Pre-Proposal: Sole Sponsorship of Reality Check with Ben Swann & Ambassador

Thats our job to make possible a different point of view about those issues. Ben have a large viewership because he ask those questions that nobody else dare to ask. How can you defend a project who disturb the legacy and central banking, governements, crony capitalism when you cant accept a different point of view?

There is a difference between asking questions no one else dares to ask, and perpetuating out-right falsehoods. You are attempting to paint me as someone who simply disagrees with the ideas presented by Mr. Swann, but that isn't the case. There is no "point of view" on these issues (Pizzagate, linking vaccines to autism, the use of chemical weapons in Syria).

They are just simply, verifiably, incorrect.
Theres a lot of ressources devoted to supress any divergeant views about those issues by the corrupt political establishment, the pharmaceutical cartel and the mainstream media empire. People like Ben Swann are the reason we are successfull at what we do. He was the only one covering Ron Paul in 2012 and exposing the federal reserve. Theres no absolute truth to anything. Trying to shut down divergeant views is the oposite of seeking truth.
There is a difference between asking questions no one else dares to ask, and perpetuating out-right falsehoods. You are attempting to paint me as someone who simply disagrees with the ideas presented by Mr. Swann, but that isn't the case. There is no "point of view" on these issues (Pizzagate, linking vaccines to autism, the use of chemical weapons in Syria).

They are just simply, verifiably, incorrect.
Well, I would strongly disagree with you on that.

The autism case is definitely wrong, but that doesn't mean that we should just avoid talking about it. I had some conversations with parents that were legitimately scared for the health of their children when all the social media buzz around vaccination and autism started. I think they should've been able to hear both sides and make their own minds. If you just declare them stupid, then they will be even more sceptical and just oppose you in principle.

About Syria and the chemical attack. I have very serious doubts about the official reports. Firstly, didn't western intelligence services say that Assad had no chemical weapons at that point? Secondly, there was no logical reason for him to use chemical weapons at that time and in that place. There was nothing to gain strategically or tactically and much to lose. Also, as a person that was on the receiving end of media propaganda in 1999., when NATO bombed my country, I can tell you with certainty that many of their reports were exaggerated or just plain wrong. The "famous" Račak massacre in Kosovo that was used as an excuse to start the bombing campaign was never actually proven and was a clear case of propaganda used to further political and military agenda.

As for Pizzagate, I saw the pictures from the Instagram feed of that now "famous" pizza place (that were later deleted) and there was some pretty disturbing stuff. I for one got more and more suspicious as the mainstream media avoided talking about it and I really liked the piece that Ben did on it. I'm still not entirely sure what is the whole story and we may yet find out more stuff down the line. Don't forget about all the dirt that is coming out about people in power abusing women and girls. That stuff happens, it's not just a conspiracy theory.
Let's not get caught up in the conspiracies, you better believe that if it is even partly true that no resource will be unspent preventing the real truth. Many of the conspiracies have become true after leaks especially like the prism & at&t stuff. Investigative journalism asks the questions that people don't wan't asked. Dash is allowing questions that would otherwise be blocked by levels of self interest in a organization. Media, even youtube guys are getting demonetized because advertisers don't like their content. Were investing in a person and his views align with the goals of Dash and not what he has said or is going to say.

Side note: Having spent 100s of hours of research on health things. I do believe vaccination plays a small role in triggering autism but not enough to warrant outright fear. It is a combination of many other factors with several triggering events. All these situations are bell curves. Everyone wants overwhelming proof, however you don't get that in health. A poison may kill 0.5% of people, disable 1% of people and the other 98.5% recover fully but it doesn't mean it is safe. As a parent if you had a small chance you could prevent serious issues then you would probably take it. People seem to think for something to be considered bad it must mess up over 50% of people.
Hi Mr. Ben Swann! Sorry, but how to prove your identity? Do you have some social media profile linked with DASH community? Please, make a video talking about DASH and more details of your proposal.
Well, I would strongly disagree with you on that.

