Pre-Proposal:Make DASH a household name in three different $20B industries

We propose to run a scientific project promoting medical freedom that will shock 3 large and rapidly growing industries using the DASH blockchain. This project will leave DASH with a unique and charitable reputation in three fast growing and data intensive markets.

· Make history in the Cannabis industry
· Make history in the Scientific Publishing market
· Make history in the Genomics industry

$71K (160 DASH): 30 DASH/month. 5 Months
*This is an expansion of a very popular and successful proposal (1058:105 Yes:No)

Sequence a controversial Cannabis genome and publish it using a novel crypto-incentivized, crypto-recorded peer review process that will cut out the $25B Scientific publishing market.

Sequence the genome with the latest Next Generation Sequencing tools to encourage this 20% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) market to take notice of crypto-sponsored and crypto-published genomics.

Publish the genome of a cannabis plant that is the center point of overly broad and controversial cannabis patents to assist in challenging these detrimental IP land grabs on medicinal plants.

If the idea of crypto-incentivized, crypto-recorded peer review catches on, DASH could see a tripling of its transaction volume. The scientific publishing market is a $25B market. There are 2.5M scientific publications every year costing an average of $3k per submission in publication costs and the submission frequency is doubling every 9 years. This $7.5B review market is prime for cutting out the expensive middleman as it is cracking at the seams under ancient Gutenberg incentive models. The internet has made the cost of publication near zero and DASH has already solved the censorship resistance problem, consensus, trust and permanence problems as well. The journals are no longer needed and the market is sprung to remove their parasitic copyright enabled grasp on scientific data and truth dissemination.

Today, reviewers are usually anonymous and free. They have the accuracy of a twitter troll. Journals copyrigh the scientific work themselves and charge the researchers or the public to access it later, even if the work is publically funded. Halfof the papers published can’t be reproduced and the most prestigious journals have the highest retraction rates. The incentives are broken. Why pay the journals for such poor results? This is not how science should function. Researchers should be able to pay reviewers directly. Cut the copyright out and create a market for good and bad review. These reviews and manuscripts can be published on the DASH blockchain. With the addition of a price signal to the cost of Peer Review, all of the historical misalignments change. Good reviewers will build reputation and demand higher prices. Reviewers simply “rubber stamping” their friends work will be discounted with transparent non-anonymous review. Public and immutable reputation systems change the game theoretics and align incentives for accuracy.

With this simple change, new tiers of review can evolve. Platinum, gold and bronze review will speciate to afford a market where people can pay to have the work partially or fully reproduced. DASH enables this market as a financial vehicle for the reputation and payment system. It enables the notarization engine for the peer review and DASH drive uniquely delivers a distributed drive system for critical scientific data.

There is a strong argument for scientific data to be on a blockchain. The current scientific databasing model often reflects a tragedy of the commons where we experience a 17% annual data decay despite large government subsidies to manage these databases. Blockchains create a monetary alignment delivering 0% decay per year. In addition to data decay, the databases lack pricing signals and thus are very cumbersome to use as they are not designed with customer pricing signals guiding the feature releases. The process to submit data to NCBI often requires a PhD-day and the uptime of these databases are frequently threatened by budget ceiling debates. The import friction seen in these socialized databases translates into key data from manuscripts being omitted from the submission process and rusting on unreliable servers in the form of “supplemental data”. Keynesian backed databases are not a reliable store for the scientific record.

If the $7.5B peer reviewed publications get converted to Crypto-bounties and paid in DASH to 2-3 reviewers per journal article, this alone could triple the transaction volume of DASH.

2.5M publications per year = ~7,000 publications/day * 2-3 reviewers/manuscript to be bountied in DASH. This delivers an estimated $5B-$7B in velocity of DASH. This does not include the notarizations for the review process or the pre-print server market.


The growth of the pre-print servers are now hosting 1200 new manuscripts per month and would likely require 100 notarizations per article to include the manuscript, figures, and all communications between the authors and editors. If DASH were to capture the whole market (unlikely with this proposal alone), it would entail hashing 12K-24K transactions per month. It is important to underscore that this proposal is a proof of concept. Getting BioRXIV, F1000 and PLoS to adopt such an approach is more likely to happen if we demonstrate it can be done.

The remaining $17.5B in the scientific publishing market is advertisements and subscription fees. Once DASH has the eyeballs for the scientific content and trust delivery platform, both of these markets can be reached with DASH currency and DASH drive.

The DASH investment in alternative media to promote truth in our media is greatly augmented if we are concurrently seen as a beacon of scientific truth.

DASH already has large investments in the Cannabis industry with Alt36, and CannMed funding. Sequencing the genome of the most ominous patent issuance will make DASH a household name in the Cannabis Industry.

