Pre-Proposal | Diameter [IoT dashboard]


Dash IoT Aggregate Metering [ work in progress ]

Pre-Proposal Video Preview:
(will be updating)
This is our escrow proposal #1 - we will be submitting our proposal #2 which will be the rest of the project.


- You can use an automatic car adapter to pull your trip data down and process payments. (just a basic preview)


Diameter is a B2B revenue analytics portal for IoT devices. Almost all IoT platforms are focused on analytics, monitoring, and seeing a global view of devices on the network. However, almost none, if any, are for managing and monitoring transactions on the scale necessary for those devices. Not long ago, we created Carculation to drive transaction handling and revenue oversight using Worldpay’s APIs for usage-based IoT transactions as a business solution. Unfortunately, we ran into some pitfalls.

Utilizing the low resistance and lack of payment aggregators involved on the Dash blockchain, we can batch the devices micro-transactions with the dash network. With other layers of payment providers, there are scaled transactions fees for frequency and load that prohibit batching transactions. In the IoT space, this is almost necessary due to the frequency of the transactions are taking place. With dash, we circumvent this problem, and enable IoT owners to view our revenue dashboard to track, manage, and create transactions and how they are associated with their devices.

Problem & Solution:

We’ve spent the past year working with some of the largest payment processors trying to build a b2b revenue platform for IoT devices.

· Companies like Maven, ZipCar, etc are looking for alternatives to current payment processors because they are being charged a fortune.

· They make many small and incremental transactions and cannot batch and transact at once.

· Most are being charged at 2-3% rate and .20 per API transaction.


We’ve spent several months working with two payment processors and potential clients of our solution. We’re looking to provide API’s to these merchants so they can transact using our platform, dash’s blockchain, and provide the batch processing behind the scenes.

Our idea spawned out of us winning the largest fin-tech hackathon in the US. We were offered lots of incentives to start the business in Altanta, GA as a local startup. However, we couldn’t not find a middle ground, because the business model was flawed. We discovered that there we’re too many middle-men making money off the fee to reduce the discount rate enough to entice IoT companies to swap payment processors. Dash will help us accomplish this goal, as we don’t need a discount to already marginal transaction fee.

About Us:

I’m Barrett Davis. I’m a serial entrepreneur and software engineer. I’ve sold one small company and I also own another called NterNow. Our team of 4 is composed of extremely talented full-stack software engineers that individually work on startups outside our normal day jobs. We know how to deliver real profitable products through experience and talent. Having knowledge and experience with the current problems facing fintech, and combing our knowledge of Blockchain technology and culture, we’re positioned to face current and future challenges in the ecosystem. We’re looking to work on a product that we all believe in, especially dash, and can contribute to innovation in a field that we all know is ripe for disruption.

What are we proposing to do?
Building a product we already know has value inside traditional fiat systems, on a new payment platform that actually makes it profitable. We believe in the Dash platform and confidently consider it undervalued. We’ve developed and tested small demos on eos & iota (0.6tps) and they are both trash when used in real time. Having already built a pre-MVP of our product to showcase to potential on-demand car companies, we believe we can actually build out the product on dash and scale it for not just managing car fleets, but fulfill the platform as a payment processor for all IoT/distributed devices


1. Dash blockchain integration with Diameter back-end API. (Reference # deliverable 4 and 7 - milestone 1)
a. Dash-to-Dash implementation​

2. Build out our web-application dashboard
3. Integrate IoT cloud platforms to our device portals. (AWS IoT, Azure IoT)

a. Companies who already manage their IoT fleets / assets can integrate a cloud provider with our platform​

4. Audit Module
a. Ability to export all devices dash transactions into a cvs or pdf file​

(Stretch goal)

6. Crypto-to-Dash

a. Leveraging an exchange to swap currencies.​

i. AirSwap​

7. Micro-batching algorithm with cold/hot wallet management.

8. Begin metered IoT payments direct to device.

Example: A Nest Diameter application a sends metered information to Diameter, runs transactions for consumers. This removes the need for single person to use an IoT platform to process payments.