The autism case is definitely wrong, but that doesn't mean that we should just avoid talking about it. I had some conversations with parents that were legitimately scared for the health of their children when all the social media buzz around vaccination and autism started. I think they should've been able to hear both sides and make their own minds. If you just declare them stupid, then they will be even more sceptical and just oppose you in principle.

About Syria and the chemical attack. I have very serious doubts about the official reports. Firstly, didn't western intelligence services say that Assad had no chemical weapons at that point? Secondly, there was no logical reason for him to use chemical weapons at that time and in that place. There was nothing to gain strategically or tactically and much to lose. Also, as a person that was on the receiving end of media propaganda in 1999., when NATO bombed my country, I can tell you with certainty that many of their reports were exaggerated or just plain wrong. The "famous" Račak massacre in Kosovo that was used as an excuse to start the bombing campaign was never actually proven and was a clear case of propaganda used to further political and military agenda.

As for Pizzagate, I saw the pictures from the Instagram feed of that now "famous" pizza place (that were later deleted) and there was some pretty disturbing stuff. I for one got more and more suspicious as the mainstream media avoided talking about it and I really liked the piece that Ben did on it. I'm still not entirely sure what is the whole story and we may yet find out more stuff down the line. Don't forget about all the dirt that is coming out about people in power abusing women and girls. That stuff happens, it's not just a conspiracy theory.

By the way, I just feel compelled to say this... I have never said that vaccines cause autism. That is a claim on wikipedia that is untrue. Rather, I have reported on these facts:

Fact 1: Vaccine makers cannot be sued for vaccine injuries (which yes, absolutely do happen to thousands of kids)

Fact 2: The U.S. government in 1986 established a fund the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund) to give payouts to families where kids are proven injured by vaccines

Fact 3: Millions of dollars have been paid out to families who have kids who have "autism related injuries" from vaccines.

These are not conspiracies... these are facts.
There is a difference between asking questions no one else dares to ask, and perpetuating out-right falsehoods. You are attempting to paint me as someone who simply disagrees with the ideas presented by Mr. Swann, but that isn't the case. There is no "point of view" on these issues (Pizzagate, linking vaccines to autism, the use of chemical weapons in Syria).

They are just simply, verifiably, incorrect.

By the way, I just feel compelled to say this... I have never said that vaccines cause autism. That is a claim on wikipedia that is untrue. Rather, I have reported on these facts:

Fact 1: Vaccine makers cannot be sued for vaccine injuries (which yes, absolutely do happen to thousands of kids)

Fact 2: The U.S. government in 1986 established a fund the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund) to give payouts to families where kids are proven injured by vaccines

Fact 3: Millions of dollars have been paid out to families who have kids who have "autism related injuries" from vaccines.

These are not conspiracies... these are facts.
By the way, I just feel compelled to say this... I have never said that vaccines cause autism. That is a claim on wikipedia that is untrue. Rather, I have reported on these facts:

Fact 1: Vaccine makers cannot be sued for vaccine injuries (which yes, absolutely do happen to thousands of kids)

Fact 2: The U.S. government in 1986 established a fund the VICP (Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund) to give payouts to families where kids are proven injured by vaccines

Fact 3: Millions of dollars have been paid out to families who have kids who have "autism related injuries" from vaccines.

These are not conspiracies... these are facts.

As with the majority of the views which eminate from you and your program, this reply is filled with half truths.

1)"Vaccine Makers cannot be sued for vaccine injuries" is true. A 2011 Supreme Court decision kept in place the VICP court that you references in your second point intact, re-affirming that people cannot directly sue manufacturers of vaccines. Seems shady right? Which it would be, perhaps, if we viewed this decision in a vacuum. If however we use context it makes alot more sense. The specific piece of context that we need to consider is the 1980's scare over the DPT vaccines. "Reporting" not dissimilar to the type that you carried out created a public panic that resulted in several lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies. Jury's awarded large rewards to plaintiffs despite lacking any concrete evidence that vaccines were causing pre-mature death, autism or other health defects. Eventually the situation got so bad that all but one manufacturer of the DPT vaccine stopped offering it in the United States, actually threatening our herd immunity.

