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Proposal Idea:

First DASH Conference Series Spain

(Madrid - Canary Islands - Barcelona)

"Cryptocurrencies are not the Future... They are the Present"


The purpose of this cycle of events, is to position DASH as a digital currency by excellence.

In this sense, our approach will highlight the importance of adopting DASH as a "Payment Method” with all the advantages that this implies (for consumers and traders), with a special emphasis on cutting-edge technology, its "low cost" in commissions, its speed and security.

In addition to all of the above, it should be noted that people will live the DASH experience, downloading their wallets and even making transactions for a practical and direct assimilation.

This proposal would be the first cycle of 3 conferences that we want to launch throughout Spain, in a period of one year (cycles of 3 quarterly events) and with the intention of focusing on the more than 48 million inhabitants, the almost 5 million foreigners and the more than 78 million tourists who visit Spain every year

This first conference cycle will be held in Madrid, with a population of more than 3 million inhabitants, Barcelona with a population of over 1.6 million people and Santa Cruz de Tenerife with a population of more than 900,000 inhabitants. but with incidence in more than 2 million inhabitants in the Canary archipelago.

Each of these locations are visited by millions of tourists every year, many of them from countries with currencies other than the euro, so one of the objectives of the conferences is to create awareness among the merchants of the area, regarding the benefits of adopting Dash as a payment method.

About us:

We are a group of professionals with extensive experience in the formation of multidisciplinary teams aimed at achieving objectives, and we are absolutely committed to the correct and effective dissemination of DASH in Spain.

For the organization of this First Cycle of Dash Conferences in Spain, we have the collaboration of “Dash Maracay” who have shared their "Know How" with us after the successful conference held in the city of Maracay-Venezuela

Germán Rodríguez Santos, General Coordinator

Vanessa Rivas, Team Leader Madrid.

Thais Rangel, Team Leader Barcelona.

Contact: Dash SPAIN

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.dashespañ (Under construction)


Our proposal has a bidirectional scope because it aims not only to promote DASH in person (with approximate attendance between 500 and 700 people per event), but also to activate an online email marketing strategy, whose "engagement" will consist of a series of 4 free videos about DASH, thus leaving the people automatically registered to our ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER -DASH SPAIN-.

The above will allow us to impact more than 75,000 people per campaign and event, as we will explain in the following.

1. "Face-to-face Magisterial Conferences” (Madrid-Canarias-Barcelona)

2. "Email Marketing Strategy and DASH SPAIN Electronic Newsletter".

3. Advertising campaign in the press, radio and television, with interviews arranged with the different local media.

1. Face-to-face Magisterial Conferences

Within the framework of this first area, our face-to-face event will have the following components:

  • Introductory Talk: "Blockchain and Other Wonders"
  • What is DASH and Its Extraordinary Reason To Be? "
  • "Why Adopt DASH as a Payment Method"
  • Live The DASH Experience (Practical interaction where attendees will have the opportunity to download their e-wallets, receive DASH, and make transactions in the middle of a trade fair comprised of businessmen from the area)
  • Creation of Dash Community.

2- "Email Marketing Strategy and DASH SPAIN Electronic Newsletter".

The gateway to this strategy is to offer a free series of 4 informative videos about Cryptocurrencies, being DASH the main reference.

Using a "lead-capture form", we will obtain the emails and names of the different prospects interested in receiving this series of videos.

Once registered with their corresponding emails, they will receive a sequence of daily emails for 3 months about DASH, with the first 4 emails that will deliver the free videos promised initially.

Strategy Pay-Per-Click Adverting Campaign (PPC)

In order to achieve a resounding success in these two areas, we will develop powerful "pay per click" campaigns through Facebook and Instagram, thanks to our team of specialists in this advertising mode.

Each “PPC” campaign will be segmented locally to obtain synergistic results both in-person and online.

Example (Taken from the Madrid campaign):

Allocating €7500 for our Madrid event, the approximate impact would be as follows:

Cost per click (visitor to our landing page) approximate: €0.08.

€7500 between €0.08. It allows us to bring a total of 93,750 visitors to our capture page (where we offer a series of 4 free videos, for which they must register with their emails and names).

usually the percentage of visitors registered in the lead-form is between 13% and 20%.

Let's take 15% as the average value.

In this case we will have about 14,062 registered (conversion of visitors to prospects) with their due emails and names.

From this moment, these prospects will receive different emails (email sequence) which will be delivering a video gift for each day, as well as relevant and valuable information about DASH, and as if that were not enough, all the necessary information about the FACE-TO-FACE EVENT soon to be held in Madrid.

In this way we will achieve, apart from registering and fidelizing almost 9375 people for DASH, the potential local assistants to our face-to-face event. This is what we meant when we talked about synergistic results.

It is obvious that from more than 14,000 local prospects in Madrid, with whom we will have continuous communication through our electronic newsletter, it is easy to get a massive attendance at the face-to-face event.

