Pre-Proposal | 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon 2018' - Title Sponsor & 'Official Payment Partner'

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To the DASH Community

We're excited to announce The San Francisco Marathon havepending Network votesagreed to sign DASH as Title Sponsor and 'Official Payment Partner' for the 2018 event this July 29.

We propose an experiential platform to claim an ownable space in the consumer's mind; a first-mover opportunity to define the core of the DASH brand and meaning. In a 1-to-3 year business strategy, DASH will become the de facto sponsor of the world's MOMENTUM SPORTS, aligning itself on a human scale with events that showcase the human experience and emotions: the preparation, the commitment, the celebration.

A significant opportunity for DASH awareness and adoption with a profile-raising headline:

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The San Francisco Marathon is the premier west coast marathon. Recently celebrating 40 years, TSFM is at the leading edge of innovation and fully committed to a 'technology marathon.'

A globally watched event showcasing a commitment to DASH core values to an audience of Silicon Valley and tech influencers.

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Guaranteed live TV coverage from CBS affiliate KPIX 5, the 2018 official media partner.

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An unique opportunity for Core Team to informally meet the top 200 technology influencers as our VIP guests.

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A targeted merchant outreach campaign will run in advance of, and in proximity to, specific experiences that connect the brand/transactions to potential users.

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World-class photography will capture the training and race experience for local OOH and online marketing.

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A phased roll-out program will build awareness over 3 months towards marathon day.

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People don't remember marketing, they remember experiences. Group experiences. 'Momentum Sports' like marathons require the least advertising. They are advertisements.

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The platform we propose is simple, direct, and organic to the brand; further, it comes with a road map for success:

What Red Bull built in the extreme sports space, DASH will build with MOMENTUM SPORTS.

These are early days in the adoption of crypto. Earlier still in marketing them. There is potential legal jeopardy we must be mindful of to protect the nascent brand. Until SEC issues further guidelines on marketing, wise counsel suggests investing in a less direct approach of event sponsorship.

About Us
Household Name® is a Brooklyn-based advertising, social media, and experiential communications company with a focus on crypto. We look for synergies that combine directed outrageousness with pressure-tested analysis.

We field a team of 20+ year industry veterans of the top US agencies with extensive retail banking experience on Mastercard 'Priceless', Citibank, and BNY Mellon. An ideas company to our core, we generate original concepts and strategies that connect ideas with brands, and brands with people.

This summer, you could be watching (or running) 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon.' Please up-vote/share to make it a reality. Together we can push DASH ahead of the crypto pack!

We look forward to your comments and suggestions. Thank you for your consideration.


Adrian Saker | Marketing & Sponsorship | Household Name | Brooklyn NYC


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    TSFM plan.jpg
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Good start what are the projected costs associated with such sponsorship?

Hello, and thanks for getting back to us!

In defining your business challenge, we propose a growth strategy toward merchant/consumer adoption.

Disruptive technologies demand disruptive marketing; language and ideas that reframe and pivot the world into which this new brand is entering.

A 'MOMENTUM SPORTS' platform presents an opportunity to raise your profile while combining (1.) a technology showcase (DASH transactions) and (2.) broad B2C reach (adoption).

Benefits / ROI
  • Newsworthiness: "The first cryptocurrency to sponsor a major sporting event"
  • Globally watched event with branding and significant B2C reach
  • Opportunity to engage DASH community as runners/supporters
  • Showcase a commitment to DASH core values
  • Pre-race and onsite branding/communications
  • Unveil Ogilvy or Tharp & Clark design on a global stage
  • DASH logo/payment button on TSFM website
  • Opportunities to forge long-term strategic partnerships among co-sponsors
  • Primary audience: merchants/consumers
  • Secondary: cryptoverse, traders, devs, institutional investors

Sponsorship Fees
Title Sponsor and 'Official Payment Partner' investment for a proposed 1-year deal is $1.5 - 2M, depending on level of deliverables.

For comparison, Tata Consultancy Services signed a 8-year deal in 2013 as 'Presenting Sponsor' for the NYC Marathon for an estimated $100M. (TCS also sponsor the Boston and Chicago marathons).

Unique among marketing agencies Household Name® accept compensation in coins/tokens, not fiat. As DASH hodlers we fully believe in crypto/blockchain and have skin in the game!

To project manage and deliver on the proposal, our fee is 10% of the overall sponsorship marketing budget.

Next Steps
We will incorporate community suggestions into the pre-proposal thru March 30. On April 1 we will post to Dash Central. If the majority vote 'Yes' we will prepare a legally binding contract with TSFM, plus a letter of engagement and move forward with implementation on your behalf.

We operate our business in a spirit of openness and our findings would be fully transparent.

We are happy to partner with Tharp & Clark to incorporate their new brand identity across all sponsorship platforms.

We believe owning MOMENTUM SPORTS is a defining opportunity for DASH. We'd love to help travel with you on this journey.

Thank you.

Team Household Name®

Adrian Saker | Marketing & Sponsorship | Household Name | Brooklyn NYC
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I really liked the precaution you are taking from the legal area.
Certainly at this time there is a legal uncertainty in the United States about cryptocurrencies but I believe that if you are taking enough precaution, you will not have problems.
And I think that a marathon is very related with Dash;)
Thanks for the pre-proposal.
Could this sponsorship include a payments using Dash (with a discount involved). This might include paying for the NYC Marathon entry fee (for example).
After all........payments.

(Edit: Now proposed as SF Marathon sponsorship).

Yes, absolutely we see this is a payment technology showcase leading to wider real-world adoption.

TSFM (a merchant) have agreed to incorporate a 'Pay with DASH' button on their home page. We will discuss a discount incentive with them.

