@SynthesisCreative - Count me in too - big yes and I am sure you will get all the support you need to get this going 
@SynthesisCreative You'll have much better luck going through Fernando than you will reaching out to O&M directly.
Honestly I would hold off on advertising Dash too widely until things are farther along. I hate saying "wait until we're ready" but look at it from this perspective:
If you ran an advertisement for Dash today and told them to go to Dash.org in the CTA at the end of the video, they'd get there and then what?
What are the chances someone who knows nothing about Dash or how crypto works would manage to figure out that they need to download a wallet, that they need to go to an exchange, register and provide their ID for KYC/AML, and then purchase Dash, send it to their wallet, and then MAYBE find a place to use it.
These are the kinds of things that Fernando and O&M are dealing with and considering when approaching advertising. Skipping past that and just funding an advertisement forgets the fact that the customer has to be able to easily use the product that you're advertising.
This is the problem we have today with advertising Dash on airplanes. People watch the video, and then what?
Hey Jeff, Thank you for the feedback. A big part of our goal here is to help those proposals that are using the "what is dash?" video and provide additional high quality advertising options for distribution. The way we see it there will always be a barrier to entry when it comes to cryptocurrency, but this barrier shouldn't prevent us from promoting Dash as a payments solution for everyone. When Evolution comes along and makes it extremely easy to use Dash then it's only natural we can change the message and do a "look how easy it is to setup" advertisement. At the moment, though the barrier to get started quickly is significant, it doesn't negate the fact that Dash, once acquired, is easy to use for peer-to peer-payments. That's the message we are hoping to address with our first advertisements. We also believe that the advantage of these ads isn't just the CTA at the end of the video, but reenforcing in the the public's eye that Dash is a clean, professional payments solution. We've been thrilled with the amount of our peers who saw the airplane commercial, and though they didn't immediately all go to Dash.org they certainly retained that Dash has the ability to fund these advertisements and made a mental note which should come in handy when they're making their first cryptocurrency purchase in the future. We have also reached out to @fernando via email but have not heard back yet, if you check his account he's been offline for a little while now. If we receive the necessary information from him we would love to match those guidelines and apply them to our video. That said, we've been encouraged by @AmandaBJohnson to continue our pursuit of this proposal regardless of whether Fernando/O&M decide to include us in their plans.
Regarding the budget, we intend to adjust the fee cost when the proposal is submitted to reflect the actual cost of Dash at that time. With our extensive experience in content production, music licensing commercial distribution ranges from $1000 to $5000. Since the network budgeting process doesn't allow us to change the budget after the fact we decided to budget right in the middle with the intention of providing as much value as possible to the network. Ultimately we're big fans of Dash, we believe that the success of this proposal is good for all Dash users and our intention is to deliver the best quality video possible with the budget we laid out.
Thanks for clarifying those two budget things.
I might not speak for everyone but I really wouldn't be very happy having a commercial made without participation from Fernando and O&M. People talk about communication and directionality in crypto communities as "herding cats". If everyone has a different marketing message and times things poorly, then that's entirely appropriate.
Showing people that Dash is a clean, professional payments solution, if they can't go and actually try and use it - doesn't really matter. It's only going to tarnish their opinion of Dash into the future when it is ready to be that clean, professional, payments solution that's integrated in many places.
I really like your enthusiasm and I respect your drive. I just want to make sure that the Treasury is spending its funds wisely, at the right time, and in the right place - where they can have the most impact.
On a somewhat related note, Core team will be sharing lots of marketing and branding stuff this month which might better inform this project. Maybe push this to next month?
There are already quite a few expensive videos in production and before evolution launches, I dont see this getting much support.
You should contact core to see if they are willing to endorse this as something they need, otherwise it is a clear no..
Because people can create fake accounts on this forum, representing valid companies and request money from the network, we usually ask them to identify themselves on a social channel.
i.e. Write on your Facebook, Website or twitter account "Synthesis Creative is excited to submit a proposal to partner with the Dash network" or something to that effect.
This proves that you are who you actually say you are and not someone pretending to be you and take the networks money![]()
Those concerns are definitely valid @jeffh. One point we would like to address a bit further is the use of DASH for new adopters. To be clear, this proposal would implement the current, working DASH iOS wallet. This is the point of reference we would initially steer the audience to for immediate usage of the currency. Do you feel it is unnecessary to promote the current iOS Wallet?
We may also be able to view this as a bit more of “a glance in to the future possibility” as Toyota has done with their ads, if you’re familiar?
Our task of making contact and being in collaboration with @fernando and O&M will not rest. Either way, these conversations with the community are of the utmost importance to us. We are ultimately trying to find the best way to provide for the network. Without valuable input such as yours, the best approach would not be found.
Hmm. Their Facebook page has 39 likes. Even if they post there to "verify identity" -- that doesn't verify the bonfides of the production or branding capabilities, or that this is a real company. Is there any other background on who the team behind this is and what high end commercial experience (I see the videos on website but again, hard to know what role they played in these, and I see no team members listed anywhere to vet their backgrounds).
* edit -- I do see the DP and editor names listed, but I'd prefer to know about the producers/writer/director.
As for the DASH iOS wallet, it will probably be deprecated soon in favor of the new Copay based wallet coming. It has a more attractive interface and will lend itself towards the kind of things the next person on the adoption curve will actually be doing with the wallet.
Another thing to consider is who's the audience for this video? Is it Americans? Is it Africans? Is it the people of Latin America?
Whose lives are you trying to show as potentially better because they can transact value using Dash instead of the way that they have been doing it?
Keep in mind, in North America (and much of the rest of the developed world), Paypal and Venmo, and Square Cash - work great. You're not going to convince people using those that going through all the effort to get Dash is worth it just so that they can do what they've already been doing, with those apps that already exist.
The references here are to million dollar tv commercials (ala Toyota). Has Synthesis worked as production company on anything at this level?
I agree with @lisbethohana - one person here is listed as a cinematographer and the other is an editor. Both have reels for those specific functions but is much different than actually producing commercials full time. I like the Danny Trejo production proposal myself but maybe there will be enough budget for both and can see which performs. My two cents but good luck!The references here are to million dollar tv commercials (ala Toyota). Has Synthesis worked as production company on anything at this level?