Pre-Proposal Discussion: Committee Committee

Ryan Taylor

Well-known member
Foundation Member
Proposal Description

As we are continually building a more and more sophisticated governance and budgeting system, we also need an organization in place which will support a more complex system. As we evaluate other organization structures in government, private enterprise, and non-profits, we seek to draw on the learnings from these institutions as we organize.

The first step is to create a set of committees needed to orchestrate our efforts. We are starting with the Committee Committee. This committee will be staffed and provided a budget in order to explore and establish the necessary committees we need to function. We imagine the committees the Committee Committee would first establish would include the Budget Committee, the Staffing Committee, the Process Committee, and the Continuous Improvement Committee. But the Committee Committee may discover the need for other, much less important committees, too.

Of course, we will need to staff and fund the Committee Committee in order for them to do their work. For these tasks, we will need the Staffing Committee and Budget Committee to both staff and fund the Committee Committee. However, staffing and budgeting are complex tasks, so the Process Committee will need to establish the process through which these decisions will be made.

Fortunately, this is the Dash project, and we will not rest until we have the very best processes through which to make the decisions that the Staffing Committee and Budget Committee will make. For this reason, the Staffing Committee and Continuous Improvement Committee will need to work closely together to create the very best staffing process, drawing on industry best-practices.

As you can see, the Committee Committee is urgently needed to create all the needed committees to create itself. We urge you to support this critical enabler of the Dash ecosystem. Thank you in advance for your support!


Ryan, your proposal is invalid on its face, because it has not yet gone through the Proposal Review Committee.

Also, if we ever get this through the Proposal Committee, I think there should be a Committee on Redundancy Committee, in order to prevent duplication of efforts across teams in order to prevent duplication of efforts across teams.
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Ryan, your proposal is invalid on its face, because it has not yet gone through the Proposal Review Committee.

Also, if we ever get this through the Proposal Committee, I think there should be a Committee on Redundancy Committee, in order to prevent duplication of efforts across teams in order to prevent duplication of efforts across teams.
I submitted the proper TPS Report in triplicate to the Pre-Proposal Review Committee two months ago. One of those copies should have been forwarded to the Proposal Committee. If that didn't happen, it only illustrates the urgent need for the Committee Committee to be created, so that the Process Improvement Committee can be established within the next 18 months to deal with that very issue. As evidenced by the many examples in government that we've evaluated, with any luck we'll have the problem fixed by late 2018 at the very latest.
Fucking Americans!!!! they think we all celebrate April 1st and I almost destroy my computer while reading :mad::mad::mad:

Lol, there was just a soupcon of annoyance between the keyboard and chair here after reading the thread title but I got it after only 5 or 6 posts ;) I don't want to belong to any committee that will accept people like me as a member :grin:
Can someone ask the food and beverage committee if we can drink beer at the committee meetings? I've got a feeling these meetings could get pretty boring unless we've got alcohol in our veins.