Pre-Proposal: Magento - Develop, maintain and promote a DASH Integration for Magento Shops

Lance Lan

New member
2 Payments

Payment Adress (DASH):


Payment Amount:

2x 400 DASH

DATE: 2018-05-09
AMOUNT REQUESTED: 400/400 (6-month engagement)

This proposal is a second draft that already took its first round of feedback from the DASH Core Team (thank you again!). So, now we would be happy to hear YOUR thoughts on this idea.

Our proposal would kick off development, documentation, testing of a Magento based payment plugin for DASH and – as a use-case - promotion of DASH to a young, male international online audience.

That said: We know we ask for a large budget from the Network here, and we are aware that this may be a pill to swallow for smaller budgeted proposals this turn – but we truly believe that this whole project (building, testing and promotion a plugin for world’s most common ecommerce platform) including making the plugin available for others to use later on – will be a HUGE step towards easing DASH integration for online payment worldwide.

That said, here are the details:

1. Executive Summary

Glory Profit Limited (this is us) will manage to develop the necessary tools/plugins to integrate DASH payment into Magento shopping systems – and other Magento shops in the future.

We will be implementing DASH as a payment method in our online shop and promote it for the period of 1 month to the international customer base.

We will do so by several means – including the description of DASH and how to get/use it, the reduction of product prices for customers who pay with DASH and advertising such prices on both owned, paid and earned media like price comparison websites.

2. Introduction
  • GamesDeal is one of the most successful online shops of Glory Profit Ltd.
  • The company was founded in 2006 in Hong Kong. It is the backbone of multiple international and local game codes online shops, spearheaded by
  • We started out by selling digital items to an international audience. Today,
  • our most prominent international online shop is selling gaming related, digital PC and console game codes, gametime codes and subscription codes.

  • Customers: Today GamesDeal is serving mainly a US american customer base with UK and Germany ranking second and third, followed by Spain and France. Its customer base is mostly male and is aged between 18 and 45. GamesDeal had 250k registered customers in April ´18.
  • Purchases: In average a typical GamesDeal customer purchases 1.78 products per month. The average basket worth is around 29 EUR.
  • Payment: GamesDeal‘s most common payment method is PayPal, followed by VISA and MasterCard – all prone to fraud and misuse.
  • Technology: GamesDeal‘s website is using Magento EE as basis, works responsive thanks to HTML 5 and is using mySQL and MongoDB.


3. Channels and Reach



4. Proposal Description
This project will do two elementary things that will help to grow DASH acceptance
in international Magento based online shops – by the following steps:

a. It will help to develop a secure DASH payment plugin for Magento shop systems,
which are among the mostly used worldwide.

i. Part of the investment will pay for administation, development and testing of this new plugin.
ii. Technical Assistance from the DASH community regarding API integration and payment exchange details for online shops will be essential to the success of this part.

b. To proof the quality of this new plugin will be fully implemented and promoted on the games selling online shop GamesDeal, which has an international audience of gamers.
i. For the period of one month a marketing campaign will be launched on GamesDeal to thoroughly introduce DASH and its fast and secure way of payment to its international customer base. This campaign will consist of visibility on all owned channels, careful explanations on how to get and pay with DASH in the shop.
ii. A substantial part of the amount of DASH invested in this project will be used to incentivise payment with Dash by undercutting regular market prices. This step will ensure organic growth of DASH usage with old and new customers as it puts all customers in a more agreeable mood to set up their own DASH payment ecosystem for the future.
iii. The marketing campaign will also use active advertisement of this time-limited price reduction to gather more momentum and attract new customers to pay online with DASH.

Benefits for Dash
Supporting this project will help to set up and propel DASH usage in regular Magento based online shops easily with the use of a newly designed, much needed Magento Shop plugin.

1. Benefits for DASH users include instant delivery of the digital product once payment has been achieved.
2. Benefits for other Magento based online shops: No security checks neccessary after purchase, no fraud risk due to chargebacks etc.
  • In this campaign DASH will be introduced thoroughly to a young audience of gamers as a new, fast and secure way to pay online.
  • As this campaign does so by offering price reductions on games it will grow Dash purchases and payments organically in this target group – which is also heavily prone to share deals like this with their peers.
What are the contents of the reporting
  • State of the plugin
  • Amount of paid products with DASH in the campaign period.
  • Ad to purchase conversion from advertisements in the campaign period.
  • Average Basket worth per DASH /Customer in the campaign period.
  • User comments and most asked questions during the campaign period.
5. Design Integration


6. API Integration
A large part of developing the Magento plugin will deal with secure access to the APIs provided to work DASH interactions. This part will need help and support from the DASH community to succeed.

Any shop owner that would use this plugin would most likely given the chance to automatically or semi-automatically exchange DASH acquired from its customers as payment into US$. It will be part of this campaign to find a viable solution to this – as the lack of a solution might be a large roadblock with rolling out DASH payment among Magento based Online Shops.

