Presentacion de las Comunidades Aliadas de Venezuela

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Saludos este es el primer Post de las Comunidades Aliadas de Venezuela.

Somo actualmente 29 Comunidades que Impulsan a Dash a lo largo de Venezuela.

Comunidades Activas en Venezuela:

DASH Caracas
Cripto UCV (Comunidad Alidada en la Universidad Central de Venezuela)
RedProductiva Merida
DASH Barquisimeto
DASH Baruta
DASH Barlovento
DASH Barinas
DASH Cabimas
DASH Cagua
DASH carora
DASH Costas de Aragua
DASH Guarenas-Guatire
DASH Higuerote
DASH La Guaira
DASH Libertador
DASH Los Teques
DASH Maracaibo
DASH Maracay
DASH Monagas
DASH Puerto La Cruz
DASH San Antonio
DASH San Felipe
DASH Turmero
DASH Valencia
DASH Valera-Trujillo
DASH Valle de la Pascua
DASH Bolívar
DASH Táchira
DASH Yaracuy
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Hello everyone,

We present ourselves We are the Allied Dash Communities of Venezuela.

Around Venezuela after the great success of DASH Caracas, enthusiastic communities have emerged that support and teach the Advantages of DASH as means of payment for common use.

These communities are made up of small teams of 3 to 5 people, who spontaneously offer their time, to speak with people who live in the same city about DASH.

With the help of DASH Venezuela we have organized to share our achievements in this thread
Hello everyone, for the comparative part of what was our first conference of teques for entrepreneurs and merchants of Los Teques and Altos Mirandinos.

Attendees: 50
new wallets: 40
Transactions: 110 between refills, purchases and donations.
Good experience
Hello everyone, we're very excited with the proposal for the 29 communities of Venezuela. Since replicating the information achieved from Dash Venezuela requires effort, support and union of all the communities that grow in the country.
Proof of this is the combination of effort and work realized this weekend by Dash Los Teques and Dash San Antonio in the fourth event of Entrepreneurs of San Antonio de los Altos Mirandinos, city in the state Miranda, Venezuela, where more than 60 entrepreneurs participated and an influx of over 500 assistants was achieved.

There we accomplished alliance with some entrepreneurs that accept Dash and we offered products, courtesy by Dash Los Teques so people that downloaded the wallet would pass by Dash's stand to receive information.
We accomplished that over 1000 came over, 25 wallets downloaded and 60 transactions, a list of people interested was generated, among them several merchants, importers and exporters.

With all of this said, our proposal is very noble and attractive and it would fill us with huge enthusiasm if it can be approved.
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Dash Los Teques is present in the eleventh edition of the National Conference on Technological Sovereignty, going on stage to talk about the advantages and benefits of Dash in Venezuela's economy, possible solutions and support with proposals all over the country through the 29 communities that are currently active in the country.

We also offered the invitation to some entrepreneurs who accept Dash, who will bring support selling Dash products, courtesy of Dash Los Teques, the assistants will be able to purchase the products and execute the circle of receiving Dash and spend it.

It will be a very nice journey to showcase the reach of Dash digital money.
Dash Cabimas en conjunto con todos los que formamos el comprometido equipo de Dash Venezuela realizamos el 1er Meet Up en la ciudad de Cabimas siendo pioneros en esta región en el conocimiento de Dash. Nuestro Meet Up tuvo por titulo "BEAUTY CLASS” un evento dirigido a personas con conocimientos básicos e intermedios en el área del maquillaje, que reunió a maquilladores y emprendedores de la ciudad de una manera dinámica con el fin de ampliar conocimientos en el área de Maquillaje, marketing, manejo de redes sociales, así como, que es la criptomoneda, ventajas de la criptomoneda, Dash y la adopción de la criptomoneda Dash.
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Jovenes maquilladores y grandes emprendedores aperturaron sus billeteras y adoptaron la criptomoneda Dash, tambien les dieron la oportunidad a los participantes de comprar sus productos realizando pagos en Dash.


Los invitados tuvieron la oportunidad de degustar de una exquisita mesa de variados dulces y de diversas bebidas.
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Muy agradecidos con los chicos de Dash Maracaibo por su importante y grata asistencia al evento en el cual pudieron adquirir nuevos aprendizajes y vivir un magnifica experiencia Dash.
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Con muchas ganas y nuevas expectativas para todos los eventos y trabajos próximos para seguir impulsando nuestro país.

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Hello everyone. I am Euzulys Bello, founder of Dash Monagas, with the support of Dash Venezuela through a solid alliance of communities throughout the national territory we have been doing multiple activities where we have managed to position Dash as the most important cryptocurrency in Venezuela.

For our part, we have successfully met 4 meetup, serving an average of 80 people and 46 new wallets, and we have awakened the interest of our city in the use of this cryptocurrency as a daily use and even for safeguarding values and in turn we have spread the use of Dash by radio, regional tv and newspapers to continue promoting the work we carry as a community allied to Dash Venezuela


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Somos Cripto UCV, La primera comunidad Universitaria de DASH VENEZUELA. Fundada en mayo de este año Por Michael Gil, nuestro objetivo principal es impulsar la adopción de DASH en Venezuela a través de la educación, el deporte, la cultura y la recreación, actividades fundamentales para el desarrollo tanto en la universidad como el país.

La Universidad Central de Venezuela, la primera casa de estudio del país, es nuestra oficina de trabajo. Hemos hecho diversas Actividades en las cuales hemos recibido un total de 212 personas de las cuales 197 han descargado y usado la Dash Wallet.

