This is fantastic, please keep the updates coming. Wish I was there to buy such great food with Dash! Is it possible to download and install the point of sale app already?
Hi. The project is still ongoing. We are due to provide weekly reports, which is currently being prepared. The full report will be provided after we completed the whole project, which is anticipated to last until end of November 2017.
Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
Hi,@Jamalulkhair Khairedin Thanks for the updates.
This week you had another truck join the trial. Why did they join? Are there any more truck merchants considering joining?
Looking forward to more updates.
I haven't looked really closely at this project, but it seems very interesting. Have you done interviews with @joemoraca ?
Ideas for expansion?
Liquidity is an important issue that require focus in 2018. People are now asking how can they buy/sell Dash outside of our project.