Is there another update in the works? It has been almost 2 months since the last one.
It sure is easier to mark posts as "Trolling" than to hold Alt36 accountable for their failures, isn't it?
Does pressing the "cry about trolling" button make you guys feel better about being scammed by Alt36?
Maybe use escrow next time? The escrow+milestone model used by Monero's Forum Funding System works much better than Dash's 'spray and pray' approach.
Dash needs to use something like or it will keep on funding unaccountable scams like Lamassu, Wirex, Schrem and Alt36.
This made me laugh. 'Spray and Pray' is exactly what the treasury system is.
What does it say about the Dash community when my post, which accurately described the Spray & Pray nature of their zero-accountability funding system and contained a constructive suggestion of how to fix that problem, is repeatedly marked as "Trolling?"
Please checkout the latest update listed above:
PROJECT UPDATE 3/8/18: Update March 2018.pdf?dl=0
How did you not know you needed an MTL right up until launch?
We knew about the need to apply for state money transmission licensing on the kiosks depending on the individual state requirements. We were in process of completing these requirements, such as our comprehensive KYC/AML compliance programs. Several items listed in our update have delayed the ATM/kiosk project (outside of our control), so the MLT related filing was placed on hold until we received the first machines and can test the compliance software.
The platform is completely separate and based on our legal advise, have been advised (until recently) registering on the state level was not required or recommended. There are multiple aspects to our project and the business requirements have expanded throughout development. It was imperative as these additional use cases came to light that we also review the potential dependencies and points of failure. Recently, cryptocurrency exchanges and related operators are coming under heavy scrutiny from both a state and federal level. Based on recommendations from our new legal team, it is in our best interest and Dash’s investment to submit applications for state MTL prior to officially processing transactions with the platform. Regardless, we are still moving forward with our partner integrations and preparing for launch with our first AZ locations.