[proposal] Business marketing push to turn Cancun into a DASH hotspot


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Our local community Bitcuners have grown significally and many of the members are interested into taking DASH to the next level in the City. We want to convert Cancun into a DASH hotspot around the world and bring a DASH economy to the city.

Current Events
At this point, Bitcuners has succesfully carry out meetups that have grown a lot and have caught the eyes of many media outlets. This have led to some businesses taking a step forward and open doors for DASH and Bitcoin to do business. Other businesses are following through and I think we got a momentum to market DASH strongly to the rest of the city.

The timing is also great because right now the Spring break season is over and we have a window to make improvements before Summer. So doing an open house type event for businesses where they can get to experience DASH as a payment medium as well as some consulting on how to adopt DASH on their business could be a great first step.

On the other side, we also want people in general to learn about DASH. We are confident that if we get people to hear about DASH, they will be interested enough to check out and follow through on the information trail, so we are looking to make noise on the major streets of the town and put DASH across town.

What are we doing so far?
We are already taking steps to ensure that the word is out, and people know what some businesses have done with DASH. We are about to publish an article about local businesses taking DASH on a local newspaper.
We are in talks with a local newspaper and an article will follow and we hope to get some flyers and general DASH information on those places for poeple that want to learn more about the system.

What are we planning to do?
We got a momentum and it would be the perfect time to get DASH involved and try different strategies. We would need to hire a street team in order to push the DASH awareness. Get them to distribute the flyers, also put a display time for DASH on the main streets on the city.

We are also planning to market DASH to businesses by having a medium size event and have DASH people pitch them the idea of using DASH for their businesses. The event could be of great benefit by the presence of Daniel Diaz as Business developer for DASH and other DASH community personalities like Amanda B Johnson. We hope to capture enough attention about the cryptocurrency to at least put the option on the table.

- Street team and Flyers printout 27.8 dash
- Business Event 58.25 dash
- City display on popular parts of the city 22.24 dash
- Social media marketing 22.21dash
- Design and operational cost 27.45 dash
- International dash speakers 74 dash (per speaker)
- DASH fee reimbursement 5 dash
Total: 236.2 DASH (16,753 usd) on 2month period

What we plan to achieve
We plan to achieve at first, outreach to the business community and strong awareness of the cryptocurrency. The event would be for selected few and we plan to have some type of good impression by having some wine catering. We divided the process into 2 months, first month will be for the marketing and promotion of DASH and the second month will include the event and related expenses. In total this will open opportunities for consulting on cryptocurrency and be able to help develop the economy.

We are still looking for feedback but we feel that having this city become DASH hotspot. Furthermore, we see this effort as a sort of "test bed" for marketing DASH to a business community. We will attempt to determine how many people we reach and how many respond positively, especially if they become a DASH vendor or get and use a DASH wallet, and this information will be available to the DASH community to help guide future outreach efforts (i.e. these things seem to work; these don't).
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I like the idea. I think if you'd put the detail in US dollars next to the dash it would save a lot of people's time wo would have to take their calculator :)
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roughly 200 dash is nearly 14k US$

