New member
I live in the Houston Area which has been seriously affected by Hurricane Harvey!
My goal for this proposal is to get DASH involved in the relief of SE Texas! Helping at least 1000 people!
If you have seen any news lately you've probably witnessed the destruction that Harvey has dished out.
I think that DASH can make a big difference in people's lives and there is so much that DASH has to offer!
Nothing sticks in people's minds like a helping hand in need.
My vision is that I talk to my neighbor who I am good friends with and owns a school bus that has been refurbished into a mobile home, to help me distribute food, water, diapers, and formula to all those affected by Harvey. If for some reason he turns this down, (which I HIGHLY doubt) I would then either rent a truck or find another volunteer with a large truck.
I'm very excited about the future of DASH as a whole and have been talking about it non-stop with everyone I come into contact with.
My wife and four kids were relatively unaffected by the storm, besides being stuck in our home for 4 days due to the flooding. The biggest issues we had was the gas going out for 4 days so far (so no hot water for us, I've been boiling water on the stove for hot baths, it takes a lot of time with 4 kids lol)(expecting another 8 days according to the local gas company) and our van getting stuck in our own front yard.
Currently, there are many places that are majorly flooded still and have little to no supplies.
I am appealing to the better nature of the DASH community to help me with this out reach. To bring hope and help to those that have lost everything.
My proposal is currently set for 200.75 DASH to be used ENTIRELY for supplies and transport to affected areas. (this includes the 5 DASH reimbursement)
Here is a breakdown of the supplies (cost and quantity for distribution of 1000 people in need)
1) Travel expenses: (including but not limited to)
A) Gas (5-6 mpg diesel at the average price of $2.21 per gallon)
B) Miles (roughly 600 miles of driving for ~2-3 days of stocking supplies and ~2-3 days of delivering/distribution)
(supplies being picked up outside of affected area in and around Conroe, TX and delivered in and around Galveston, TX)
(extra miles added for food detours and supplies pick up from different stores)
** 600/5x$2.21=$265.20 ** - **600/6x$2.21=$221.00**
C) Food & Drink (6-10 volunteers)
(18-30 meals a day for 2-4 days totaling 36-90 meals)
($3.00-$5.00 per meal)
**18x2x$3.00=$108.00** - **30x4x$5.00=$600.00**
D) Possible Maintenance & Travel issues (i.e. flat tires & engine trouble)
2) Supplies:
A) Canned Food (fruits & vegetables [can openers]) & Bread
($1.00-$2.00 per can depending on the fruit or vegetable and availability)
(3 cans per person + 1 can opener[$1.00])
**1000x3x1.00+1000=$4000.00** - **1000x3x2.00+1000=$7000**
($1.50-$3.00 per loaf depending on brand and availability)
(1 loaf per person)
**1000x1x$1.50=$1500.00** - **1000x1x$3.00=$3000.00**
B) Bottled Water
($5.00-$7.00 for 40 bottles depending on brand and availability)
(5 bottles per person)
**1000x5/40x$5.00=$625.00** - **1000x5/40x$7.00=$875.00**
C) Diapers (all sizes)
($25.00-$45.00 per box depending on box size, diaper size, brand, and availability)
(each box contains ~100-200 diapers)
(20 diapers per baby)
(assuming 1/5 of 1000 people have at least one baby at minimum and 1/3 of 1000 at maximum)
**1000/5x20x(25/100)=$1000.00** - **1000/3x20x(45/200)=$1499.99**
D) Wipes
($15.00-$25.00 per box depending on box size, brand, and availability)
(each box contains ~800 wipes)
(each box contains ~8 packs of 100 count wipes)
(1 pack per baby)
(assuming 1/5 of 1000 people have at least one baby at minimum and 1/3 of 1000 at maximum)
**1000/5x100x($15.00/800)=$375.00** - **1000/3x100x($25.00/800)=$1041.67
E) Formula
