Private Encrypted Email

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New member
For those who wish to be truly anonymous, you need to start with an encrypted private email for signing up to services, i recommend protonmail.

There is a wait time for account activation, however i highly recommend it for their security measures and encryption levels
I was annoyed that I wasn't able to login to Prontonmail on my phone.
I can't use a client with it.
I'm still searching for a good Private Email Provider.
I was annoyed that I wasn't able to login to Prontonmail on my phone.
I can't use a client with it.
I'm still searching for a good Private Email Provider.

I posted a very good list in this (thread) !
check it
tutanota works really well + has I phone app
I was annoyed that I wasn't able to login to Prontonmail on my phone.
I can't use a client with it.
I'm still searching for a good Private Email Provider.

i believe proton mail is close to releasing their mobile apps. IOS is in BETA and im not sure about android.
Thanks for your responses everyone!
But the common factor of all your replies is that they kinda or won't go to android.
And I'm rockin' android so I can have an encrypted external storage. Gotta stay secure, you all know. ;)
Thanks for your responses everyone!
But the common factor of all your replies is that they kinda or won't go to android.
And I'm rockin' android so I can have an encrypted external storage. Gotta stay secure, you all know. ;)

Tutanota have an android app apparently. Another nice function is you can pay I think €12 per year and use encrypted email with your own domain. And it's open source.
I use Tutanota and just signed up to Protonmail.

I love Tutanota, privacy and security gives me peace of mind.

You can send confidential emails which are password encrypted and only the recipient who you would tell the password to can open it. It's free and I'm assuming open-source, but you can pay for extra services. They have an Android app too!
I would disagree, the way Protonmail is designed is that they do not have your keys.

That is true of any provider if you are using PGP. Your keys are stored locally. They don't do anything special. If you want private email use one of the Tor-based providers, write using PGP, and that is it. Keep a generic email for the everyday if you need it Protonmail are just playing up the privacy card.
PGP is of course the best solution, but since not everyone is computer literate enough to adopt it for every day use I find tutanota the next best thing. I was using protonmail almost since launch but ditched it around the time there were (and still are) concerns about the IDF connection.
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