PRE: Radio+1. Second round funding proposal.


I would like Ben Swann's figures to be audited properly as it quite clear that cooked up accounts have been given.
I have never seen millions of dollars accounted in the manner I see on Dashwatch currently.

Ofcourse you have the authority to ask questions if there are issues with misreporting.

You should ask him to provide receipts for transactions he claims to have made and blockchain transactions along with timestamps.
Having worked in audit before, I can tell you that you will receive heavy push back on transparency because this is a case of accounting fraud.

The web hosting cost clarification issued is a complete joke. A narration/clarification like that would have raised a large red flag.

The whole proposal has gone up to nearly 5600 dash, so this isnt a small amount anymore.
The entire point of dash watch is to ensure proposal owners don't get away with fraud like this.

In the meanwhile, you should communicate to the dash community the problems you are facing in getting information out of Swann.
He is still due to receive many payments and will be forced to comply if you approach the community with facts.

5600 - A joke about. Real description here:

Does anyone here read the proposals in detail?
5999 - a joke from the first of April. And, in the description - there is less money and a very great idea! Come, read, do not be too lazy. )
@Alexey Danilin - It's unfortunate that your proposal lost its funding, especially without warning or explanation. Unfortunately that is the nature of how the Dash treasury system works, and proposal owners must be aware of this when seeking funding from the DAO. In the future, we're working on ways to make it easier for Proposal Owners and Masternode Owners to interact and to monitor the whole process, but the DAO is still in its relative infancy and we're still figuring out the best way to handle everything.

In the future, for your sake, I would recommend taking the time to establish more of a presence in the community. Post on the forums, visit the Reddit, chat in the Discord channel. Proposal owners that are active in the community do much better and stay in favor. Proposal owners that take funding and then disappear are less likely to be viewed in a positive light. I understand there are some language issues, but Masternode Owners do want to see regular updates about what you are doing with your funding. Whoever it was that voted against you probably reasoned that what you were doing wasn't active or important enough, and that is sometimes a function of how active and present you are. So please keep that in mind. Acting out of emotion generally will work against you in business relationships.
@Alexey Danilin - It's unfortunate that your proposal lost its funding, especially without warning or explanation. Unfortunately that is the nature of how the Dash treasury system works, and proposal owners must be aware of this when seeking funding from the DAO. In the future, we're working on ways to make it easier for Proposal Owners and Masternode Owners to interact and to monitor the whole process, but the DAO is still in its relative infancy and we're still figuring out the best way to handle everything.

In the future, for your sake, I would recommend taking the time to establish more of a presence in the community. Post on the forums, visit the Reddit, chat in the Discord channel. Proposal owners that are active in the community do much better and stay in favor. Proposal owners that take funding and then disappear are less likely to be viewed in a positive light. I understand there are some language issues, but Masternode Owners do want to see regular updates about what you are doing with your funding. Whoever it was that voted against you probably reasoned that what you were doing wasn't active or important enough, and that is sometimes a function of how active and present you are. So please keep that in mind. Acting out of emotion generally will work against you in business relationships.

Thanks for the kind words and advice!
I will be glad your evaluation of the essence of our proposal!
@Alexey Danilin - It's unfortunate that your proposal lost its funding, especially without warning or explanation. Unfortunately that is the nature of how the Dash treasury system works, and proposal owners must be aware of this when seeking funding from the DAO. In the future, we're working on ways to make it easier for Proposal Owners and Masternode Owners to interact and to monitor the whole process, but the DAO is still in its relative infancy and we're still figuring out the best way to handle everything.

In the future, for your sake, I would recommend taking the time to establish more of a presence in the community. Post on the forums, visit the Reddit, chat in the Discord channel. Proposal owners that are active in the community do much better and stay in favor. Proposal owners that take funding and then disappear are less likely to be viewed in a positive light. I understand there are some language issues, but Masternode Owners do want to see regular updates about what you are doing with your funding. Whoever it was that voted against you probably reasoned that what you were doing wasn't active or important enough, and that is sometimes a function of how active and present you are. So please keep that in mind. Acting out of emotion generally will work against you in business relationships.