However, the residual and persuasive work that 3 months of daily emails in our newsletter entail, will convert many, as followers of DASH, even though they could not attend the event.

This same practical example is applied in the same way in the Canary Islands and Barcelona.

Target Audience Ideal:

In order to achieve an adequate and effective segmentation through the Facebook and Instagram platforms, we will manage ranges, interests and characteristics such as the following.

Ages: Between 24 and 60 years

Sex: Men and Women

Location: Madrid Spain.

Interests: Business, Investment, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Bitcoin, Dash.

Place and date:

Madrid. Hotel NH Madrid. July 14, 2018.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Hotel Taburiente, September 08, 2018

Barcelona, Hotel to be defined, September 29, 2018


Spain is a country with a population of more than 48 million inhabitants.

During the year 2017 it was visited by more than 82 million tourists from all over the world, this implies that in this wonderful country, live together more than 130 million people annually.

This makes Spain a potentially interesting country, so that the implementation of Dash as a payment method is a priority since most tourists have to resort to the exchange offices to make transfers and / or payments in established shops.

In this sense, in a medium and long term future, DASH could cover such need efficiently, easily and fast.

Our "initial" proposal is based on the realization of a cycle of 3 first conferences as we have been pointing out, sowing in this way a precedent that will allow us to establish the first settlement of this future reality.

We are sure that after our results have been as expected, we can continue conquering other cities in Spanish territory until we get of Spain a Crypto-Country DASH.

Post-Event and Follow-up:

At the end of the event we will build a work team with the purpose of attracting businesses in the area, which will implement Dash as a payment method with an expected goal of 50 shops per campaign.

On the other hand, the implicit follow-up implied by our newsletter is a guarantee of a sophisticated work that will end up with extraordinary results.

Summary of the 3 campaigns:

In the field we will be directly reaching between 1500 and 2000 people who will attend our events, and indirectly being these spokespersons among their social circles, at least 15000 people.

In the online environment, we will receive close to 300,000 visits, registering more than 40,000 prospects previously pre-qualified and subscribed to our newsletter.


The General Budget of this proposal is €177,510.00 corresponding to three Presential Conferences, in which we will be directly reaching between 1,500 and 2,000 people who will attend our events, and indirectly, being these spokespersons among their social circles, at least another 15,000 people.

In the online arena we will receive some 290,000 views, (thanks to Pay-Per-Click advertising) registering more than 42,000 prospects per event, previously pre-qualified and subscribed to our DASH newsletter.

Each budget varies in costs, since each location manages different prices and also in the Madrid Conference all the costs related to email marketing, Refund for proposal, Advisory from Dash Maracay, Website Construction and Website Hosting, among others, were included. they will not be necessary in subsequent events.



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    Captura de pantalla 2018-05-16 a las 8.56.44.png
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So you want 550 Dash for a conference?
It really implies a series of 3 conferences in the following locations: Madrid, Barcelona and Tenerife. Each Conference has a budget adjusted to its local costs. In the attached documents you will see each budget per unit.
It is important to note that the calculation was made based on € 300 per Dash, this means that we will adjust it when appropriate to present the official proposal.
I really like this pre-proposal, this man transmit confidence and honesty.

For "15,000 people" and "registering more than 42,000 prospects per event" i think you must ask more Dash, 800 D / month can be a good start.

PS :"reserved"
I think dash is at the point where just meetups and conferences simply aren’t enough anymore.
If you could add a long term merchant adoption program, PR and support similar to what the dash embassy dach is doing this proposal would have much more impact.
Imo advertising and educating dash is ineffective when it’s practically nonexistent in the real economy.
Bring on the interdisciplinary team:)

Edit: Are you aware that crypto ads are banned on Facebook?
It really implies a series of 3 conferences in the following locations: Madrid, Barcelona and Tenerife. Each Conference has a budget adjusted to its local costs. In the attached documents you will see each budget per unit.
It is important to note that the calculation was made based on € 300 per Dash, this means that we will adjust it when appropriate to present the official proposal.

Yes, we understand your criteria, however, this analytical data that we expose in the proposal have been tested by us again and again with our own projects. We have no doubt because we have also been somewhat conservative in these projections.

By the way, thank you very much for your kind comment, we are very grateful.
I think dash is at the point where just meetups and conferences simply aren’t enough anymore.
If you could add a long term merchant adoption program, PR and support similar to what the dash embassy dach is doing this proposal would have much more impact.
Imo advertising and educating dash is ineffective when it’s practically nonexistent in the real economy.
Bring on the interdisciplinary team:)

Edit: Are you aware that crypto ads are banned on Facebook?

Be certain that we will take your suggestion into account, very good indeed.

Regarding what you comment on Facebook, yes, we are indeed aware of it, but we will not make "crypto ADS", we will really promote some videos on "How to Take Advantage of New Technologies" and so on.

That is, we will simulate the terms but in the same way we can point to a good target.

Already in the email marketing process we can focus on DASH, to keep loyal people and invite them to our events.

Thank you very much for your comment and contribution!