This proposal would hasten world wide adoption of Dash by providing massive redundancy and access to basic information, as is the basic right of all humans according to the United Nations.
To understand the correlation of freedom to access basic information and the mass adoption of Dash, one might look at how access to basic information (as in Wikipedia) influences marketing in general. There have been some peer reviewed papers on how access to Wikipedia is disirable for marketing towards developing countries:
Pre-proposal Text
If "The Library" proposal passes, Masternodes would vote every four years on each of the below to host the data and torrents using X% of their maximum throughput for the next four years alongside the block chain on the Masternodes themselves:
1). A copy of the English Wikipedia as it was 12 months before the vote
2). Copies of WikiLeaks data dumps at the time of the vote
3). The most recent editions of the United Nations "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (UNUDHR)
4). The X% of throughput per the above
Legal Implications
Wikipedia is licensed under the following: CC Attribution / Share-Alike 3.0
Most text is also dual-licensed under GFDL; media licensing varies.
WikiLeaks and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights are under the Public Domain of most countries.
48 countries have voted in favor of the UNUDHR in 1948.
Any particular countries whom violate these licenses or whom have excessively restricted Public Domains violate the 19th article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights anyways and prohibit the expansion of Dash as per the reference paper in the introduction. For reference, Article 19 reads:
This proposal would hasten world wide adoption of Dash by providing massive redundancy and access to basic information, as is the basic right of all humans according to the United Nations.
To understand the correlation of freedom to access basic information and the mass adoption of Dash, one might look at how access to basic information (as in Wikipedia) influences marketing in general. There have been some peer reviewed papers on how access to Wikipedia is disirable for marketing towards developing countries:
Rask, Morten, The Richness and Reach of Wikinomics: Is the Free Web-Based Encyclopedia Wikipedia Only for the Rich Countries?. Proceedings of the Joint Conference of The International Society of Marketing Development and the Macromarketing Society, June 2-5, 2007.
Pre-proposal Text
If "The Library" proposal passes, Masternodes would vote every four years on each of the below to host the data and torrents using X% of their maximum throughput for the next four years alongside the block chain on the Masternodes themselves:
1). A copy of the English Wikipedia as it was 12 months before the vote
2). Copies of WikiLeaks data dumps at the time of the vote
3). The most recent editions of the United Nations "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" (UNUDHR)
4). The X% of throughput per the above
Legal Implications
Wikipedia is licensed under the following: CC Attribution / Share-Alike 3.0
Most text is also dual-licensed under GFDL; media licensing varies.
WikiLeaks and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights are under the Public Domain of most countries.
48 countries have voted in favor of the UNUDHR in 1948.
Any particular countries whom violate these licenses or whom have excessively restricted Public Domains violate the 19th article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights anyways and prohibit the expansion of Dash as per the reference paper in the introduction. For reference, Article 19 reads:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
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