($20.00-$30.00 per can depending on weight, brand, and availability)
(1 can per baby)
(assuming 1/5 of 1000 people have at least one baby at minimum and 1/3 of 1000 at maximum)
**1000/5x$20.00=$4000.00** - **1000/3x$30.00=$9999.99**
F) Bottles
($4.00-$15.00 a pack depending on amount of bottles, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains 3-6 bottles)
(1 bottle per baby)
(assuming 1/5 of 1000 people have at least one baby at minimum and 1/3 of 1000 at maximum)
**1000/5x1x($4.00/3)=$266.00** - **1000/3x1x($15.00/6)=$833.34**
G) Toiletries
I) toothbrushes ($1.00-$4.00 per pack based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~4 toothbrushes)
(1 toothbrush per person)
**1000x1x($1.00/4)=$250.00** - **1000x1x($4.00/4)=$1000.00**
II) toothpaste ($1.00-$3.00 per tube based on weight, brand, and availability)
(1 tube per person)
(assuming ~1/3 of people will be with some sort of family)
**1000/3x2x1x($1.00)= $666.67** - **1000/3x2x1x($3.00)=$1999.98**
III) soap ($3.00-$8.00 per pack based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains 4-8 bars)
(1 bar per person)
**1000x1x($3.00/4)=$750.00** - **1000x1x($8.00/8)=$1000.00**
IV) toilet paper ($25.00-$55.00 per box based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains 15-40 rolls)
(2 rolls per person)
**1000x2x(25.00/15)=$3333.34** - **1000x2x($55.00/40)=$2750.00**
V) shampoo ($3.00-$5.00 per bottle based on amount, brand, and availability)
(1 bottle per person)
**1000x1x($3.00)=$3000.00** - **1000x1x($5.00)=$5000.00**
H)Feminine Products
I) Tampons ($3.00-$14.00 per pack based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains 18-50 tampons)
(assuming 1/2 of 1000 are female and 1/4 of the females may experience their period soon enough to need them)
(1 pack per 1/4 females or ~18 tampons for 1/4 females)
**1000/8x1x($3.00)=$375.00** - **1000/8x1x($14.00/2)=$875.00**
II) Pads ($4.00-$10.00 per pack based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains 20-40 pads)
(1 pack per 1/4 of females or ~20 pads per 1/4 females)
**1000/8x($4.00)=$500.00** - **1000/8x($10.00/2)=$625.00**
I) Cleaning Supplies
I) Sanitizer ($2.00-$5.00 per bottle based on size, brand, and availability)
(1 bottle per person)
(assuming ~1/3 of people will be with some sort of family)
**1000/3x2x1x($2.00)=$1333.34** - **1000/3x2x1x($5.00)=$3333.34**
II) Clorox/Bleach ($3.00-$6.00 per bottle based on size, brand, and availability)
(1 bottle per person)
(assuming ~1/3 of people will be with some sort of family)
**1000/3x2x1x($3.00)=$2000.00** - **1000/3x2x1x($6.00)=$4000.00**
III) Cleaning wipes ($3.00-$6.00 per container based on size, brand, and availability)
(1 container per person)
(assuming ~1/3 of people will be with some sort of family)
**1000/3x2x1x($3.00)=$2000.00** - **1000/3x2x1x($6.00)=$4000.00**
J) Sunscreen
($2.00-$5.00 per bottle based on size, brand, and availability)
(1 bottle per person)
(assuming ~1/3 of people will be with some sort of family)
**1000/3x2x1x($2.00)=$1333.34** - **1000/3x2x1x($5.00)=$3333.34**
K) Undergarments
(assuming 1/3 men, 1/3 women, 1/6 boys, 1/6 girls)
I) Underwear
a) Men's ($4.00-$5.00 based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~2-4 pairs)
(1 pack per person)
**1000/3x1x($4.00)=$1333.34** - **1000/3x1x($5.00)=$1666.67**
b) Women's ($4.00-$5.00 based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~2-4 pairs)
(1 pack per person)
**1000/3x1x($4.00)=$1333.34** - **1000/3x1x($5.00)=$1666.67**
c) Boy's ($3.00-$5.00 based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~2-6 pairs)
(1 pack per person)
**1000/6x1x($3.00)=$500.00** - **1000/6x1x($5.00)=$833.34**
d) Girl's ($4.00-$6.00 based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~2-6 pairs)
(1 pack per person)