Hi friend. I understand you and agree that using such words for conversation, it does not add to that good and acceptable. But as an outside observer, I also understand him too. he tried very hard and did a great job. Yes, maybe someone will find this work unnecessary for Dash. but I see a person's belief in the fact that he does a lot of good for the Dash and it finds a response in the community of Dash. summarizing my message: I believe that he is worthy to be forgiven for his harsh words, they were said solely because of the big frustration. this person is not really ill-wishers or evil-man, he just tired and frustrated.
God bless all, my friends. Be lovely to each other!
We promote cryptoeconomics and DASH 24/7. This is very interesting work, and it allows us to meet a lot of very interesting people. After one meeting in our studio, and having in mind your story about Evolution, an amazing idea appeared in my dream...
I have been interested in cryptocurrencies and especially in DASH a long time ago. Your story about the new platform Evolution once again impressed me and convinced in validity of my crypto-choice. You are doing a great job, and your ideas are impressive! I want at least to help you and the DASH community in the development and evolvement of Digital Cash. But, I'm not a developer, and now we just try to tell about DASH's achievements in an interesting and professional way.
So, an idea came to me... Please, think about it, this scenario of further evolvement of Evolution came to me in my dream. Let it have a code name "Squared Evolution". I think it is good for development of functionality, that you designed.
So... Imagine you need to get into your Wallet Evolution account. To do this, you need to imagine some room, created by your own imagination, inside this room there is a key, hidden by you, and you need to use it to open an imaginary safe, which also was created by your imagination. And thats all, you`re inside the wallet, and can manage your balance with the power of thought. You can load imaginary gold bars, that represent DASH, on the carts and deliver these carts to your imaginary friends and partners. And all transactions are recorded in the blockchain. Your brain is connected directly to the blockchain. Verification is unique. Even if you tell your image to everyone, no one will be able to simulate the brain oscillations of your gyrus. Do you think it's a fairy tale? Not too crazy idea?
But such technologies already exist and this is real!
The technology exists, it is patented and now it is at the stage of investment proposal. Team wanted to start ICO with medical implementation of this technology. Everything is very cool there, and I offered them to try to create the management sollution for the wallet. They said - it is possible. Read the idea of real developers.
The progress of humanity goes at an exponential rate. What seemed a fantasy yesterday, now is a reality. For example, remote control of devices with commands of the brain – by the power of imagination, is a new level of human communication, which will soon become as habitual as the Internet or mobile communication.
At the same time, existing methods of access to crypto assets are extremely uncomfortable, but relatively secure, or more or less convenient, but unsafe. Fingerprint can be forged, face identification is unreliable, keywords can be lost (or forgotten), they can be copied. The list of vulnerabilities is huge – the problem of security and ease of use of cryptographic wallets is challenging and serious.
The solution is possible if you use the "brain-computer" interface (BCI) to access the wallet. The trick is that the manner of imagination of each person is unique and it is impossible to reproduce it. The scheme of implementing access to the cryptowallet using the BCI may look like this. The user puts on the head a standard wireless neuroreciever, than imagines one specialy invented movement (eg, as he dances Samba, or controls the board, gliding along the crest of the wave). Neurointerface records the manner of imagination, then asks the user several times, also mentally, to repeat these movements, confirming awareness of movements, and creates a private key. To access the wallet, the neurointerface identifies the manner of imagination that acts as a private key and, if the key is the one it should be, then the user accesses the wallet and can carry out operations. By the way, to increase the level of security, you can confirm operations with assets, stored in the wallet, using the same neurointerface.
Reliable neurotechnology of recognition of imagined movements was created by the team for rehabilitation after strokes, traumatic brain injurys and improving the quality of life of people with cerebral palsy, but the potential of this neurotechnology is much wider. About two dozen teams in the world develop neurointerfaces to recognize imaginary movements, however, in the case of the team of, the key characteristics of the technology are reliability and availability for home use.
The use of reliable neurotechnology to percieve imaginary movements for identification and verification will dramatically improve the security of the cryptographic wallet and will save its owner from most inconveniences and risks. There are different options in the practical application of the BCI technology, for example:

• additional level of security for regular crypto wallet

• mandatory second level of security protection for premium wallet, etc.

