Proposal: Business Development (Nov)

Ryan Taylor

Well-known member
Foundation Member
This is a cross-post from

The General Business Development budget funds development support and other business integration expenses to incentivize the adoption of Dash through deal-making and direct support of our business partners. This proposal is a continuation of the funding for business development costs first proposed during the July budget cycle.

By reserving a small amount of funding available to capture opportunities as they arise, we are able to act quickly and nimbly to grow our ecosystem of businesses integrating Dash.

This past month, expenses were modest, consisting of some integration support provided by thomas.ludek, and some hardware costs related to the Coinfirm integration. Because the business development costs were much lower than previous months, our request for Business Development funding this month is reducing further to $2,026.

Requested funding is as follows for the November 4th budget cycle:
Total: 196.56 Dash

Note: Funding from this proposal will be reserved for business development purposes.

Manually vote YES on this proposal:
dash-cli mnbudget vote-many 95ae88ce80b12b245d88cae215f975f57c6d1dee5dc3f67ff533387e43238289 yes
OR from the qt console:
mnbudget vote-many 95ae88ce80b12b245d88cae215f975f57c6d1dee5dc3f67ff533387e43238289 yes

Manually vote NO on this proposal:
dash-cli mnbudget vote-many 95ae88ce80b12b245d88cae215f975f57c6d1dee5dc3f67ff533387e43238289 no
OR from the qt console:
mnbudget vote-many 95ae88ce80b12b245d88cae215f975f57c6d1dee5dc3f67ff533387e43238289 no

Note: The original proposal from July can be found here that provides additional detail on business development activities:
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WTF, hardware relating to Coinfirm, and no one else here is concerned by that? Coinfirm is an external business that will do what it pleases regardless of whether dash "helps" them or not. While Coinfirm is busy making TWO-WAY RELATIONSHIPS with other parties, dash is paying for hardware to help them integrate??
WTF, hardware relating to Coinfirm, and no one else here is concerned by that? Coinfirm is an external business that will do what it pleases regardless of whether dash "helps" them or not. While Coinfirm is busy making TWO-WAY RELATIONSHIPS with other parties, dash is paying for hardware to help them integrate??
As we've said in the past, the main function of the business development funding is to provide incentives, support, and help remove barriers for potential business partners seeking to integrate Dash. This includes providing technical support, offsetting some integration expenses, and providing infrastructure or services hosted on Dash's end to ease integration. This is one of the powerful advantages of self-funding, is that we can actively drive the development of Dash's ecosystem. We have also stated that if you are philosophically opposed to providing assistance or incentives to third parties that integrate Dash, you should vote against this proposal (and probably all proposals seeking funding to develop a new service that will not be owned by the network).
This whole thing is one big deception after another. This is not self-funding, this is a case of the core team doing what the hell they want and then letting MNOs vote for some grants if it just happens to be convenient for them.

Here's the original proposal that started the so called Coinfirm "partnership"...

Was there any mention of Coinfirm? No, but sure enough, it didn't take long for the announcement to be made... what a cozy little arrangement that was.
I have a great idea, we could go ahead with a Masternode Compliance Programme. No wait, no need, we could just have a voluntary programme, for MNOs to identify themselves for the sake of growth. Come, who's going to start the ball rolling? - let's help Coinfirm in their KYC / AML, let's go public and show how transparent we are. I mean, we love Coinfirm, we should help them as much as we can.
maybe it would be good style to make these kind of proposals more transparent. Key of all projects are timelines, milestones and deliverables. If I can see the deliverables in time I see that the money was a good investment.

I just see this statement:
"This past month, expenses were modest, consisting of some integration support provided by thomas.ludek, and some hardware costs related to the Coinfirm integration."

Is it possible to put these general not provable statements in a table and put a price behind every position