Pre-proposal: Introduction to Dash in Estonia

Thanks a lot for chiming in Krister.
It's very good to have an Estonian perspective in the discussion.
Can you tell me a bit more about Is it a community for flat earthers and other crackpots, or does Hando manage to keep that belief separate from the rest of his work?
Will Dash being advertised on reflect badly on Dash for most of the rest of the Estonian population, in your opinion?

Based on these answers I could still be convinced to vote yes, but not answering my question earlier reflects very badly on you, Hando.
Hando, can you please say something about this?

As I replied to Krister above, my beliefs or anyone's religion is not an issue here. We started nearly 5 years ago and the sole purpose for the project was to have an Estonian website for ALL information coined "alternative". Over the years we have published over 6500 articles on alternative medicine, spirituality, various conspiracy theories, vaccines, supernatural etc - everything the mainstream doesn't cover, and that included the flat earth issue as well. Little did we know that this topic would drive people crazy, since they were all fine (and thankful for that matter) with every other controversial topics we published.

So I was afraid the flat earth topic in Dash forum would sidetrack the whole thing. To settle things straight, I am definitely a globe skeptic and if you ask me, not NASA or Elon Musk will take us to the moon, but Dash will :)

If you want to know more about I recommend you read the following peace:
Last year a scholar with a degree in anthropology of religion and social sciences wrote a detailed research on and coined us as the "Importers of conspirituality"
The article was originally published in a local culture magazine "Vikerkaar" with a 30 year lifespan

I hope we can come together on topics we agree on, cheers
I think it's good to include people with all religions and strange beliefs. You know, they all use money.
They all use money, thats why all religions are the same religion. The mammon religion.
There are very few religions, that are against mammon.
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and mammoney"
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Can you tell me a bit more about Is it a community for flat earthers and other crackpots, or does Hando manage to keep that belief separate from the rest of his work?

I think Hando addressed the concernes pretty well. Telegram is alternative media (that don't check their facts). The readers are people of all kinds, not crazy people.

As for Hando's work. I don't know what he does exactly in Telegram as when I met the team ages ago he wasn't around. All of the articles I've read from him personally are not exactly sane. Never mind fact checking. One of the more daring ones (Elon Musk is an actor) was printed on paper, so can't google it and obviously don't own any copies. The Bitcoin article was in fact the first accurate and sane article I've ever read from him.

Will Dash being advertised on reflect badly on Dash for most of the rest of the Estonian population, in your opinion?

It's a little like playing with fire. Mainstream media wont address Dash any time soon as they only mention Bitcoin rarely. So Telegram will for sure help Dash reach a wide audience here. There is the danger of it being labelled as "The Telegram Coin", but as Dash is actually community funded project I don't think it's a big problem.

One thing worth mentioning is that Telegram is actually funded by donations last I checked and is a non-profit organization. So it wouldn't be alive if there weren't people who believed in it's mission. And allocating some budget does actually make sense.

You have confirmed that you agree with me on some things
As I stated above I am not against you getting funded. I am also not against itself. In fact I'm an avid reader of all kinds of theories, just not what Telegram writes as it's very one sided and religious against mainstream knowledge. I am against false information and only came to serve the missing pieces of info. I probably wouldn't have said anything if you had addressed masternube's question in the first place.
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Krister, you said

1. "Telegram is alternative media (that don't check their facts)" - I disagree, what we do is we present the alternative version(s) to the commonly accepted mainstream beliefs.
2. "One of the more daring ones (Elon Musk is an actor).." - What I mean by this is that I believe Elon Musk is a front for a multinational enterprise, just like Donald Trump is the front (poster boy) for the US, just like Obama was before him .They're all puppets in my opinon.
As a libertarian, I totally embrace your right to believe in whatever you please, even that flat earth thing.

But do you love banks and hate Dash, or dislike the legacy banking industry and recognize Dash as the honest efficient money of the future?

Just as I thought, the latter, not the former. Do the people who read your publication use money and want an alternative to banks?

Your price is not unreasonable. You produce profession quality stuff. I say yes.

When we're both stupidly rich, let's book a ride on a space-x trip to outer space and see for ourselves. The media has taught us to look for our differences and hate each other for it. The oligarchs would do anything to prevent people from realizing we all want the same thing on about 98% of issues, and the rest we can discuss over a beer.
As a libertarian, I totally embrace your right to believe in whatever you please, even that flat earth thing.

But do you love banks and hate Dash, or dislike the legacy banking industry and recognize Dash as the honest efficient money of the future?

Just as I thought, the latter, not the former. Do the people who read your publication use money and want an alternative to banks?

Your price is not unreasonable. You produce profession quality stuff. I say yes.

When we're both stupidly rich, let's book a ride on a space-x trip to outer space and see for ourselves. The media has taught us to look for our differences and hate each other for it. The oligarchs would do anything to prevent people from realizing we all want the same thing on about 98% of issues, and the rest we can discuss over a beer.

Thank You, what a great comment!
I'll bet we'll have that beer rather sooner than later :)