Pre-proposal: Let's pay the MNOs who vote on proposals

2000-3000 new voters > 452 old voters.
Vote yes and help move Dash forward. I won't be spending more time conversing with you.

i will automate voting, just default to No on every new proposal. If this proposal passes - which it won't - I will publish the script here for all MNOs to use. You've been warned yet have never addressed this problem. You don't need to converse with me, you can learn the hard way.
Unfortunately, there is no longer a dash dao, only a facade. There are but a few people with enough influence to change things beyond simple Yes No questions. The dash dao needs a massive overhaul, such that you would never recognize it.

At it's root, the dash dao functions via a single dashd daemon, built by DCG without any fully independent alternatives. DCG will never allow alternatives because it would be a direct threat to their paycheck. DCG being the largest influencer get to choose what they propose and all the random rules that would decide it's outcome e.g. conveniently ignoring abstain votes. Or if they so choose, to ignore single 1K nodes, it is their prerogative.

Don't believe me? - then ask yourselves, who implemented the current Proof of Service rules without ever putting it to the masternode network? - the answer is DCG.

A few hundred individuals AT MOST get to repeatedly set the stage for everyone. Of those that can vote, a few high collateral MN whales wipe the floor, making your average pleb crowdnode vote completely irrelevant. Is a Proposal Owner ever going to represent second-place voters where their portion is significantly large? - no, they will simply choose rules and outcomes that best suits their agenda.

One solution would be to randomly designate a small group of MNs, only allowing that group to vote. This would avoid the same old voting patterns from the same people. But I feel this subset would be too small. What might work is to to allow ANY dash holder to vote so long as they have been randomly selected for jury service. Under such circumstance, I think paying them to vote might work. There is a hardcore of MNs that will argue, MN holders must have skin in the game, but I think that kind of thinking has been proved to be completely and utterly incorrect.
I think if DCG fully control all process, maybe it's good idea to implement payment for vote yes or
no, they will receive more funds from budget :)