Pre-Proposal: POS Plugin/Merchant Acquisition for Accepting, Buying and Selling DASH

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Hello Everyone,

Our team at BitPlus Network would like to introduce our pre-proposal for a Dash integration with our platform, Acadia POS.

Make Dash go mainstream by providing a platform for businesses to accept Dash as a form of payment in addition to facilitating P2P Dash transactions. Merchants will be able to accept Visa/MasterCard and Dash on the same interface.

There are currently two versions of our point-of-sale system:

1. An active platform with merchants already using it in their retail & food service settings. This version offers several customization options for single and multi-location businesses, but requires quite some set up and training. Merchants have the ability to manage sales, generate various reports, screen inventory, review employee progress and more. We also have built a BitPay plugin, which is optional and allows merchants to accept supported cryptocurrencies as a form of payment.

2. A plug-and-play version with a simple and attractive UI that is great for small to medium size enteprises. This version is nearing the end of development and will allow us to scale our solution, without having to expend more resources to get customers set up.

How Dash Integration Will Work:
Acadia POS will have two primary functions:
1. Operate as a point-of-sale system that gives merchants the option to accept Dash as a form of payment for products and services.
2. Serve as a terminal that will allow individuals to buy and sell Dash.

In both scenarios, Acadia POS will feature a Dash plug-in that allows the merchant optional KYC or AML compliance. As mentioned before, Acadia works as a stand alone system, with the cryptocurrency plug-in being entirely optional.

In addition to this, there will be two ways in which individuals can obtain Dash in regions where the currency is yet to go mainstream:
1. Merchant using Acadia will pre-purchase Dash and sell it.
2. Customers will be able to buy and sell Dash using Visa/MasterCard or their mobile money applications.

Acadia POS Need & Use Case in Ghana:
Currently, the most popular form of money transmission in Ghana is via mobile phones. This method in many ways is more advanced and more convenient than methods that exist in other parts of the world. This process, however, does not come without a catch, with fees being high and varying across regions. With mobile money applications being a primary method of transacting, we will develop our plug-in to work with those apps. As long as the provider has an API, we can directly integrate with it.

In collaboration with Mahamadu Abdul Salam (known as Cryptolib in Dash Nation/Discord) and our Dash network in Ghana, we will be able to implement a system that allows merchants to buy Dash themselves and then sell it to locals. The system, however, does not require merchants to pre-buy Dash. Instead, individuals would also be able to buy and sell Dash using our internal reserve. This may require us to establish banking relationships in Ghana, but this is something that we are comfortable doing and have the network to accomplish.

Mockup terminal screen in Ghana where people can buy and sell Dash: Check Discord for image (#pre-proposal)

Acadia POS in the rest of the world:
The model that we plan to use in Ghana is applicable to the majority of other countries. The average merchant simply does not have the time or resources to research the benefits to integrating cryptocurrency into their business. Acadia POS will feature an optional plugin to accept, buy and sell Dash.

Merchants will also have the opportunity to run their existing POS systems side by side with Acadia until they are comfortable with the platform. By giving merchants the tools they need to process everyday transactions, they will be incentivized to learn about Dash and crypto currencies through usage.

Mockup of our current Acadia POS payment screen with Dash payment feature: Check Discord for image (#pre-proposal)

Sample payment screen using Dash on merchant terminal with pin pad: Check Discord for image (#pre-proposal)

Why Acadia is better than alternatives such as branded debit cards:
While debit cards offer a quick option for individuals to liquidate and use their Dash, this alternative does not come cheap. From processing to fine print fees, Dash holders have to cough up a pretty penny to engage in everyday transactions. Our Dash integration will eliminate many of these fees and allow individuals all over the world to transact without breaking the bank.

We have already developed our core point-of-sale system and tested it on merchants, which means that we are in a position to integrate Dash and begin working on increasing it’s usage globally. Acadia POS will be promoting Dash and all merchants will be set up by default. If merchants do not want to use Dash, we will not put funds proposed below towards acquiring those merchants.

Proposal Budget:
Amount Requested- 250 DASH
  • 20 DASH- Dash Plugin for Acadia POS (development)
  • 30 DASH- Ghana Merchant Acquisition (equipment for merchants, technical support, training, set up, etc)
  • 50 DASH- US/Canada Merchant Acquisition (equipment for merchants, technical support, training, set up, etc)
  • 50 DASH - European Merchant Acquisition (sales agents, equipment for merchants, technical support, training, set up, etc)
  • 50 DASH- Africa/Asia Merchant Acquisition (sales agents, equipment for merchants, technical support, training, set up, etc)
  • 50 DASH- Initial Reserve for Dash seller module

As recommended in other discussions, we have listed amounts of Dash for our budget, but we also believe in performance based contributions and fiduciary duties. We are just putting this out here to set the discussion. The reserve amounts can obviously change, as this is just a pre-proposal.

We appreciate your consideration and look forward to the feedback.