**1000/6x1x($4.00)=$666.67** - **1000/6x1x($5.00)=$833.34**
a) Men/Women ($5.00-$8.00 based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~2-6 pairs of socks)
(1 pack per person)
**1000/3x2x1x($5.00)=$3333.34** - **1000/3x2x1x($8.00)=$5333.28**
b) Boys/Girls ($4.00-$8.00 based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~2-6 pairs of socks)
(1 pack per person)
**1000/3x1x($4.00)=$1333.34** - **1000/3x1x($8.00)=$2666.64**
L) Pet Supplies
(assuming ~100 dogs and ~100 cats)
(3 cans per animal)
I) Dog Food ($0.75-$1.50 based on brand and availability)
**100x3x($0.75)=$225.00** - **100x3x($1.50)=$450.00**
II) Cat Food ($0.75-$1.50 based on brand and availability)
**100x3x($0.75)=$225.00** - **100x3x($1.50)=$450.00**
A) Banners & Flags (3 banners for the sides and back) (2 flags for back of bus)
[(2) 2.5'x12' banners for sides ~$110.00 each]
[(1) 2.5'x6' banner for back ~$60.00]
[(2) Teardrop flags ~ $400.00 each]
B) Facebook Ads targeting Houston and surrounding areas
(17-55 target age group)
($500.00 Daily budget)
(Total Ad Runtime: 6 Days)
(Target Location: Houston Texas and 50-mile radius)
(Target Interests: DASH, Texas, RedCross, Survivors, Refugees, Family, Help)
C) Facebook Live stream every other hour during supply run and every hour during delivery/distribution
D) End of Day sum up on my personal Blog @ www.leaguedad.com
E) DASH Presentations to all who are interested via my personal presentation that has already netted me 3 total clients at a total of $13,000.00 USD in DASH invested. See Link Below.
F) DASH Hoodies/T-Shirts on all volunteers
(6-10 Volunteers @ $55.00 a hoodie and $25.00 a T-Shirt)
**6x$55.00+6x$25.00=$480.00** - **10x$55.00+10x$25.00=$800.00**
USD: Minimum Total: $41,646.72 Maximum Total: $71,811.79
DASH: Minimum Total: 113.53 Maximum Total: 195.75
Current DASH Price in Comparison to USD: $366.84
Please let me know what you all think and if I can improve anywhere or if I got any of my math wrong. I am still new to the DASH community but I believe in DASH whole heartedly and want nothing but the best for the coin and its awesome community!
Also if you'd like to know a little bit about me check out my blog that I started earlier this year.
Thanks for your consideration and comments in advance!
My goal for this proposal is to get DASH involved in the relief of SE Texas! Helping at least 1000 people!
If you have seen any news lately you've probably witnessed the destruction that Harvey has dished out.
I think that DASH can make a big difference in people's lives and there is so much that DASH has to offer!
Nothing sticks in people's minds like a helping hand in need.
My vision is that I talk to my neighbor who I am good friends with and owns a school bus that has been refurbished into a mobile home, to help me distribute food, water, diapers, and formula to all those affected by Harvey. If for some reason he turns this down, (which I HIGHLY doubt) I would then either rent a truck or find another volunteer with a large truck.
I'm very excited about the future of DASH as a whole and have been talking about it non-stop with everyone I come into contact with.
My wife and four kids were relatively unaffected by the storm, besides being stuck in our home for 4 days due to the flooding. The biggest issues we had was the gas going out for 4 days so far (so no hot water for us, I've been boiling water on the stove for hot baths, it takes a lot of time with 4 kids lol)(expecting another 8 days according to the local gas company) and our van getting stuck in our own front yard.
Currently, there are many places that are majorly flooded still and have little to no supplies.
I am appealing to the better nature of the DASH community to help me with this out reach. To bring hope and help to those that have lost everything.