The genomics market is a quickly emerging personalized medicine market. It changes the medical paradigm of one-sized fits all drugs and herd medicine to one that is more individualistic. Political structures prevent cannabis genomics from being funded. This maket is very data and CPU intensive and various Genomic Blockchain companies are getting funded to use ETH (Nebula, Shivom, LunaDNA, Zenome, Encrypgen). This is the right time to get those companies thinking about the more appropriate architecture of DASH for this $20B market.

The pre-proposal project is already capturing headlines at Dash Force News, The Cannabis Connection, The Tatiana Show, and the Future Tech Podcast.

· April 27th- http://kscocom/shows/43015-the-cannabis-connection

Future expose is planned at The Broad Institute Cegx conference, The society for in-vitro biology, and CannMed 2018

Technical Details!kVxyHIQY!Xzm84Cgu2gge2asBa6k6kmEfoBTpYSxOaaWm8xJDKc0
Great proposal. Very inexpensive for what it accomplishes. This is a new use case for Dash that could significantly increase real world adoption and number of transactions.
As I've said in numerous venues, numerous times, this proposal is very complicated but it is very much worth taking the time to understand because it has huge implications not only for Dash, but for several different industries and could drive huge traffic to Dash in ways that synergize with successful projects we are already funding. Especially once the groundwork for these proposals is laid, when DashDrive rolls out, we could see immediate use as a technical publishing platform. I urge all MNOs and other community members to really take the time and acquaint yourself with and support this project. These industries are on the cusp of massive expansion and Dash can be a major player in all of them if we play our cards right.
You want new use cases? This gives you new use cases.
You want more transactions? This gives you more transactions.
You want viral organic advertising that has no ongoing costs? This gives you that too.
You want to make the world a better place, and help the little guy beat the Monsanto/Bayer/FDA monster? Yeah, this does that too.
Looking like this puppy is stalling again. I dont know where we are going to get another 250 votes in 4 days. Are there other forums I should educating/communicating on?
Looking like this puppy is stalling again. I dont know where we are going to get another 250 votes in 4 days. Are there other forums I should educating/communicating on?

Seems like a lot of the whales hold off until the end of the month to see which proposals are headed in what direction and how every last drop can be squeezed out of the budget. Other than maybe getting on one of the more prominent Dash News sites (Dash Force News, TaoOfSatoshi's Cash Alternative TV, etc), I can't think of what else you could do on your end.
A couple whale projects came in like BitGo and did a 180 degree change after Ryan endorsed it. Love watching this. Its like a poker game with river cards:)

wether we get it or not, it is till good to see that the Network seems to value what we do.

Looks like we still maintain the top vote for our first project and while 3 strike outs may be an ego bruiser, the network still seems to like something we are doing.

For those who didn't make it all the way to the end of the proposal, note that Kevin is a world renowned geneticist. He even gets a mention in James Watson's recent genetics book. Yeah, that Watson. The guy who discovered DNA.

15 more votes folks. Less than an hour left. What do I have to do? Foot massages at the next big conference? Wax your car?

Whatever it takes....

Thank you for everyone’s help on this.

We are currently PCR confirming the plant to be sequenced. Looking into liquid nitrogen and nuclei preps.
This is a nice to have to reduce the amount of mitochondrial and Chloroplast genome DNA.
These organelle genomes are often 100x higher copy number than the plants chromosomes. It’s doesnt hurt to sequence them but we don’t want 99% of the reads coming from these organelles as their genomes are only 100-200kb.
Harvard alone spends 3.5 million dollars a year dealing with their various obligations to the academic press. They are encouraging the faculty and research staff to switch to open source because the costs are unsustainable. It is obvious that something has to change. Somebody or something has to fill this vacuum. The pent up frustration is palpable.

Dash could change this. Let's get on with finishing the proof of concept with Dr. McKernan's proposal.
Low and behold, after Dr. Kevin McKernan's successful proposal with Medical Cannabis Genomics, someone threw up a very very very similar idea to fix academic publishing with a blockchain.

Of course, it's hard to know if this is just the same great idea being spontaneously generated in more than one place. Or if this is just a straight up copy pasta job to make some nice money on an ICO. In either case, this suggests there really is great need, a lot of money at stake, and a sustainable economic model for crypto to tackle the academic publishing industry. Certainly, they have described the problem well.
Dr. McKernan's "Medicinal Genomics II" proposal is getting some press. Everybody recognizes that the academic publishing industry is ripe for overthrow. That industry is about analogous to the music industry just before music file sharing came out.

Anybody have a sense for how big CryptoBriefing's readership is? I am unfamiliar with them.

The article also recognized that patent trolls suck, and that Kevin's work should throw a wrench into their evil machinations.