-BitPlus Network Team
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Why are you not using the funding from your ICO for "merchant acquisition"? The development to add Dash is the small part.
Great question. And you’re right, which is why the designated amount for the Dash plugin is not the highest. In addition, we are using the money we raised from the token sale for merchant acquisition. When we began the development of the platform, we had created a BitPay plugin, as Bitcoin was more usable and our merchants needed a way to pay vendors in fiat and BitPay provides that option.

We have always been following Dash since it was “darkcoin” and as Dash holders we support the project fully. Mahamadu (Cryptolib) recently alerted us to the need for our solution in Ghana. If the Dash community is interested in funding only the Ghana portion initially, that is perfectly fine. We believe, however, that this is a great opportunity to do heavy merchant acquisition in the United States/Canada and the rest of the world with Dash at the forefront. As mentioned in the post, any merchants who are not interested in the Dash plugin will not have any funds raised on this platform go towards any acquisition costs associated with them. The idea of this is promote Dash and give our merchants an incentive to incorporate Dash into their daily retail operations in exchange for free hardware.

Our merchant acquisition costs can be as low as $600 and as high as $2,000 in the US. When it comes to non-Dash merchants, the discounted equipment that they are eligible for will be based on the potential profitability of their account with us. A merchant that only does $2,000 a month in Visa/MasterCard is not going to get 100% discounted hardware for their retail solution. However, if Dash is willing to cover the merchant acquisition cost, we can set basic criteria such as minimum Visa/MC volume, industry type, geographical location, etc.
If we were to fund this, what type of benefit would Dash be getting over other cryptocurrencies in your platform. Would there be a period of dash exclusivity?
If we were to fund this, what type of benefit would Dash be getting over other cryptocurrencies in your platform. Would there be a period of dash exclusivity?
Our mission at BitPlus Network is to introduce merchants to cryptocurrency. While BitPay at first was the logical choice due to fiat exchange, bitcoin has proven to not be a reliable currency due to scaling problems. If we develop a Dash plugin, we would actively brand it with our system, as we have with BitPay. Merchants using Acadia would be provided with Dash decal ( I .e. “We Accept Dash”) and marketing materials that would explain the many functions of Dash, the problems Dash solves and why they should adopt the currency.

Instead of promoting BitPay or trying to implement other altcoins, we would be 100% on the Dash train. We are definitely open to a period of exclusivity, which can be voted on by the Dash community. If Dash works better as a means of payment for our merchants, which from my experience using Dash it does, then we will promote Dash, as this aligns with our core vision of increasing cryptocurrency adoption in retail.
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Will you be integrating Instantsend? Which is sort of the key feature of Dash that makes it more useful to merchants than many other crypto's
At least 18 months exclusivity, please
A 12 month exclusivity is reasonable, given that the suggested amounts above would only cover the costs of acquiring less than 70 merchants. We talked a little about this In the #dash-talk discord thread and gave a break down of what $50-75K would get us. Once we prove to the Dash community how well our ecosystem works, we are open to discussing extending the period and further collaboration.
I would like to see fixed fees so that we can properly evaluate the offer.
What do you mean by fixed fees? All of our rates are set by the individual sales agents who are able to evaluate the potential of each merchant (longevity of business, volume, etc). Are you asking for an example using a random fee? I can give you an example of a random merchant scenario if that's what you mean.
We just spoke to our dev and this is definitely something we would enable.
I'm glad you're willing to include as a detail, that which should be the centerpiece of the whole operation.

If the prevention of double-spend isn't a chief priority, who eats the loss on every crypto that's not DASH? You? The vendor?

Since no other crypto can guarantee that without forcing the customer to stand around for an hour... Why does DASH have to pay you for the feature it brings to the table that no one else can match?
A 12 month exclusivity is reasonable, given that the suggested amounts above would only cover the costs of acquiring less than 70 merchants. We talked a little about this In the #dash-talk discord thread and gave a break down of what $50-75K would get us. Once we prove to the Dash community how well our ecosystem works, we are open to discussing extending the period and further collaboration.
I'm curious, what other cryptos guarantee no double-spend?

Exclusivity to DASH is in your benefit. You'll never eat a double-spend. No one else can give you that.
Once the nefarious elements of society realize the other coins you service enable them to shoplift with a receipt and zero chance of getting in trouble for it...

I'm forced to ask if you understand the retail environment...

I have a reputation around these parts for being a huge asshole, but in this case I'm being 100% serious.

In all of your previous plans, was this not a consideration? You've not brought it up yourself, and seem to be totally unaware of the problem it creates for your clients... Someone had to ask you, then you had to ask your Dev, and you act like it was never part of the plan... How could that be?

Who is your Fiat exchange partner?

I have a hard time believing that a real POS payments integrator has no plan for mitigating double-spend, and approached the only crypto that has that built into the protocol without even knowing it existed and had to go ask the dev... Or was it the budget feature you noticed, and the propensity for SuckerNodes to hand out money to pretty much anyone?

Doesn't add up. At all.

Bitpay in Ghana?

Does Bitpay even allow retail use model?
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I'm curious, what other cryptos guarantee no double-spend?

