It looks like 1DP is going to fail but it's been a better response than 0.1 dash. Maybe we're getting closer to agreement. Let's keep it simple and call this a compromise.
What, are we in gradient descent search of the best proposal fee?![]()
Note also that the 5 dash proposal fee was never voted by the masternodes. It was just a hardcoded number.
Lets put a proposal asking for 5 dash proposal fee.
I bet that the 5 dash proposal fee will not get voted also.
If the 5 dash proposal fee fails, this will be a proof on how stupid the masternode community is.
If the 5 dash proposal fee passes, and as long as this 5 dash was initialy imposed and not voted, this will prove how conservative the masternode community is.
Good idea, you should definitely spend 5 dash and propose it!
Good idea, you should definitely spend 5 dash and propose it!
Yeah, let's try that out... Suppose all but one of the 4400 masternodes vote to lower the fee to 0.01 Dash. And the one other votes for the fee to be 7,247,463 Dash. The fee will then be raised to the average of 1,647 Dash.You are trying to imitate a vote with numbers.
Why not adding a poll that asks the proposal fee to become 12 dash?
Why not adding a poll that asks the proposal fee to become 100 dash?
Let them free to select the proposal fee from 0 Dash to all Dash coins (=7,247,462)
For the puprose of allowing the freedom of choice, you must add 7,247,463 polls.
Or if you dont want to add 7,247,463 polls, just add a single poll and let it be a "vote the numbers" poll.
You hardcoded the mean average selection process.Yeah, let's try that out... Suppose all but one of the 4400 masternodes vote to lower the fee to 0.01 Dash. And the one other votes for the fee to be 7,247,462 Dash. The fee will then be raised to the average of 1,647 Dash.
You hardcoded the mean average selection process.
You should use the double vote <number, selection process>
In your example , if the selection process is voted to be the mode average, then the result will be 0.01 Dash.
I think you dont really understand what my proposition about voting the numbers really is.Since when was your vote the numbers not based on the mean? I don't think you have mentioned this before. Regardless, you would want to use the median, not the mode.
The people that voted no on 1 Dash seem to think that a high fee means that only high quality proposals will be submitted and also that a high fee for governance issues is fine too.
So, my new stance on this is a fee of 400 Dash. Now, if you are risking 400 Dash you must have a good proposal and wouldn't even think of spamming.
I'm not sure why you think that?!... Mode average is most useless sense there are a few that own 100+ masternodes. One of those could very easily qualifiy as the mode, in which case, they have full power. The mean average is also useless because of the outlier votes. One person with a lot of masternodes can vote with a large number and pull the average significantly in one direction. The idea of ostracising those that are trying to be disruptive is pure nonsense. The median is obviously most relevant here... it's almost impossible to manipulate without controlling 51% of all masternodes. Median should be used over mean when outliers can potentially have a large impact on the final value.I have never hardcoded any average. My proposition is about the average in general, including all possible types of average. Although I personally like the mean average, then the mode average, and I mostly dislike the medium average, I think that the voters should be able to chose their prefered selection process when voting, buy using a double vote.
I'm not sure why you think that?!... Mode average is most useless sense there are a few that own 100+ masternodes. One of those could very easily qualifiy as the mode, in which case, they have full power. The mean average is also useless because of the outlier votes. One person with a lot of masternodes can vote with a large number and pull the average significantly in one direction. The idea of ostracising those that are trying to be disruptive is pure nonsense. The median is obviously most relevant here... it's almost impossible to manipulate without controlling 51% of all masternodes. Median should be used over mean when outliers can potentially have a large impact on the final value.
It is the same with the mode average. One or two people trying an outragious proposal has zero impact.
The important thing is to let the voters see the number votes of the others and let them change their number vote whenever they wish. In worst case let them use the double vote (number, selection process) and give them the right to change the prefered selection process also, whenever they wish.
In the worst case of the median average, if the voters are polarized, then they will change their vote towards the middle in order not to let the middle voter (1.0001) to choose whatever he wants. There is also the risk for the numerous edge voters to give bribery to the few middle voters.
In the worst case of my mode average variation version 2 , the people who are close enough (0.1, 1) they will unite eachother in order not to let the most loved number (5) to pass. The association is the most possible scenario and the bridery is not as possible as it is in the worst case of the median average.
Both worst cases are rare but I think the polarization is more probable to happen, thus it is more possible for the median average to fail. Let the Statisticians do their research now, and reveal us which worst case is more probable.
Maybe it is, but it is a old time tradition in human relationships for centuries. It may looks pure nonsense, but if it is really a nonsense, then why it is such a common behavior for so long time? There must be a reason...The idea of ostracising those that are trying to be disruptive is pure nonsense.
That simply isn't true when those 1 or 2 people control 100+ masternodes... Show me how these 1 or 2 people can manipulate a median, then I'll listen... I think you need to go back to the drawing board on this one.It is the same with the mode average. One or two people trying an outragious proposal has zero impact.
That simply isn't true when those 1 or 2 people control 100+ masternodes... Show me how these 1 or 2 people can manipulate a median, then I'll listen... I think you need to go back to the drawing board on this one.
You are too funny. They will just need to figure out all the votes in the median area and pay them off... Probably only need to figure out 100 or so to make a (small) difference, lol. Shouldn't take too long to figure out who those people are since this information is published and all, right? I suppose they could also collude to control 51% too.Of course 1 or 2 people who control 100+ masternodes can manipulate the median, because 100+ masternodes means 100+ votes. And also means they have a lot of money, so they can give bribery to the median.
Have no clue what your talking about... Supply a link. You need 51% to CONTROL the median, otherwise your just controlling the vote by putting your votes around the median anyway... Seriously @demo, sometimes it's best just to concede and admit defeat, lol... Take my advice, will help you a lot in your personal life too.Finnaly, in case of polarization they can simply remove one of their votes and thus become the median who decides