a. Charging Stations (EV)​

b. Nest​

c. Sensus – Water usage integrations​

Schedule - Proposal 1

Iteration 1:

- V1: System Infrastructure​

- V1: Dash Infrastructure integration​

- Time: 1 mo

Iteration 2:

- V1: Admin Portal (us)​

- V1: Business Dashboard​

o Transactions​

- V2: Dash infrastructure integration​

- Time: 2-3 Mo

Iteration 3:

- V2: Business Dashboard​

o Integration with cloud platforms & device management

V1: Audit Page​

- Time: 1 mo.

Schedule - Proposal 2 (To be determined in another pre-proposal post, this is part of the new escrow process)

Iteration 4:

- B2C widget (USD & Dash)​

o V2 – system infrastructure​

o V2 – dash integration​

o V3 – business dashboard​

- Time: 1-2 mo

Iteration 5:

- API ecosystem​

o Leverage our audit/revenue dashboards for application using Dash or USD for payments.​

Budget, Itemized Costs, Total Costs Requested

Proposal 1 & 2: (6 months approx..)

- 4 salaries

o 85K a year salary (30% under the average salary for full-stack)

§ $170,000

- Infrastructure, Legal, GRC activities

§ $10,000

- Proposal Fee

o 5 dash


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This is a very exciting proposal. Have you been in contact with Dash Core about setting up escrow?

I think the person to contact is Bradley Zastrow
This is a very exciting proposal. Have you been in contact with Dash Core about setting up escrow?

I think the person to contact is Bradley Zastrow

Thank you for your kind words. Can you make an introduction? I'm a slack/telegram person and not a forum guy... no idea how to actually tag or ping bradley :p
Hey everyone! I would be the other lead software engineer on this project if it were to be funded. Please let me know if you have any questions varying from the business idea to the technical stack. We just want to make sure we've covered our bases and we have decent feedback / criticisms :)
I can't speak on the technical aspects, but I I am curious about how deep into the marketing and implimentation process you are, do you have any integrations lined up?
Yes sounds very exciting indeed.

Would you try selling your product starting with Iteration 1? And as Name3 asked have you any integration lined up.
Sounds exiting.
Would you be Dash exclusive?
Which companies would you approach with your solution?
Is there already a market demand for such solution?
I can't speak on the technical aspects, but I I am curious about how deep into the marketing and implimentation process you are, do you have any integrations lined up?

Name3, Prior to Diameter we spent several months meeting with different companies to identify a market. There was definitely some demand from companies that need a solution for "usage based transactions". Also, part of the market i'm aiming for is a future market.

A simple example would be: Airbnb Hosts - Say you rent your beach condo for $200 a night over a 3 day period. Say the guest runs the AC at 55 degrees for 3 straight days like a hotel room and then you actually lose most of your profit. I believe there is demand here, because there is an obvious problem.

Most of these references I listed would be considered "Customer Discovery" more than marketing. I won't be investing heavily in marketing or deep marketing integrations till we can get more iterations of Market Fit.

Short answer: We're going to focus on finding business model market fit, before dumping time/money in to marketing (a classic silicon valley over funded mistake). We're here to build a profitable business and to support the dash community!
Sounds exiting.
Would you be Dash exclusive?
Which companies would you approach with your solution?
Is there already a market demand for such solution?

Dash Exclusive - Yes, Dash & Fiat
Which companies would you approach with your solution? - Small ride-sharing companies. We have already made the personal relationships to restart this conversation. An example would be Maven. I don't feel comfortable sharing the other names on a public forum.
Is there already a market demand for such solution? Yes, small but growing. Small nimble markets tend to grow to be large markets.
Yes sounds very exciting indeed.

Would you try selling your product starting with Iteration 1? And as Name3 asked have you any integration lined up.