• brain-blockchain interface for permanent super secure asset management for verification and making payments on the wallets with a constant surplus, and on DASH masternodes.

The use of neuro-interfaces to protect crypto assets can be realized in a variety of forms and ways, which brings a huge commercial potential for crypto-developers. team plans an ICO (, they produce utility-token, which value is secured by priority access to neuro-technology for the holders of tokens. First of all, this technology is utilised for rehabilitation of immobilized people.
Adaptation of neuro-technology to the purpose of ensuring the security of cryptowallets will require additional research and development. The enhancement of the basic technology to the the universal neuroplatform is included in the roadmap of the Brain.Life. This platform can be used to develop applications with a wide range of implementation. The budget of this transition to nanoplatforms, in accordance with the calculations of the project, is more than real and adequate – from 100 to 300 DASH a month (depending on current exchange rate), the implementation period is 19 months from the beginning of funding.
Hereby we invite Dash community to act as a key early investor with special price preferences and an exclusive priority of using the developed neurotechnology. In response, the project team ensures strong and open cooperation with the DASH development team, work perfomance in accordance with the roadmap, as well as conducting a study on the applicability of neurointerfaces for verification of access to cryptographic wallets. In the case of positive results, that meet the requirements of the Dash community, further development of the neurointerface for management of the Dash wallet will be allocated to a separate joint project with an independent budget.
In case of a negative conclusion on the possibility of applying such technology to control the wallets, obtained in the process of research and development, the money won`t be wasted, they will be secured by tokens of already implemented technology for the recovery of post-stroke patients, which is unique and in high demand in medical sphere.
The development team consists of representatives of science, neurophysiology, cybernetics and specialized scientists. This technology has been developed for 10 years, and has already been implemented in prototypes. Clinical trials were conducted during 3 years. Technology is patented, it is unique and all rights belong to the team.
Colleagues! Before forming a possible budget proposal with this idea for the DASH community, and determining the form of possible cooperation, we ask you to provide your opinion on the proposed idea. If you're interested, I'd be happy to introduce you to the team, will help to organize cooperation, and I wish you all good luck! Are you interested?

Yours respectfully!

WOW! this is unbelievable and awesome idea! How can i participate in this project (unfortunately i haven't masternode, but have some budget to investment) Waiting for reply and thank you
WOW! this is unbelievable and awesome idea! How can i participate in this project (unfortunately i haven't masternode, but have some budget to investment) Waiting for reply and thank you
Cyrill, thanks for the tip. While there is no reaction to our budget proposal, we are ready to discuss with you all the details of cooperation. Do you want to tie the technology to a DASH, or another purse? Technology in prototypes is ready for demonstration - how and where is it convenient for you to hold negotiations? Write me your wishes to the mail, and we will continue our work. If there are more questions, you can ask them here for speed. [email protected]
WOW! this is unbelievable and awesome idea! How can i participate in this project (unfortunately i haven't masternode, but have some budget to investment) Waiting for reply and thank you
Already now you can enter words, figures, and control your movements.
Developing the technology under the purse should translate all commands into a unique graphical interface, abandon the monitor, and completely and securely manage the unique, only your purse-verified wallet, and the power of thought to carry out transactions, through mental imagery visualization of their teams. It takes time. Are you ready for a marathon run in a year and a half? On numbers and letters we can now adjust the devices to your wallet. You are interested?
I voted yes for your project and made positive comments on the DashCentral proposal.

