You guys are presuming some absolutes that aren't.
We need to back up a bit.
Government wants to track the money and tie it to identies so it can assure Income Tax is paid.
It's getting way too complicated to do this.
It's also showing us that the government's insatiable need to tie an identity to a transaction is the cause of identity theft and fraud.
The solution is outside of crypto: Point of Use Tax replacing Income Tax.
We already have the model in place.
Sales Tax is collected by the vendor. We can call it coercion, making the vendor complicit, etc... All true, but beside the point.
Government wants it's taxes. The process of acquiring them can be drastically simplified by moving to the Point of Use model. It also elimiantes Identity Theft because it provides the consumer with the option to remain private, and the government still gets it's money without any identity being involved.
Yes. Government likes using the "follow the money" approach to tracking what it calls "crime." Cash already exists. Obfuscation methods already exist. Hell, leaving it in plain sight and simply bribing...
All that problem could go away with a simple shift to a Point of Use Tax model.
But, how to drive that change when the government doesn't want to give up it's invasion of privacy?
This rests on the people. And, if they're a bunch of cryptotards who don't even realize there's a fight to be fighting, it's moot.
This is why it's so important for DASH to capitalize on it's ability to service retail NOW.
There will be nobody in a position to make this argument, rally the clueless masses, and lay out a viable plan. A plan already in motion if DASH penetrates retail.
It is easy to deny the effectiveness of a pipe dream. It is impossible to deny the effectiveness of a plan already running smoothly.
Government wants to grab at more and more information. This is inherent to government. It invades everything and come up with excuses. We simply have to force government to realize the We the People have priorities, and Privacy is more important because we damn well say so. Period. That won't happen without education. That won't happen without exposure. There need to be users, and they need to understand. If you won't even try to make that move, then you may as well quit writing code right now.
Government uses the Sales Tax model for a reason. Government needs to realize that there is going to be a fight if it keeps pushing for more invasions based on the "crime" and tax excuses. We're simply going to have to force our governments to obey. We'll have to accept some compromises. Why not table a compromise that already works? Separate identity from transactions, but let them keep getting their tax money via a simpler method; the Point of Use Tax. So much easier to enforce. They are no longer to blame for identity theft.
But that argument won't work if nobody puts the government on the spot about being the reason for identity theft int he first place. There would be no identity theft if our identities weren't involved in the first place. All the security theatre could go away. Simple stop tying identity to transactions and money.
But, you won't win if you don't get out in front of it. It the users of crypto won't step up and educate themselves, they're killing their own hopes. If projects like DASH, which have the potential to penetrate commerce visibly, expose people to these things, etc...
Getting into retail is good for the market cap, sure.Good for adoption, sure. But these concepts are secondary to the real goal; take the bull by the horns and make sure the decisions aren't made before anybody that would be affected even realizes what's going on. Coins like DASH could make that move, and it's far more important than arguing the semantics of how the current world works. We need to be a formative force that determines what the world will be later, not sit around waiting for it to be dictated to us. Penetrating retail is simply the forum for which the much more important task is handled. Visibility. If Crypto doesn't get into the minds of the people and stir these debates on a larger scale, then you're right; the laws will be made to choke it off before anyone even knows what the hell it is.
All that really needs to be done is to stop the grab for more invasions. We don't have to, at this point, force a roll-back of power. Getting government to let go of something it has usurped is damned near impossible. Slapping it's hand away before it makes the grab is still not easy, but a hell of a lot less difficult that getting it to let go of what it has already taken. Do you sit idly by as the move to eliminate cash (which represents the very same concerns as banning privacy-centric crypto) happens? Do we simply relinquish the fact that government is a supposedly representative entity, that obeys the people's will? Why do we roll over and accept it as an inevitability when it hasn't even been done? Look at the last few months. Brexit. Quitaly. Trump's election. Clearly, the people make changes whent hey get abused too much.
But, secret abuse. The things done that they don't even realize. DASH needs to get visible by penetrating retail, so that the sort of regulation you're so worried about can't be slid in under the noses of the people before they even realize what it is. Visibility is more important than the details of how you're maintaining your privacy, if at all. You're whispering an argument in a closet. It doesn't matter how right you are if nobody knows it. You're quibbling of minor details while ignoring the elephant in the room. You've been doing it for almost a decade now. DASH has the feature set needed to change that, but is too afraid to sack up and do the one and only thing it should be concerned with; making crypto real and visible to more than just the cryptotards. Penetrate retail. Be seen by all. Spread this very conversation where everyone can see it so that government cannot operate quietly to shut it all down before it gets a chance, because everyone will be watching and talking about it. You're vulnerable for as long as you stay hidden.
I'll give you a personal example in a microcosm that demonstrates the very same principles. I prefer my privacy. But, when I started my business of stabbing dirty government in the eye with a pointy stick, I had to be visible. I'd be dead now if I weren't. The ATF and the entire left-leaning political establishment want me silenced and dead. But they can't very well snuff me out when I'm making such a big scene and everyone is watching. I'm also not bashful about how much I would love for a few of them to show up so I could kill them. But, if I were hiding in the shadows, afraid to be seen, it only makes their job of getting rid of me easier. No one would notice. And lo and behold; the Hearing Protection Act is a real thing! And it's actually going to be tabled the very next time congress convenes! I worked damn hard to put myself out of business! If I hid in the shadows and simply let government steamroll whatever it wants, that never would have happened. All because of "that guy" who won't get a damn thing out of it. I'm a rough character, and nobody is ever going to admit it or give credit where it's due, but I'm the guy who lit that fuse. It's happening because of me. Now, I'm not saying that to brag. I'm saying that if a guy who lived in a tent and ate squirrels and berries for 4 years while he ranted about the evil of criminalizing silencers while selling products designs to flaunt the law directly and publicly can make that shit happen; why can't DASH? If some idiot, loser redneck nobody like me can make waves that result in the Hearing Protection Act; why can't you?
None of this argument will matter if DASH continues to fail to make itself visible outside of the echo chamber that is the cryptosphere. Penetrating retail is how you do it.
The Cloud has been around since before there were computers; The Bank is the first Cloud. Peopel have being sticking their money out in the Bank Cloud for centuries because they don't trust themselves to handle their own most valuable thing! Show them the power of crypto to put that back in their hands, not a bunch of faux-libertarian fanboys clinging to a utopian promise from Satoshi that his creation lacks the feature set to make good on... Be visible. Penetrate Retail. You will not survive if you fail to do this. Not just DASH losing ground in the ponzi market cap game. All of crypto will be trashed before it takes it's first breath outside of the ponzi bubble.
Not everyone will choose to let go of Big Brother's hand. Plenty of people like it just the way it is. And that's fine. Let them. The point is to carve out our own path. You can't make that change in the world if you're such a sniveling coward pussy that you won't get off the couch. This thread is irrelevant if only 5 people see it.
As long as the sucknodes keep listening to the song of the pied piper, they'll keep shitting in their own faces and call it winning...