2) In response to this congress created the VICP to shield pharmaceutical companies from misinformation campaigns such as the ones that you participate in. People can put in claims with VICP court. Over its almost 40 year history 5,263 claims relating to autism, and 2,865 non-autism claims, were made to the VICP. Compensation covers medical and legal expenses, loss of future earning capacity, pain and suffering; and a death benefit of up to $250,000 is available. If certain minimal requirements are met, legal expenses are compensated even for unsuccessful claims.

3) 925 of these claims, one autism-related relieved some type of compensation (without more data its hard to say whether these are actual payouts for wrongdoing or more likely compensation for legal expenses). Literally one singular case has received compensation for an "autism related injury". Lets look into that case, shall we? That case involved Hannah Poling a young girl who developed autism like symptoms after being given a litany of vaccinations in one day. She was subsequently diagnosed with encephalopathy, a brain disease caused by a mitochondrial enzyme deficit. It is not unusual for children with such deficits to develop neurologic signs between their first and second years. What a shock.

So, why did I take the time to type this out when I am supposed to be working? Because Ben Swann pushes harmful narratives based off of truths that quickly devolve into bullshit and fog. I, personally, as a MNO absolutely do not want this type of "reporting" associated with the network. It will draw tons of negative attention from people all over the internet and the real world. If you have seen a mildly political post on Facebook in the past 18 months you know the vitriol that this type of "reporting" will bring, and with that vitriol will be Mr. Swanns smiling face and DASH branding everywhere. This is not an association that we want to forge.
Sorry Name3 but you are the one who is putting our half-truths...

In 1986 when the VICP was first created vaccine makers were protected from lawsuit by the public. The VICP insulates vaccine manufacturers from liability and requires that petitioners bring their petitions solely against HHS. They may not sue manufacturers or healthcare practitioners. The rationale for this industry and professional protection was to ensure a stable childhood vaccine supply and to keep prices affordable.

The 1986 Law also permits the vaccine makers the right to not disclose known risks to parents or guardians of those being vaccinated. Based on something called the “learned intermediary” doctrine, manufacturers bear no liability for giving, or failing to give, accurate or complete information to those vaccinated.

Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has failed?

That goes back to 2002 when nearly five thousand families filed petitions with the VICP claiming that vaccines had caused their children’s neurological disorder called “autism.”

According to the Pace Law Review, in an unprecedented proceeding, the VICP created and conducted the Omnibus Autism Proceeding that concluded in 2010. That means instead of taking the cases one at at time, they consolidated hearings for all these families. In the end, the VICP dismissed all the “test case” claims of vaccine-induced autism.

But there is more… A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced Brain Injury finds that The VICP has compensated approximately 2,500 claims of vaccine injury since the inception of the program in 1986.

Since that time, despite the official ruling that there is no link between vaccines and autism, there have been at least 83 cases of autism among those compensated for vaccine-induced brain damage.

but I guess I'm just lying. Just as HuffPo is lying in 2013 when they reported that "The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, better known as “vaccine court,” has just awarded millions of dollars to two children with autism for “pain and suffering” and lifelong care of their injuries, which together could cost tens of millions of dollars..."

So do you still claim that not one child with symptoms of autism and ultimately an ASD diagnosis has not been awarded compensation by the VICP?

As for the VICP itself, the program has many flaws... including the fact that during its start, 90% of claims were on the table. 30 years later, the number of vaccines being offered to children and families has TRIPLED but the number of claims allowed has become much more restrictive. In fact today, 90% of claims are forced into off-table litigation.

The reality is this... THIS IS A COMPLICATED ISSUE. You want to pretend it is not. You want to pretend that there are no questions to ask. You want to pretend that these issues are settled and yet tens of thousands of children in this country have been injured by vaccines (oh and by the way, I have still never claimed that vaccines do cause autism) but here is what I have said and I will say it again. Not all vaccines are safe for all people in all quantities at all ages. That is what I have reported and those are the facts.

I hate that this has devolved into a debate about Autism and Vaccines, but here we are.

The “learned Intermediary doctrine” doesn’t mean that the companies are shielded entirely from giving incomplete information to the patient. It simply means that as long as they provide all the information to a learned intermediary (a Doctor) that then interacts with the consumer the manufacturer has fulfilled their duty to the consumer (Also I would like to point out this is not part of the 1986 law as you state, but a legal defense that is widely accepted).