My proposal is currently set for 200.75 DASH to be used ENTIRELY for supplies and transport to affected areas. (this includes the 5 DASH reimbursement)
Here is a breakdown of the supplies (cost and quantity for distribution of 1000 people in need)
1) Travel expenses: (including but not limited to)
A) Gas (5-6 mpg diesel at the average price of $2.21 per gallon)
B) Miles (roughly 600 miles of driving for ~2-3 days of stocking supplies and ~2-3 days of delivering/distribution)
(supplies being picked up outside of affected area in and around Conroe, TX and delivered in and around Galveston, TX)
(extra miles added for food detours and supplies pick up from different stores)
** 600/5x$2.21=$265.20 ** - **600/6x$2.21=$221.00**
C) Food & Drink (6-10 volunteers)
(18-30 meals a day for 2-4 days totaling 36-90 meals)
($3.00-$5.00 per meal)
**18x2x$3.00=$108.00** - **30x4x$5.00=$600.00**
D) Possible Maintenance & Travel issues (i.e. flat tires & engine trouble)
2) Supplies:
A) Canned Food (fruits & vegetables [can openers]) & Bread
($1.00-$2.00 per can depending on the fruit or vegetable and availability)
(3 cans per person + 1 can opener[$1.00])
**1000x3x1.00+1000=$4000.00** - **1000x3x2.00+1000=$7000**
($1.50-$3.00 per loaf depending on brand and availability)
(1 loaf per person)
**1000x1x$1.50=$1500.00** - **1000x1x$3.00=$3000.00**
B) Bottled Water
($5.00-$7.00 for 40 bottles depending on brand and availability)
(5 bottles per person)
**1000x5/40x$5.00=$625.00** - **1000x5/40x$7.00=$875.00**
C) Diapers (all sizes)
($25.00-$45.00 per box depending on box size, diaper size, brand, and availability)
(each box contains ~100-200 diapers)
(20 diapers per baby)
(assuming 1/5 of 1000 people have at least one baby at minimum and 1/3 of 1000 at maximum)
**1000/5x20x(25/100)=$1000.00** - **1000/3x20x(45/200)=$1499.99**
D) Wipes
($15.00-$25.00 per box depending on box size, brand, and availability)
(each box contains ~800 wipes)
(each box contains ~8 packs of 100 count wipes)
(1 pack per baby)
(assuming 1/5 of 1000 people have at least one baby at minimum and 1/3 of 1000 at maximum)
**1000/5x100x($15.00/800)=$375.00** - **1000/3x100x($25.00/800)=$1041.67
E) Formula
($20.00-$30.00 per can depending on weight, brand, and availability)
(1 can per baby)
(assuming 1/5 of 1000 people have at least one baby at minimum and 1/3 of 1000 at maximum)
**1000/5x$20.00=$4000.00** - **1000/3x$30.00=$9999.99**
F) Bottles
($4.00-$15.00 a pack depending on amount of bottles, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains 3-6 bottles)
(1 bottle per baby)
(assuming 1/5 of 1000 people have at least one baby at minimum and 1/3 of 1000 at maximum)
**1000/5x1x($4.00/3)=$266.00** - **1000/3x1x($15.00/6)=$833.34**
G) Toiletries
I) toothbrushes ($1.00-$4.00 per pack based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~4 toothbrushes)
(1 toothbrush per person)
**1000x1x($1.00/4)=$250.00** - **1000x1x($4.00/4)=$1000.00**
II) toothpaste ($1.00-$3.00 per tube based on weight, brand, and availability)
(1 tube per person)
(assuming ~1/3 of people will be with some sort of family)
**1000/3x2x1x($1.00)= $666.67** - **1000/3x2x1x($3.00)=$1999.98**
III) soap ($3.00-$8.00 per pack based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains 4-8 bars)
(1 bar per person)
**1000x1x($3.00/4)=$750.00** - **1000x1x($8.00/8)=$1000.00**
IV) toilet paper ($25.00-$55.00 per box based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains 15-40 rolls)
(2 rolls per person)
**1000x2x(25.00/15)=$3333.34** - **1000x2x($55.00/40)=$2750.00**
V) shampoo ($3.00-$5.00 per bottle based on amount, brand, and availability)
(1 bottle per person)
**1000x1x($3.00)=$3000.00** - **1000x1x($5.00)=$5000.00**
H)Feminine Products
I) Tampons ($3.00-$14.00 per pack based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains 18-50 tampons)
(assuming 1/2 of 1000 are female and 1/4 of the females may experience their period soon enough to need them)
(1 pack per 1/4 females or ~18 tampons for 1/4 females)
**1000/8x1x($3.00)=$375.00** - **1000/8x1x($14.00/2)=$875.00**
II) Pads ($4.00-$10.00 per pack based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains 20-40 pads)
