Pre-Proposal: Free Advertising Products + World Wide Shipping


New member
Hi, we are a small team from Germany and we would like to know what you think about the following:

We want to provide people all over the world who want to promote DASH with advertising products such as stickers and other cool stuff. We have over 10 years experience in producing professional print products. Besides common advertising products, we think about producing other fancy high quality stuff related to the digital background of DASH. We have already made some DASH stickers and sent it out to people who were interested (see here).

We think the community will benefit from this: For organizers of DASH events all over the world it would be free of charge and a huge time saver. We ensure consistent quality and it is much cheaper to produce these products in large amounts so it would also be cost effective for the whole DASH community.

What do you think? Thanks a lot for your comments!

shipping stickers , cheaper to print locally , no ?
not sure about the point of a proposal for that tbh
shipping stickers , cheaper to print locally , no ?
not sure about the point of a proposal for that tbh
Hi, thank you for the fast reply! It is not only about stickers, but any products you can use to promote DASH. We believe it makes it much easier for organizers to get all the promotional products easy and free and we are not sure if it is easy to get high quality products in every part of the world. It also makes a huge difference whether you order just a small or a big amount of a product (you can save up to 80%). Please feel free to ask further questions!
Hi guys, Thanks for sending the stickers over. Arrived today. The whole team of our Dash Embassy Thailand is very happy and the stickers will be soon all over Bangkok! :)
Keep up the good work guys! :)
dashm: how's the edition for vz looking? "dash dinero digitale--protege tu poder adquisitivo" (or whichever more precise translation is for 'protect your purchasing power') for example
Hi @healey thanks, that's a great idea! At the moment we only print few designs in English language, but in the future it would be possible to print a Spanish edition if needed.