The next three paragraphs of your response rely on “A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced Brain Injury”, which was published on a blog that’s mission statement includes, “We are published to give voice to those who believe autism is an environmentally induced illness, that it is treatable, and that children can recover.” A statement which has absolutely no basis in science. I cannot verify the claims that are in that source outside of that blog. The numbers I provided in my original post can be found in the 2006 statistic report from the VICP itself. I’ll leave it to anyone reading this to draw their own conclusions about the validity of each of these sources.

You are trying to put what I’m saying into a box that you can then refute. Vaccines can technically cause harm. For instance, an allergic reaction to one of the components of a vaccine is a thing that can happen and in fact is the likely explanation for the cases in the HuffPost article you linked.

I’m also not sticking up for the VICP I think it is very much an imperfect program, but it is hardly the shadowy court that confirms your point of view that you painted it as.

The thing is it is not complicated. If you fed the number of people who get vaccines cheeseburgers, some are probably going to get sick, whether it be from celiac’s disease or lactose intolerance or maybe someone sneezed on the burger, but you aren’t going to turn around and pretend that chesseburger’s are inherently dangerous. The net gain they provide society and the individual far outweighs any danger they may pose.

If you don’t see the logic in that I invite you to never wear a seatbelt since it has been known to cause injury.

Find me one SCIENCE based article that isn’t a one-off that shows any type of link between Vaccines and Autism and I will change my vote to a yes. Here is my submission of a fantastically executed study that shows why what you are saying is incorrect.

Id rather not keep debating this though, I’ve kind of lost interest. I doubt anyone who is reading this will have their mind changed anyway. That being said I’m open to debating you in something else, how do you feel about the earth being round? Is that a complicated subject for you as well? :p
i"ll tell you what... I will argue with you when you show me where I have said that Vaccines cause Autism. I too have lost interest in this but I will say this... to compare someone getting sick from a hamburger to the damage that is caused to vaccine injured children... treats the subject with disregard. Again, I have only said that not all vaccines are safe for all people all them time in all quantities. So on that.. it sounds like we agree.
These type of arguments you don't win, it is always better to question the narrative and have someone looking into it.

Let's take asbestos, for example. People started questioning the safety of asbestos in the 1920's and 1930's or even as early as 1900. I'd venture to guess that the companies who made/used asbestos also advertised with news companies. It took 60 years before people stopped using it. I lost family over asbestos, perhaps if a reporter like ben swann was in those days many people would of been saved the horrible death asbestos provides.

At least with Ben Swann i can reasonably expect he won't have a senior editor, ceo or shareholder out golfing with company X every week at the club.

The point of this proposal is to offer a source of funding that is not as corruptible. Dash does not have to agree with him, the videos could say that the views are his own and do not necessarily represent the diverse community of dash. And explain the principal behind the funding of this type of reporting.

And i like that it is a first.
They have a saying, any publicity is good publicity. The fact that the subject matters are so controversial and stir the pot to this extent is exactly why he gets so many views folks.
These type of arguments you don't win, it is always better to question the narrative and have someone looking into it.

Let's take asbestos, for example. People started questioning the safety of asbestos in the 1920's and 1930's or even as early as 1900. I'd venture to guess that the companies who made/used asbestos also advertised with news companies. It took 60 years before people stopped using it. I lost family over asbestos, perhaps if a reporter like ben swann was in those days many people would of been saved the horrible death asbestos provides.

At least with Ben Swann i can reasonably expect he won't have a senior editor, ceo or shareholder out golfing with company X every week at the club.

The point of this proposal is to offer a source of funding that is not as corruptible. Dash does not have to agree with him, the videos could say that the views are his own and do not necessarily represent the diverse community of dash. And explain the principal behind the funding of this type of reporting.

And i like that it is a first.

I get where the other MNOs are coming from in the whole "Its good to question everything", and I would agree in most cases. But trying to link Autism and Vaccines requires a fundamental misunderstanding of what autism is.