(1 pack per 1/4 of females or ~20 pads per 1/4 females)
**1000/8x($4.00)=$500.00** - **1000/8x($10.00/2)=$625.00**
I) Cleaning Supplies
I) Sanitizer ($2.00-$5.00 per bottle based on size, brand, and availability)
(1 bottle per person)
(assuming ~1/3 of people will be with some sort of family)
**1000/3x2x1x($2.00)=$1333.34** - **1000/3x2x1x($5.00)=$3333.34**
II) Clorox/Bleach ($3.00-$6.00 per bottle based on size, brand, and availability)
(1 bottle per person)
(assuming ~1/3 of people will be with some sort of family)
**1000/3x2x1x($3.00)=$2000.00** - **1000/3x2x1x($6.00)=$4000.00**
III) Cleaning wipes ($3.00-$6.00 per container based on size, brand, and availability)
(1 container per person)
(assuming ~1/3 of people will be with some sort of family)
**1000/3x2x1x($3.00)=$2000.00** - **1000/3x2x1x($6.00)=$4000.00**
J) Sunscreen
($2.00-$5.00 per bottle based on size, brand, and availability)
(1 bottle per person)
(assuming ~1/3 of people will be with some sort of family)
**1000/3x2x1x($2.00)=$1333.34** - **1000/3x2x1x($5.00)=$3333.34**
K) Undergarments
(assuming 1/3 men, 1/3 women, 1/6 boys, 1/6 girls)
I) Underwear
a) Men's ($4.00-$5.00 based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~2-4 pairs)
(1 pack per person)
**1000/3x1x($4.00)=$1333.34** - **1000/3x1x($5.00)=$1666.67**
b) Women's ($4.00-$5.00 based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~2-4 pairs)
(1 pack per person)
**1000/3x1x($4.00)=$1333.34** - **1000/3x1x($5.00)=$1666.67**
c) Boy's ($3.00-$5.00 based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~2-6 pairs)
(1 pack per person)
**1000/6x1x($3.00)=$500.00** - **1000/6x1x($5.00)=$833.34**
d) Girl's ($4.00-$6.00 based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~2-6 pairs)
(1 pack per person)
**1000/6x1x($4.00)=$666.67** - **1000/6x1x($5.00)=$833.34**
a) Men/Women ($5.00-$8.00 based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~2-6 pairs of socks)
(1 pack per person)
**1000/3x2x1x($5.00)=$3333.34** - **1000/3x2x1x($8.00)=$5333.28**
b) Boys/Girls ($4.00-$8.00 based on amount, brand, and availability)
(each pack contains ~2-6 pairs of socks)
(1 pack per person)
**1000/3x1x($4.00)=$1333.34** - **1000/3x1x($8.00)=$2666.64**
L) Pet Supplies
(assuming ~100 dogs and ~100 cats)
(3 cans per animal)
I) Dog Food ($0.75-$1.50 based on brand and availability)
**100x3x($0.75)=$225.00** - **100x3x($1.50)=$450.00**
II) Cat Food ($0.75-$1.50 based on brand and availability)
**100x3x($0.75)=$225.00** - **100x3x($1.50)=$450.00**
A) Banners & Flags (3 banners for the sides and back) (2 flags for back of bus)
[(2) 2.5'x12' banners for sides ~$110.00 each]
[(1) 2.5'x6' banner for back ~$60.00]
[(2) Teardrop flags ~ $400.00 each]
B) Facebook Ads targeting Houston and surrounding areas
(17-55 target age group)
($500.00 Daily budget)
(Total Ad Runtime: 6 Days)
(Target Location: Houston Texas and 50-mile radius)
(Target Interests: DASH, Texas, RedCross, Survivors, Refugees, Family, Help)
C) Facebook Live stream every other hour during supply run and every hour during delivery/distribution
D) End of Day sum up on my personal Blog @ www.leaguedad.com
E) DASH Presentations to all who are interested via my personal presentation that has already netted me 3 total clients at a total of $13,000.00 USD in DASH invested. See Link Below.
F) DASH Hoodies/T-Shirts on all volunteers
(6-10 Volunteers @ $55.00 a hoodie and $25.00 a T-Shirt)
**6x$55.00+6x$25.00=$480.00** - **10x$55.00+10x$25.00=$800.00**
USD: Minimum Total: $41,646.72 Maximum Total: $71,811.79
DASH: Minimum Total: 113.53 Maximum Total: 195.75
Current DASH Price in Comparison to USD: $366.84
Please let me know what you all think and if I can improve anywhere or if I got any of my math wrong. I am still new to the DASH community but I believe in DASH whole heartedly and want nothing but the best for the coin and its awesome community!
Also if you'd like to know a little bit about me check out my blog that I started earlier this year.
Thanks for your consideration and comments in advance!