(Pre-Proposal) What is Dash? (videos) reaching out to swedish users


Active member
Hey every one! :)

I've been lately thinking about what can I do for Dash the currency / Dash community.
I then came to think about all the videos off "what is dash?" in different languages.

And there is none in Swedish speaking language. Pretty much all swedes know what bitcoin is, but when it comes to Dash as a currency they look like a big question mark.

I've been involved with cryptocurrency since about 3 years back and joined the Dash community September 24, 2015. Maybe I'm not the one who made most posts on the forum, but the more I read.

So befor I present all details about myself and what I've done, I wanted some feedback what you think ?
  • Is there any need for "What is dash?" in swedish speaking language?
  • Is it a good idéa to reach out to more european countries ?
What I wanna do is some informative videos for dashorg @ youtube in Swedish.
I don't really know what kind of "price" I would charge since I really like the currency and devs and wanna help out.
But I intend to make the videos on my own with Full HD video camera, editing and even making English subs.

So this is a Pre-Proprosal research at this stage :) see if there is any intresst.

Regards Dash4ever :cool:
I think the market is not that big, but is definetly a highly intelligent, sophisticated and also with great disponsable income crowd. For what I heard Danish adn Swedeish are not the most progressive kind but I guess it would be great market to add on. There are many DASH videos in different languages including Russian, Spanish, French, would be great to have these on more languages. Here are some:
we have a swedish language section here on DF and as far as i know there is nothing going on
it takes some engagement to build up and ralley community / translations are important (did you check the subtitles for that video)
we have a swedish language section here on DF and as far as i know there is nothing going on
it takes some engagement to build up and ralley community / translations are important (did you check the subtitles for that video)

Yeah it's pretty silent on these sections :) also on all other swedish forums / platforms, because they probably don't know Dash exist
Lots of Bitcoin fans in Sweden.

Made the Swedish translation for: (long time ago)