Thanks for liking/commenting!

Proposal also posted to Reddit:
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Thank you Ezio.

"Legal uncertainty" is exactly correct. There's a balance to be found in the language/claims without raising any red flags. In this we have partnered with counsel who have wide experience in crypto.

Implicit in DASH's very existence is decentralized anti-authoritarianism. But as cryptocurrencies mature into consumer-facing brands, they must embrace messaging that tempers their hacker/anti-establishment roots on the path to mass adoption. (In this, financial services brands must be especially sensitive).

SEC Chairman Jay Clayton: "I want to go back to separating ICOs and cryptocurrencies. ICOs that are securities offerings, we should regulate them like we regulate securities offerings. End of story."

Even though we are not in ICO phase, we still propose a conservative approach (sponsorship) at this early stage of the brand's lifecycle.
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This discussion is pointless without a budget.

Whether you are asking for 50-100 Dash or more will determine how useful this project is.

Also, asking for 20% budget for admin expenses is a going to get this proposal shot down..
(Note: Original post edited per Argon's comment).

Hi Argon––

Let us not underestimate the huge opportunity here to sign DASH as 'Official Payment Partner' of the San Francisco marathon. This is a gateway to merchant adoption. Plus invaluable face-time for Core Team with Silicon Valley influencers.

We have been in extended negotiations with TSFM refining this proposal. You'll see there are numerous line items to be sourced and delivered over a 3 month period, hence the 10% (reduced) fee for labor.

Thank you.

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Hello guys, thanks for bringing this proposal, but you should post here the budget and the fee for the advertising campaign. Also I would recommend to use escrow service.
According to the slide, the ask is $1-2 Million in Dash Equivalent, so most of our budget. It sounds like a great opportunity with huge exposure, very thorough branding and coverage on all platforms, no doubt. I'm not just not certain the way the current market value(s) have been, and with all the other projects we have going, that it's really within our budget at the moment. If the Cryptocurrency market sees a big upturn, then this could be something we might pursue, but that's basically unpredictable. Given that this is a time-sensitive opportunity, we might be better served pursuing opportunities like this later on when the market recovers and we have more weight to throw around, maybe next year depending?
Hello guys, thanks for bringing this proposal, but you should post here the budget and the fee for the advertising campaign. Also I would recommend to use escrow service.

Hi Alejandro––

We were in conversation with the NYC marathon who also expressed an interest, however we now feel the Silicon Valley audience is a better fit and opportunity for DASH.

We reached out to Green Candle about escrow and they are currently reviewing our proposal.

Thank you for the advice!
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According to the slide, the ask is $1-2 Million in Dash Equivalent, so most of our budget. It sounds like a great opportunity with huge exposure, very thorough branding and coverage on all platforms, no doubt. I'm not just not certain the way the current market value(s) have been, and with all the other projects we have going, that it's really within our budget at the moment. If the Cryptocurrency market sees a big upturn, then this could be something we might pursue, but that's basically unpredictable. Given that this is a time-sensitive opportunity, we might be better served pursuing opportunities like this later on when the market recovers and we have more weight to throw around, maybe next year depending?

Hi Arthyron––

We have been negotiating this project for many weeks with TSFM and they are excited by the prospect of DASH as title sponsor and 2018 being a 'technology marathon.'

Without doubt $1.5 - 2M is no small expenditure, however they have agreed to payment tranches over 3 consecutive months. This is no small concession on their part.

But let's consider the macro view and what DASH would get for this:

- 4 million TV viewers watching the hours-long race live with the DASH logo on every runner's shirt.

- a $500k local media buy advertising the race. This sum is effectively a take-over of the San Francisco transit system.

- Our contacts at TSFM have Silicon Valley influencers on speed-dial and will facilitate introductions to the VIP pre/post race restaurant full buyout. This is in our view the most important opportunity of them all. Consider if just one deal is signed.

- Real-world merchant adoption in a highly targeted ground game.​

We're all aware of the current market; DASH needs a headline-grabbing story, one that builds a beachhead in the most tech-savvy city in America.

We sense this is a critical year for crypto. There will be winners and losers. The opportunity for DASH to seize a leadership position is upon us.
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Did this say $100mm USD?

Hi Yoshimi,

Tata Consultancy Services paid an estimated $100M for an 8-year deal for 'presenting sponsor' of the NYC Marathon. (That's $12.5M / year).

Naming rights and partnership in 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon' as 'Official Payment Partner' is a $1.5M - $2M investment, depending on level of deliverables.
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Yes from me. This is big. I wouldn't shed any tears if this pushed out other bloated proposals such as Ben Swann's.

Hi Unstoppable––

Big indeed. The offer is on the table, and only one crypto can be the first to own it.

If perception is reality, then Title Sponsorship places DASH in a hierarchy of blue chip brands above Capital One, Air France and Lyft.

Thank you for the support.
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Hi Yoshimi,

Tata Consultancy Services paid an estimated $100M for an 8-year deal for 'presenting sponsor' of the NYC Marathon.

Naming rights and partnership in 'The DASH San Francisco Marathon' as 'Official Payment Partner' is a $1.5M - $2M investment, depending on level of deliverables.
Thank you for context, though that doesn't mean that Tata Consultancy Services made any ROI from their investment, or that Dash should follow suit just how they did (this proposal doesn't mention an 8 year exclusive deal or even "presenting sponsor" -- just "official payment partner" so that is comparing apples and oranges.)

Also, you mention the NDA here, but technically even mentioning an NDA would be a breach of an NDA, right? Or what is the point of bringing that up is one of many questions...?
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