Exclusivity to DASH is in your benefit. You'll never eat a double-spend. No one else can give you that.

We are not here to tell you that the community wasted money on other proposals. However, what we will say is that we can prove to you with our modest proposal what we can do before asking for additional funding. If you read our white paper, you will see that our plan isn’t to shove crypto down people’s throats. We become the trusted advisers when help them save money, solve their technical problems (maybe they didn’t like their POS, need specialized customizations, etc). Lack of cryptocurrency acceptance is not a perceived problem for most merchants.

BitPay: BitPay is just a plugin that we offer, similar to what we would do for the Dash community. We are currently doing nothing in Ghana, so we’re not sure how to answer the “BitPay in Ghana” question. We have been clear about us currently operating in the US. Our product would allow us to provide the Ghana community with a solution that will make it possible for people to buy and sell crypto. We were alerted us to the need for a solution like this and we realized that our model can work anywhere. BitPay also provides a solution to double-spending, as they tell the merchant when it’s safe to release the product. We are aware of the wait times, but when we initially created the plug-in, it was less of an issue.

BitPay is our fiat exchange provider, as they provide the option to convert a specific percentage of BTC sales into USD and it is even free up to the first $10K. BitPay has been integrated with Ingenico (not sure if you know what Ingenico is, but it is a CC processing terminal) terminals for a long time, yet merchants have not enabled this functionality because they do not know about it. The merchant processing companies control what they allow to be installed on the terminals. Because we are the on the processing side, we can have integrations with the terminals and offer a completely unified solution. Have you ever gone to Walmart and paid with WalmartPay? Do you think every cashier knows how WalmartPay works? They don’t. But because it is a fully integrated solution, the cashiers can accept WalmartPay without needing special instructions or training without even know what WalmartPay is.

Escrow & Exclusivity: We don’t know if Dash will be able to scale forever. But for now, we can get merchants using Dash. We are doing something that is performance based, where you can put the money escrow and every time we sign up a merchant we prove that we did that and that it is sponsored by Dash and you cover our hardware portion of our merchant acquisition. Our sales reps still had to prospect that customer, travel, get them interested and ultimately get them set up on the system. The process for us doesn’t stop at a Dash plugin, as we are not a Dash company. If Dash was the perfect solution for all merchants and merchants should already be using Dash, the community wouldn’t have asked us to come in. Why doesn’t Micros integrate Dash? Aloha? Vend? ShopKeep? Why have they yet to integrate Dash? Because there is no compelling reason for them to do that. For us, the compelling reason is cryptocurrency adoption and for the merchant, sponsored hardware.

Again, the Dash community will not be covering all of our merchant acquisition costs. As mentioned in the previous comments and in Discord, the amounts suggested will not get us more than 70 merchants in those respective regions, if even. Which puts all of the costs of acquiring ALL of other merchants on us. Dash would be sponsoring hardware that would have the Dash plug-in locked in and exclusive for 12 months. We are a retail POS company before anything else.

Everything is negotiable, this is only a pre-proposal. A money grab would be asking for up front funds to “maybe” do something that “maybe” gets ROI or “maybe” gets people talking about Dash. In our initial post, we clearly state that we believe in performance based funding.
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Bitplus is not doing Bitpay in Ghana, Bitplus is only coming to Ghana to solve an existing problem which is shortage of Dash and no constant place to buy Dash despite all works done. Since dash price started rosing till now, we are faced with a challenge of everyone holding their Dash, nobody is willing to sell rather existing users want to buy more and newbies as well. We discussed this on Discord so we had Bitplus to get us a solution through the POS systems. Bitplus budget is only for what will make work done successful, it is a plus for Dash exclusivity etc. I think it is not necessary if someone in Bitplus is not even aware of Dash instant send. Maybe we should let them know that just like you did. Also they have done their research around the coin and that's why a default setup of dash in all Bitplus POS systems will be considered. It is a great proposal not only for Dash in Ghana but for the entire world making dash mainstream depending on results on the part of Bitplus.
Once the nefarious elements of society realize the other coins you service enable them to shoplift with a receipt and zero chance of getting in trouble for it...

I'm forced to ask if you understand the retail environment...

I have a reputation around these parts for being a huge asshole, but in this case I'm being 100% serious.

In all of your previous plans, was this not a consideration? You've not brought it up yourself, and seem to be totally unaware of the problem it creates for your clients... Someone had to ask you, then you had to ask your Dev, and you act like it was never part of the plan... How could that be?

Who is your Fiat exchange partner?

I have a hard time believing that a real POS payments integrator has no plan for mitigating double-spend, and approached the only crypto that has that built into the protocol without even knowing it existed and had to go ask the dev... Or was it the budget feature you noticed, and the propensity for SuckerNodes to hand out money to pretty much anyone?

Doesn't add up. At all.

Bitpay in Ghana?

Does Bitpay even allow retail use model?
Quick question, sorry if already answered above: is Dash already integrated in Acadia POS or what is the time frame for that deliverable? And is Dash already integrated in BitPlus or how will it integrate and on what time frame? Thanks!