Una de las actividades destacadas realizadas fue un taller de Dash y otras Critpomonedas para el Sector Salud para las clínicas y hospitales del país


También un foro sobre la legalidad de las Criptomonedas en Venezuela para los estudiantes de la Escuela de derecho de la UCV


Una Conferencia donde revelamos el secreto de las Dash y otras Criptomonedas.


Dentro de nuestros logros destacamos la Alianza con la Asociación Venezolanda de Clínicas y Hospitales.

La alianza con la Dirección de Extensión Universitaria UCV quien avala y certifica nuestras actividades. Además accedieron a incluir el logo de DASH Venezuela en los Certificados.


Estamos estableciendo alianzas con la dirección de Cultura y con la dirección de Deporte para futuras actividades.

Nuestro compromiso con DASH y con DASH Venezuela es muy grande, Queremos seguir Educando A la comunidad universitaria y a los distintos sectores productivos del país, seguir enseñándoles las bondades de las Criptomonedas pero en especial las bondades de DASH. Para ello requerimos de su apoyo.
Hello everyone,

Here I present the report of the Activity carried out by the Comunidad Dash Valencia, on September 25, 2019

Taking advantage of the invitation that Dash Venezuela made to Dash Core's Bussiness Development Regional Manager of the Latin America Ernesto Contreras, we ask that you visit us and make a talk to the Valencian public.





We met at the Ceate, Extension Center of the University of Carabobo, where Professor Jose Ferreira Academic Vice-Rector and Professor Santiago Guevara, of the Cryptocurrency Chair of the University also participated.


I also participate as a speaker Eugenia Alcala Leader of Dash Venezuela and Edgar Caballero Leader of the Community Dash Valencia.

The meeting was a success, after the presentations, the participants could buy their breakfast with an entrepreneur who accepts Dash.


Finally, the media interviewed the speakers



Thanks to Ernesto Contreras and Eugenia Alcala and their Dash Venezuela team, for their visit and help to the Community of Valencia
Do you know Alexis Lugo, from Dash Venezuela?

Also known as @Jahlexis_Tafari, Lugo is the coordinator of the Communities on the Board Venezuela program, and we realize that we are learning. Education and the massive adoption of Dash Dinero Digital in the South American country.

Do you want to give us your support? This is the link to our proposal to help communities grow throughout the country.
We are DASH Bolívar, located in "Ciudad Bolívar", Bolívar State in southern Venezuela. We aim to mass use of DASH in our city and surrounding areas.

DASH Bolívar is one of the last communities created, thanks to the support of DASH Venezuela, from Eugenia Alcala and Alexis Lugo.

We build our logo, based on the style of DASH and the style of the teacher Jesus Soto, a very famous kinetic artist in the country and the world.
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We have visited businesses, which have already started accepting DASH as a means of payment, including a school with an important enrollment in the city. Businesses like sales of jewelry, clothes and water recharge.

In the same way, in November we will participate in the "Bolivar Emprende" Exhibition where we will give talks to entrepreneurs of the city. In the same way, we will have a stand of participation to the community in general, to massify the knowledge of the use of DASH.


We already do meetup, but we will continue advancing in these activities focused on the use of DASH and other cryptocurrencies.

2do Taller Dash "Una Alternativa Economica Aliada"

Dash Costas de Aragua


En esta oportunidad Captamos 5 emprendedores en la Bahía de Cata.
Rest La Catalanita
Rest Cata´s Bay
Rest D´Usmura
Tienda de Ropa Playera - Venezuela Turistica

6 emprendedores en Playa Cuyagua.
Posada Don Porfirio
Hostal Casa Grande
Hostal Cuyagua Mar
Posada Cuyagua Beach
La Bodeguita de Chepa
Kullawa Shop

3 emprendedores en Ocumare de la Costa.
Rest Los Nonnos
Tienda de Ropa Playera Atlantis Surf
Posada Samiana

El dia 19 de Octubre contamos con el apoyo del Coordinador de Comunidades Alexis Lugo, quien explico La Historia del Dinero, Tecnología y Características de las Criptomonedas en especifico Dash y con Roberto Hung Abogado, quien expuso la Legalidad y Legitimidad de las Criptomonedas con el Valor de diferencia en Ley y Derecho.




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DASH Higuerote

Activa en el apoyo a los emprendedores que desean establecer DASH como forma de pago.

Mediante la asesoría gratuita, y el acompañamiento permanente.


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Hello community, we want to contribute our experience during these last 8 months of the Dash_Maracaibo community and share with you very interesting facts.

Here you can see some of the events we have done

Venezuela has almost 40 million inhabitants, achieving impact in at least 10% of that population it s difficult, we want to change a business dynamic in a country with a situation extreme, the advantages of using blockchain are not public domain, it is information that must be duplicated, it is disruptive and for most it represents a learning curve that can be postponed.

Communities are the means to reach the rest of the country and take advantage of the impact generated in the center

This can only be done if we are organized and that is what 29 communities make allied to the vision of DashVenezuela. We have many challenges to overcome, communication with our audiences, communication with the forum (in a language that we do not handle the majority), the study of new information for many, the impact of our strategies and the focus they have, but we are here telling you (in our bad English), that there are people working in Venezuela to build adoption, that we believe in Dash and that is the most relevant value for the success of any blockchain initiative.

If you support us, you can see our work with greater attention, you may not do it and we may continue to do with passion what we have already done, but here we are many, dedicating our precious time and we hope it is worthwhile for our country.

This is the proposal

Many of our events are advising companies in the use of Dash and in particular we want to share the achievement of soon including a supermarkets chain in our city, which we hope to attend, since they have between 5 stores 700 employees to attend and tell them about Dash .


"Super Tiendas Enne" is also an important piece as it shows two other chains that are waiting for us to make these training sessions to adapt the use of Dash on their platform and accept Dash.



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