Pre-Proposal Discussion: Dashdesk/Dashcharts/Dashtasks


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Foundation Member

In order to accelerate Dash adoption several new website are required namely a Dashdesk devoted dash news site. A dedicated Dash only charting services with all dash exchanges included and a Dashtask website where people can provided services in exchange for dash.

These website are instrumental to bitcoins adoptions and we aim to provide high quality version of these sites to drive super mega dash adoption asap.

Who am I?

I am male homosapian who is passionate, really interested in dash and I also have skills. Furthermore I has worked studied business and programming. So I have many experience using my programming skills for business. I am located on the third planet in the solar system.


I has used my mad computerz skill to make this really awesome website which totally shows how great I am at programming and that I totally did not just copy and paste a website template and add photos.

This is very early software so if you encounter any issues please send us a message at this_is

Amount of dash need

I estimate (used a random number generator) the costs to be 10,000 dash, but we will modify the proposal to take whatever amount is unspent in the monthly dash budget since it is just being given away.

Giving back

Since I am trying to make money for myself and you are paying for it I probably should give something back, so for every year of funding I receive I might be give 0.5% of the business to the Dash foundation, but since there will not be any dividends it does not really mean anything..

Proposal submission

We have not yet submitted the proposal to the network, but I will provide no documentation or define what exactly you guys will receive and when.
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you definitely have my vote !
you should go for 20k Dash, just to be on the save side
As some people already said in this board, better to throw money on any shit proposal than the hassle to be rigorous on demanding and choosing a decent one :grin:
Can you ask your web designer if he wants extra work? I've got a few projects I need finished and could use the extra help.
So we need multi-month proposal here. I would rise it to 30k though. The proposal seems to be really hard to be implemented properly.

For 30k dash I will include an authentic made in Antarctica ASIC miner* with every account.**

*Shipping not included
**Shipping cost 30,000
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I will vote yes if you are doing site that matching people to buy and sell DASH with fiat. But .......... here is my question

1.Dashdesk - There is many charting site already in the market. (Just like this one I don't see any benefit for adoption by just creating charting site.

2.Dashtask - It seems OK for me.

3.Dashdesk - How you can attract people go to your site to see news at the first place?? I don't think you can have many visitor if your site only have DASH related sotry.

4.What is do??
I will vote yes if you are doing site that matching people to buy and sell DASH with fiat. But .......... here is my question

1.Dashdesk - There is many charting site already in the market. (Just like this one I don't see any benefit for adoption by just creating charting site.

2.Dashtask - It seems OK for me.

3.Dashdesk - How you can attract people go to your site to see news at the first place?? I don't think you can have many visitor if your site only have DASH related sotry.

4.What is do??

Pretty sure this is a 100% sarcastic thread. Sorry to disappoint you.