are u planning to fly amanda or daniel to your events ? is that why this is so hight ?
Largest expense (58 dash) would be the Business event, plane and hotel is 37 dash per person. Some of these numbers will be verified and adjusted accordingly.
37 dash is around 2,442 USD
Usually the price of the hotel is around 400 a night, for let say 3 nights plus around a 500 dls airfare per person will bring a total of 2,200. Airfare might change if its for 1 or 2 people (let say amanda come with his manslave).
The venue also will vary regarding the hotel that we want to host the event. We settle on a 58 dash (3,828 usd) since an average venue is around 2,000 a day and also some wine catering could be another 1500-2500 depending on the place.
We will get more definitive numbers through the following days.
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Cancun is a major vacation spot for Americans. I'm sure also, a lot of cruise ships as well. It would be great if we could spread the word through travel agencies, cruise ships, etc... But that may be for next year. But can you imagine a big tourist town accepting Dash everywhere? Sure maybe not quite yet, but if by next year, we have a majority of businesses accepting Dash, that'd be so awesome!
Bitcuners all ready do a great job in cancun whit the DASH meet and I gree about put more enfasis in DASH like a paymed Option at cancun plus there is a world famous turist place for all people them i think is a Good idea start fron places like that for Promotion DASH. Iam from colombia i was made some criptoevents here and i talk here to my friend how have local bussines for accept dash and other criptos for people have options for pay i hope i few moths we see more adoption of DASH here in colombia.
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Hi Guys, so what can i say about that it first i want to congrat Bitcuners Guys for their work, and i think their works begin to make success because i see that Dash is begin accepted in store in Cancun, so i do positive review about this pre-proposal.
agreed, carlomile2, brick and mortar stores are always a huge achievement. I don't know, I'm not a marketing person, but I know when I'm on vacation, I love learning and seeing new things, and am very open (without prejudice) when I see something new. I would probably assume it's a big thing in Mexico, or something seeing such an ad campaign, then go home and discover it's actually something available in the US, or Europe etc... Anyway, just have a good feeling about this idea :)
My constructive criticism is dash needs users. The problem is not getting businesses using dash it's getting enough users to use it. The businesses will jump on once the they see any sort of demand.

So talking about a receptive crowd about the technology is much more valuable then doing any sort of street activity imho. Targeting a business or two in the area that align with the early adopters is the best bet. So i would cut this down to presentations and probably a single month if that.

Keep in mind that people need to see something at least 3 times so right now covert marketing is probably better. Like random placements of the logo throughout the city.

And if one of these business guys(lets say a restaurant) asks the question: . If i accept dash, how many people will pay per month? What's the answer?

He will be thinking how many people he will have to train to use it and the costs.

It's better to get the business owner to be a enthusiast, that way its not a big deal if it makes business since.
Thanks for your answer. Like I mention this is an awareness event. The goal is for them to get the brand, and associate it with payments. Easier, innovative, secure payments.
We want business to at least see it outside on the wild before entering the event. We are targeting for end of May so given that we get the budget by the end of the month we will have a good 3 weeks to prepare the event. But also we want to have the DASH branding for another month after the event. On display on the city and such. Specially on June since tourists will start coming back and either seen DASH and looking it up online. This might become free advertising for business that jumped the quickest.

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I like this proposal. It could serve as a prototype for other towns/cities if successful. Ampp raises the chicken and egg problem which babyG mentioned in his presentation. I recall him saying that this has been solved before and gave the example of paypal offering a $20 incentive to early adopters. Do you have any ideas as to how early adopters in cancun might be incentivised?
I like this proposal. It could serve as a prototype for other towns/cities if successful. Ampp raises the chicken and egg problem which babyG mentioned in his presentation. I recall him saying that this has been solved before and gave the example of paypal offering a $20 incentive to early adopters. Do you have any ideas as to how early adopters in cancun might be incentivised?
The goal is to get as much people to see the brand and go to the website. Business to get a taste of crypto, this isn't a sale, per say. I think a lot of business based technology for crypto is not out yet. But is coming soon, like blockpay, dash POS, ERP integrations, desktop based multiwallet, dash exchanges, etc. This will benefit adoption greatly and make a sale and solution event even better.