7. Budget

DOWNLOAD: Full Pre-Proposal (.pdf)

We really tried to work this proposal as thoroughly as possible. If you see any roadblocks or topics we might have adressed and missed out on, just let me know in this thread.

In advance, thanks a lot for your feedback, your opinions and your criticism! I really appreciate this.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Kind regards
Lance Lan
Operations Manager
[email protected]

p.s.: In case you want to connect externally about this, you can also hit me up on my private Twitter.
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That is pretty expensive, but I like the overall idea and you are clearly a professional team.

I also like that this is an established business, however I question if people will have easy access to Dash to spend. Any thoughts on this?

Could you also go into a bit more detail for your budget?
Hi there,

first of all: Thanks for the detailed feedback – that really was a part we didn’t flesh out as detailed as we should have.
Also: As mentioned above, we are absolutely aware that this is a tall order in respect of investment. So, let's add some details to those figures below.

The suggested Campaign Budget is split in two parts of 400 DASH each.
Following this I would like to expand on the use of this budget:

a) The Magento Plugin (30% overall)
This money will take care to pay for the initial development of the DASH plugin we need to easily have customers pay with DASH and then have that payment quickly exchanged into US$. This is neccessary to minimize risk of DASH exchange rate fluctuations reduce the sales amount unneccessarily. The testing of said plugin will take part on our own testing servers of There will also be an additional documentation to help other shop makers into using the plugin later on – because that’s kind of the goal here.

b) Promotional Discounts (40% overall)
We use this money to offer lower prices on AAA products in our store. This will be a large ice-breaker to our audience and lead them directly to getting a DASH Wallet (We would recommend them to choose here: and go through the process of filling it up and using it (
The reason why this is such a large part of our project: DASH and its first-time use needs to be explained to new customers and they need to follow some steps before first use. Returning to Marketing basics: We know that our customers (or any customer for that matter) has a limited span of mental attention budget he or she can spend daily. Only if we incentivise young new customers with a discount WORTHY of that mental attention we get results in form of increased first-users. So, in a nutshell: We ease their pain of first-time-setup with low product prices.

c) Promotional Advertisement (10% overall)
This money will be used to advertise this promotional campaign: As it is said: Do good deeds and talk about them. We will do so – and will also advertise this by Facebook Ads and Google Ads to our core shop target audience. We reckon this will increase attention to the Promotional Discounts further.

d) Promotional Sponsorships (10% overall)
We know our customers and we know that they are keen on Online Gaming. To boost reach in that audience we will spend this part of the budget to hire the promotional power of asserted Twitch Streamers. This part of the budget will be spent on their payment and for giveaways that they then can raffle in the course of their streams.

e) Management (5% overall)
This is to cover management cost in our company – e.g. to manage this part of preliminary feedback exchange right here or cover cost of overhead like infrastructure etc.

f) Other Marketing (5% overall)
As the time of the promotional discounts come near, we will prepare additional forms of Marketing to boost impact of that campaign. This will include promotion the availability of the new plugin into the Magento Shop owner’s community to help the effort of spreading the word about Dash.

I hope this clears up some of your questions. If you have any other feedback, please let me know.

Kind regards
Lance Lan
Operations Manager
[email protected]
Hi there!

CoinPayments, GoCoin and CoinGate all already have Magento plugins that support Dash, and GoCoin also supports InstantSend, while CoinPayments offers fiat settlement.

I wonder if you could elaborate on why another Magento plugin is beneficial, or what additional benefit your proposal would bring to Dash? Maybe it could be reworked into a marketing/promotion proposal together with one of these payment providers to lower the amount you are requesting?
Hey there,

thanks for your feedback here! We initially went thought the process of checking to develop a separate Plugin not connected to one of these services – but I reckon it really would make sense to go and use the existing systems.

So we shall do: We will check all three solutions, implement them on our test server and hopefully rollout DASH payment option on soon –
and come back with the slimmed down Proposal for Sponsoring later, as you kindly suggested.

Kind regards
Lance Lan
Operations Manager
[email protected]
Actually, I started doing this myself yesterday out of curiosity. I may have overstated the number of functioning plugins.. :confused:

  • GoCoin does not currently support Dash in their Magento plugin, which has not been updated in over 3 years and therefore almost certainly doesn't support Magento 2.
  • CoinPayments for Magento 2 costs $300 ($100 on sale) and probably does not support InstantSend, since CoinPayments for WooCommerce doesn't support it.
  • CoinGate is free and works fine in Magento 2, but I was unable to complete configuration during a brief test. More investigation needed here.
Hope this helps with your proposal planning!
Hey there,

thanks for the help, Strophy - that was exactly the pinpointing we needed. As of now GamesDeal is accepting DASH as payment method - we got it working using GoCoin's plugin and some minor tweaking on our end.

For now, I would like to close this thread - and open up a new one right after with a more bite-sized, updated proposal.

Kind regards
Lance Lan
Operations Manager
[email protected]