Interesting proposal, few points though:
1) CoolWallet NFC, BLE, credit card size. But it's ~$100 avg (a bit more for a pack of one, a bit less per device if you order a pack of 2) and it doesn't support Dash atm ("
Our focus is only on Bitcoin for now, but we might support other cryptocurrencies in the future.").
CoolWallet is a really nice bit of hardware. I can basically feel what the hardware designers were ask to create when they designed this thing. And they did a good job on that.
However: you should be glad that thing doesn't support Dash and hope it never will. Because the design is seriously flawed to the extend where the device is practically useless. Because in their obvious design effort to get is as slim and neat as possible, they decided for an ultra-tiny 24mmx20mm display, and because this must be extremely power efficient, they used an LCD type (to make it more marketing-friendly, they call it ePaper, but it's just that, an LCD) with a fixed mask (no pixel display).
The display can't display alphabetic characters, so for normal people there's no way to check the recipient address of a transaction (which is one of the two absolutely essential things a hardware wallet must
always do!).
Look at page 3 of their manual on sending a transaction to see what I mean here. With this type of usability, the product is dead from the start.
click on "4_Send", page 3
Consequently, the settings on the wallet also allow you to disable this check altogether. Then you only have to press a button on the card. And hey,
it shows you the amount of the transaction after you pressed that button and thus after the transaction has been sent. No kidding.
2) You gave a nice overview of the project but as some people already noted it's hard to jump in and fund someone claiming he can start producing 10K units of some non-existing device. I would really recommend to create few smaller proposals instead e.g.
- design phase,
- producing PoC devices (10-100 units),
- improving and producing medium size batch (100-1000 units),
- main batch (10000 units)
Yeah, it seems that this is the feedback I got from a couple of people here. And I can totally understand that. To put things clear, this is how the project is proposed anyway. It's clear you need PoC devices, and of course you will do a batch of 100 before you start the machines going crazy. All that we'd have done.
I think the point is that you want smaller poposals to be in a better position to kill this thing if we don't deliver. That's very understandable. And this is what I will do when refining the proposal.
It is a challenge however. For "normal industry business", usually we do a large contract with our customer that already includes the 10k devices. So the contract is very much like the proposal I put up here. The difference is, that in this contract, the customer will have several milestones, and might have the ability to stop the project if milestones are not reached, or even more, get his money back or even get a penalty if we don't perform. This way, the customer has security, but we also have (we know we have the job if we perform well).
In the Dash proposal situation, the only "decision mechanism" we have is the proposal process. This is slow (it may take up to a month to make a decision) and not very interactive. Imagine we do the "design phase" as a proposal. After the design phase, we might have 3D models, tool models, schematics and gerber files. What do we do now? Post all of them on github and let the MNOs vote for the next proposal "producing PoC devices"? What happens if someone here in the forum says "I don't like the corner radius of the upper left hand edge?" Do I change that? Someone suggested to make 1-3 design proposals, how do we vote for that?
I'm only trying to outline the challenge I have here. I'll try my best to solve that we refining the proposal.
3) Design is a bit controversial imo. I'd rather see a taller/wider but slimmer device. Also, I imagine one would use it with one hand if you consider it to be a pocket device for small purchases, and if so, imo vertical layout would make much more sense (again, see CoolWallet as an example).
That's a very valuable suggestion. We will definitely explore a vertical design.