There is, under no circumstance, any room for April fool's jokes in a serious proposal. Ever. Masternodes have a ton of stuff to read through and research. This is like reading a stack of 100 resumes for one job. You look for any single disqualifier to throw out proposals. I have to think lots of masternodes never got past the giant ask of almost 6,000 Dash.
And it really looked unprofessional to have this big discussion about some conspiracy and to throw mud at Ben Swan and threaten the Masternode community.

Lots of people, including virtually every Masternode, is suffering from the 75% loss of value in Dash. I feel for your suffering. I share in your suffering. But you have to recognize that we now have to make very difficult choices and adjustments in our Treasury process.

At this point, I don't know if you can recover from these errors.
I voted yes for your project and made positive comments on the DashCentral proposal.

There is, under no circumstance, any room for April fool's jokes in a serious proposal. Ever. Masternodes have a ton of stuff to read through and research. This is like reading a stack of 100 resumes for one job. You look for any single disqualifier to throw out proposals. I have to think lots of masternodes never got past the giant ask of almost 6,000 Dash.
And it really looked unprofessional to have this big discussion about some conspiracy and to throw mud at Ben Swan and threaten the Masternode community.

Lots of people, including virtually every Masternode, is suffering from the 75% loss of value in Dash. I feel for your suffering. I share in your suffering. But you have to recognize that we now have to make very difficult choices and adjustments in our Treasury process.

At this point, I don't know if you can recover from these errors.

Our "joke" was a response to a mass silent vote on the last night before the end of the month. This is also a very bad "joke" when you are told that you are doing everything right, invite to meetings, conferences and plan new programs with you, and suddenly reject your proposal.
Agree, we all dklayem errors. Someone corrects them. We apologized. And, we work further. Round the clock. Without money and alert. Without your support and well-reasoned answers. Just like you are with horror updating the courses Cryptocurrency, and finding them in a terrible fall.
We regret that a sense of humor died here today. We have not died from your shock terrapia, and we continue to work. Fight for your votes and convince you in the opposite, to submit new budgeted applications - sorry - there is no time, effort and money. Now for us the sacred task is to pay people salaries and continue work. Our work is the answer to all your claims and advice. And, it goes without stopping. We are always on the air, and we contribute to the positive development of the DASH project. Our feelings and criticism have not gone beyond the scope of this forum. We have coped with emotions, and we pay people a salary. Nobody could say anything bad about DASH-budget.

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Cyrill, thanks for the tip. While there is no reaction to our budget proposal, we are ready to discuss with you all the details of cooperation. Do you want to tie the technology to a DASH, or another purse? Technology in prototypes is ready for demonstration - how and where is it convenient for you to hold negotiations? Write me your wishes to the mail, and we will continue our work. If there are more questions, you can ask them here for speed. [email protected]

Thanks for reply Alexey! I have wrote my wishes on your e-mail. But in any case first of making a concret offer to you it's neccessary to me see some opinions from here. Also it never means i trust this decigions but you know, i need to collect max of info. no offense pls man, it's just my professional deformation to checkout all :)
Thanks for reply Alexey! I have wrote my wishes on your e-mail. But in any case first of making a concret offer to you it's neccessary to me see some opinions from here. Also it never means i trust this decigions but you know, i need to collect max of info. no offense pls man, it's just my professional deformation to checkout all :)

Ok, Cyrill. I hope that my colleagues will want to tell about this idea. Thanks you!
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Hello. I'm very sorry you lost your funding last month and at the last minute. :( I truly hope you are funded this month AND compensated for your losses and troubles. I highly support your proposal - a lot of service at a super price! I think this would be a BIG loss for Dash in Russia to not support you.

Thank you for speaking up! After researching your claims at length, I agreed with you.

Also, thank you for clarifying the 5999 Dash was an April Fool's Joke. ;) I was totally confused for days because the time stamp was off and I didn't think of that coming from Russia. :) There were also multiple costs posted. Good one! But post 'just kidding' sooner! :)

Good Luck! and Best Wishes! to you and your comrades. :)

You'll be in my thoughts and prayers for continued success and funding.