Preproposal - Dash Fund

If the average proposal size was 10 dash (5 for the fee, 5 for the project), there would be 700 proposals per month. Impossible for MNOs to properly evaluate that many so I don't think we should be worried about special accommodations for proposals where the requested amount is less than 30.
Uncertain whether this is the right solution, but it definitely addresses an important issue. A more formal qualifying level for pre-proposals, along with reduced fees for select proposals could increase quality of proposals submitted, and volume of proposals to choose from. (lower submission fees = greater labor supply, more competition/selection)
Uncertain whether this is the right solution, but it definitely addresses an important issue. A more formal qualifying level for pre-proposals, along with reduced fees for select proposals could increase quality of proposals submitted, and volume of proposals to choose from. (lower submission fees = greater labor supply, more competition/selection)

You are right, this solution I propose can help to solve at this time the 5 Dash "issue", like other community members said before, the ideal solution need to be developed in the protocol, but MN still negative nad/or the proposals of reduce the fee are unattractive to them.
I want to know if the Dash community belives in my pre-proposal like a way to crowdfund the 5 Dash fee for submit a proposal. This idea also helps to select ideas that the communite likes, this is like the way how community can "vote" (by crowdfunding) backing interesting pre-proposals that MN should consider.

Please, refer to and if you like this pre-proposal, you can be pioneer crowfunding this one XtqEiGvHZ9oubwwaNrcZ7iJY5CJ2KJqp77
If the 5 Dash fee is reached, I submmit it to Dash Budget
Proposal Evaluation Committee

Hi Damian

Just want to find out if you are planning to submit your proposal officially, i.e. Pay the 5 Dash to submit it?
If so, do you agree to the PEC (Proposal Evaluation Committee) assisting you in preparing your Pre-Proposal?

The way we do it is to give a Report on your Proposal highlighting areas that you can improve.
As you improve the Proposal the Report is adjusted and this may be done a number of times (up to 5 or more), each time the chance of your Proposal being accepted by the MNO’s will increase.

The Report also has another function:
To give the Pre-Proposal a percentage mark. This percentage will make it possible to give the MNO’s and community a prioritized List of Evaluated Proposals. This list will save everyone time and increase the chance of your Proposal gaining votes.

However, please be aware that the PEC has not officially been accepted by the MNO’s. We are also in the Pre-Proposal phase, so you have no obligation to partake.
If you want to know who will be doing the Evaluations – see here: Official PEC Pre-P

If you do want to use our services (note this is a free service)
1. Please PM me on the Dash Pre + Budget Proposal Discussions Forum indicating agreement.
2. and if you have not done this yet, please read: How to submit a Dash Pre-Proposal
3. Once you have read it you might want to adjust your Pre-Proposal before we submit the 1st Report, so I will wait for you to give us the go-ahead before we start the evaluation process.

If you don’t want the PEC to evaluate the Proposal – please PM me as well, then I won’t bug you again for an answer ;)

Good luck with your Proposal!
Forgot to mention: We’ll be doing Reports on all Pre-Proposals in any case – towards the end of the cycle. ;)