Problems with Masternode (on rPi2)

I think I finally found it in the masternode.conf file on OS X .. trying to restart everything to get it to recognize the change ...
This masternode on my raspberry pi 2 has not been getting paid regularly at all recently. In the beginning it did get paid as often as my other node on vultr.

The last 30 days however 3.9 DASH /2 payments only as opposed to the node on vultr that got paid 9.7 DASH /5 payments in the last 30 days.

I don't know what could cause this?

When I check the incident log on dashwhale, it shows that my masternode has been dropped off the payment list every day multiple times for several minutes ... I have got no idea why that would happen.

Masternode dropped of the payment list! closed From 13-06-2016 05:34 to 13-06-2016 05:38 3 minutes
Masternode dropped of the payment list! closed From 13-06-2016 04:04 to 13-06-2016 04:18 13 minutes
Masternode dropped of the payment list! closed From 13-06-2016 02:48 to 13-06-2016 02:52 4 minutes
Masternode dropped of the payment list! closed From 13-06-2016 00:04 to 13-06-2016 00:10 5 minutes
Masternode dropped of the payment list! closed From 12-06-2016 22:24 to 12-06-2016 22:42 17 minutes
Masternode dropped of the payment list! closed From 12-06-2016 21:08 to 12-06-2016 21:14 5 minutes
Masternode dropped of the payment list! closed From 12-06-2016 19:52 to 12-06-2016 19:54 1 minute
Masternode dropped of the payment list! closed From 12-06-2016 18:04 to 12-06-2016 18:26 21 minutes
[... and so on, every day]

It must be coming back every time without me doing anything, but this is causing it not get paid very often.
Last time was 11 days ago for example.