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Will you prime everyone on Evolution and the types of services for businesses "out there"? Also, does Cancun have an ATM yet?
Not yet but we already have some people that want to get an ATM so soon we might have a couple.
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I do like the idea but may I add one suggestion? I would really like to see Evolution, and the ease of use it will offer many people, be a center point of your "street team". So this way regular people can easily understand it, and be engaged by the exciting features. I know we are still a while away from Evolution release, but that is what will really connect with people who just have a mobile phone in a street setting.
I do like the idea but may I add one suggestion? I would really like to see Evolution, and the ease of use it will offer many people, be a center point of your "street team". So this way regular people can easily understand it, and be engaged by the exciting features. I know we are still a while away from Evolution release, but that is what will really connect with people who just have a mobile phone in a street setting.
I dont think is the audience to focus on Evolution, let alone point them to something 'consumer ready'. Is like trying to give flyers about the hyperloop. There is not even a good demo on Evolution (yes I saw the one that Dash detailed showed).
The goal is brand awareness, not even cryptocurrency, just learn that DASH is a new way of payment. Easy, fast and electronic. Everything else, would be too much for a flyer to handle.
The only consideration of Evolution is at the business venue, which I decided to focus instead on the DASH POS by Kodaxx which would be launched and available by the time of the meetup.
I dont think is the audience to focus on Evolution, let alone point them to something 'consumer ready'. Is like trying to give flyers about the hyperloop. There is not even a good demo on Evolution (yes I saw the one that Dash detailed showed).
The goal is brand awareness, not even cryptocurrency, just learn that DASH is a new way of payment. Easy, fast and electronic. Everything else, would be too much for a flyer to handle.
The only consideration of Evolution is at the business venue, which I decided to focus instead on the DASH POS by Kodaxx which would be launched and available by the time of the meetup.

If it is your strong opinion that this area is best suited for focus on the brand awareness and DASH POS systems, meaning you are working with many possible business integrations, then I will heed and agree that Evolution is indeed too far off by the time of meet up. You have done good work and I trust that you will make the right decision on how this information is disseminated.
My constructive criticism is dash needs users. The problem is not getting businesses using dash it's getting enough users to use it. The businesses will jump on once the they see any sort of demand.

So talking about a receptive crowd about the technology is much more valuable then doing any sort of street activity imho. Targeting a business or two in the area that align with the early adopters is the best bet. So i would cut this down to presentations and probably a single month if that.

Keep in mind that people need to see something at least 3 times so right now covert marketing is probably better. Like random placements of the logo throughout the city.

And if one of these business guys(lets say a restaurant) asks the question: . If i accept dash, how many people will pay per month? What's the answer?

He will be thinking how many people he will have to train to use it and the costs.

It's better to get the business owner to be a enthusiast, that way its not a big deal if it makes business since.
It's a chicken or egg situation. However, the location to get things going couldn't be better than a tourist town. After all, there's always money changing that needs to happen. If merchants in Cancun accept dollars but need Pesos, they have the burden, if tourists have to change their dollars, then it's a pain in the butt for them. Currently, I don't know which way it goes, but if a bunch of shops start to accept Dash, and tourists know about it, and at least "feel" they can do better by buying Dash when it's a "good price" before they leave home, it'd be great. The more in control people feel they are, the better too. So when a bunch of cruise lines and travel agents, etc... learn Cancun accepts Dash everywhere, they will tell their clients that they should stock up on Dash to spend. Cruise lines might even install DATMs on their boats. Of course this will take a year or two minimum, but it could happen!

Or maybe it won't, but at least we can try and see what results we get :D
It's a chicken or egg situation. However, the location to get things going couldn't be better than a tourist town. After all, there's always money changing that needs to happen. If merchants in Cancun accept dollars but need Pesos, they have the burden, if tourists have to change their dollars, then it's a pain in the butt for them. Currently, I don't know which way it goes, but if a bunch of shops start to accept Dash, and tourists know about it, and at least "feel" they can do better by buying Dash when it's a "good price" before they leave home, it'd be great. The more in control people feel they are, the better too. So when a bunch of cruise lines and travel agents, etc... learn Cancun accepts Dash everywhere, they will tell their clients that they should stock up on Dash to spend. Cruise lines might even install DATMs on their boats. Of course this will take a year or two minimum, but it could happen!

Or maybe it won't, but at least we can try and see what results we get :D
The chicken and egg solution is solved with time. We can get the chicken or the egg the solution is getting one out the door. A soft launch of the brand will get some people excited. Example Uber launched last year, but with all cab mess and regulation stalled and syndicates getting angry and social media recording Uber drivers getting beat up, it was a very controversial move. But a soft launch a d slowly incrementing the loudness of it gave people the value they were expecting from the service. I expect the same with software not being merchant ready, dash still not be at PayPal levels and other patches and fixes still being at alpha stage a quiet limited event would be great before going world wide.

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