst of all the user does not control their private keys and is thus unwittingly exposed to third party risk. This app is an accident waiting to happen and it makes me very fearful that first time users will have a bad experience that will turn them off Dash. This is compounded by the following issue.
Searching for “Dash” on the play/app stores does not bring you to the Dash wallet, instead you get a long list of random games and very troublingly at the top is often an advert for the freewallet.org app. This means that first time users are more likely to install this as their wallet and they will have a very bad time of it if they do.
The final issue was incompatibility, this is mainly an issue with iOS as designed obsolescence is very much part of their business model. People with older iPhones could not install a Dash wallet whereas the range of android phone that worked was much greater. In these cases we would use it as an opportunity to explain how a paper wallet work and give them one of those.
The most common question we received was ‘where can I spend Dash?’ we pointed towards the merchants listed on dash.org and discoverdash.com, we also explained the possibility of using a debit card back by Dash that allows you to spend Dash almost anywhere. It was also a really useful to be able to say you can spend it at the bar you’re in. Taking that step immediately meant that they could make themselves familiar with the process of making transactions straight away.
The next most common question was ‘where can I buy more?’ or ‘how do I top up my wallet?’ the answer to this question is both simple and complex. Simple in that you can buy Dash from an exchange site, we recommended Kraken.com and Cex.io, and complex in that signing up to these services is not trivial. We only completed 3 full exchange sign ups, as this involved the person returning with their passport and documents for verification and us walking them through the whole process. All three people were based in the UK, but they didn’t like the idea of paying £30 to withdraw GBP from cex.io so they went with the more complex but fee free workflow for Kraken:
- Download Revolut (free £ to € transfers)
- Open €uro account with fidor.de (to fund/withdraw from Kraken)
- Sign up and get verified on Kraken.
This process took between 2 and 3 hours to complete from start to finish, but they were then in the position to make fee free purchases and sales of Dash. In the UK it is either relatively expensive to buy and sell on the much thinner market at CEX or more complicated in the case of Kraken to purchase Dash, there are significant barriers to entry, if more people are to use this technology then having Dash integrated into platforms like Revolut or adding the ability to purchase Dash to wallets will represent a huge leap in the ease of adoption.
Using Dash
Empowering people to try Dash for the first time by going through the process of buying a drink or merchandise from the hub was a great experience and this is where we got lots of positive feedback:
- Transaction speed: even without instant send the phone wallets recognise an incoming transaction almost immediately and this surprised a lot of people. The payments appeared even faster than when they use their contactless debit cards.
- Ease of use: we used QR codes or bluetooth to share the receiving address, this meant that it was very easy for people to make transactions. This was another point that was remarked on - ‘This is easier than PayPal, you don’t even have to write down someone’s email.’ was a quote from one of the people I helped.
- People were fascinated to watch the value of their Dash change, for most people this was their first experience of seeing any currency floating in real time. It allowed them to make the leap that this is what is happening all the time to their national currency, they just don’t see it because they are entirely within that system. It was very rewarding to give people this perspective.
- We sold 400 drinks and items of merchandise using Dash giving us plenty of experience in helping people to make transactions.
- In addition the bar for the closing party at The Loco Klub installed a Dash wallet and took $260 worth of Dash in one night.