As our CEO, I'll be focusing parts of my time in Iteration 1 on customer acquisition. So i'll be coding probably 50%, business admin 30%, and 20% most likely on sales development.
We will be cleaning up our demo video this week and if you have any technical questions, please reach out to Ereio. Thanks for the great feedback so far.
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Hello @Barrett Davis ,

thank you for reaching out to me for the Proposal Fee Lending.

Unfortunately I have to decline.
As defined by my rules:
Anything that asks for more than 150 DASH or more than 100.000 €/$ (read one hundred thousand euros or US-Dollars)

Since I find your proposal interesting, I will give you feedback:

4. B2C widget

a. Enable CC/Debit/USD-to-Dash
i. Enables a consumer to purchase dash and load it on a virtual wallet within the businesses user experience.
1. Like a PNC virtual wallet.

Okay the user loads up his DASH, takes a couple of rides and the Provider wants to use that DASH.
How does he get it in $/€? Do you provide a gateway too? Or do you have a payment provider?
Because most of them are also taking 2% of the pie as far as i know. So your competitive advantage is still there but smaller.

On the other hand, if you would only pay out once per month in $, and only the amount in $ which the transaction provided, you might be able to gain revenue through price fluctuations.
E.g. Car ride costs 10$ / 0,02 DASH (1 DASH = 500$), the Provider gets 10 $ /0.015 DASH Payed out on the 30th (1 DASH = 650$).
It's risky but might work.

Best Regards from Germany

Interesting technology, pretty straight-forward, seems like you all have the experience and skills necessary to see it through, and Dash is an ideal payment system for what you're trying to do. So aside from increasing the use of Dash as a whole in projected future integrations of this technology in to various applications--which is of course a big deal--are there any other benefits to Dash from funding this project upon which you could expound upon? I think it's a reasonable budget and asking price for funding, but what is the benefit to Dash for funding it?
Interesting technology, pretty straight-forward, seems like you all have the experience and skills necessary to see it through, and Dash is an ideal payment system for what you're trying to do. So aside from increasing the use of Dash as a whole in projected future integrations of this technology in to various applications--which is of course a big deal--are there any other benefits to Dash from funding this project upon which you could expound upon? I think it's a reasonable budget and asking price for funding, but what is the benefit to Dash for funding it?

Arthyron, thanks for the kind words. I'm a very analytical person, I enjoy data driven decisions. I'm going to try to build the platform in a way in which you could accurately track how much our wallets generate in fee's. This way we could accurately tell the DASH community, "hey you invested 200k, we generated 300k in fees. The MNO community just gained 100k by investing in us."

I'm not a huge fan of the marketing proposals, most of them struggle to showcase how effective they are. We don't have this problem, we will know our effectiveness from day 1.

Each of our clients will have a wallet that interacts with a group of devices. We can easily crunch the numbers to showcase back how we're generating fees for the community.

I feel like its an exciting opportunity... We get to build technology that will help consumers, generates fee's for masternodes, and also pushes Dash's brand into different industries. Win-win-win.
Arthyron, thanks for the kind words. I'm a very analytical person, I enjoy data driven decisions. I'm going to try to build the platform in a way in which you could accurately track how much our wallets generate in fee's. This way we could accurately tell the DASH community, "hey you invested 200k, we generated 300k in fees. The MNO community just gained 100k by investing in us."

I'm not a huge fan of the marketing proposals, most of them struggle to showcase how effective they are. We don't have this problem, we will know our effectiveness from day 1.

Each of our clients will have a wallet that interacts with a group of devices. We can easily crunch the numbers to showcase back how we're generating fees for the community.

I feel like its an exciting opportunity... We get to build technology that will help consumers, generates fee's for masternodes, and also pushes Dash's brand into different industries. Win-win-win.

Sounds like integration with this platform could be applied to multiple industries, really anyone looking to monitor/meter use and payment. That's potentially a huge boon to Dash. Sounds good to me!
This looks very promising. I bet Perry from Node 40 would love this after watching the car revenue demo in video as he could add his crypto tax magic to the mix. I'm going to reach out to a few Core developers to look at this as this is quite exciting and refreshing.