(Pre-Proposal) DASHPayCard - DASH Branded Debit Card + Fiat/Dash Integration

PROPOSAL IS LIVE: https://www.dashcentral.org/p/DASHPAYCARD-DEBIT-CARD

Manually vote YES on this proposal (DashCore - Tools - Debugconsole):
gobject vote-many 4c42350252e150904635ef6780e09d5f5b015660c104a94798a2a342270642df funding yes

Manually vote NO on this proposal (DashCore - Tools - Debugconsole):
gobject vote-many 4c42350252e150904635ef6780e09d5f5b015660c104a94798a2a342270642df funding no

Hey All!

After speaking to many in the DASH community and business development team, I've decided to make a pre-proposal and I'm excited to announce the creation of the DASHPayCard! In addition, I will be working to integrate DASH into Payza for a fiat to DASH gateway.

(This may not be the final design, but the one I'm working with. If you can create a better one please message me!)

How it Works

I've partnered with Payza.com to launch this card. In 2014 I partnered with them to add direct Bitcoin buying/selling - http://www.coindesk.com/payza-launches-bitcoin-buying-consumers-190-countries/

The card will be available to residents of 106 countries, including the USA. It will be issued by a USA bank and have a chip and pin. You can have the card denominated in USD, EUR, and others.

I've purchased DASHPayCard.com and I will build and maintain the project.

To purchase the card, you will create an account, get verified through KYC and then purchase. The card itself will cost between $10-$20 and the fee's to use the card will be low. I'll update this thread when I have more information.

Direct Integration for fiat <--> Dash

I will work with the Payza development team to integrate the ability to sell DASH onto the card and buy DASH as well. Payza supports hundreds of countries and has local payment options like credit card, bank transfer, ect. Now everyone can buy DASH using any of these payment methods directly on their account.


Right now, where it says Bitcoin there will be another option for DASH.

It will be on Add Funds and Withdraw Funds.

Profit Sharing

I'm not 100% sure how this will work. Basically, there is a revenue share that will accumulate from fees to use the card. After talking to the DASH biz dev team, we want to pass the profit back onto the masternodes, miners and community. Would love your feedback on how to do this!


We could just use the funds from the profit share to make the fees lower. I need to ask them about this.
Seems like this idea is the most favored. I will negotiate the rev share and then use that to make the card price and fees as cheap as possible.


Proposal Terms

I'm asking for 450 DASH which will cover a 3 month budget

The costs will cover the following:

- Initial 1 time card program fee is 150 DASH
- Development costs and maintenance 75 DASH per month.
- Customer support is 25 DASH per month.

I estimate that I can get the cards into your hands in 3 months. After that, I can do a 6 months to 1 year proposal for program maintenance.

- I will also provide weekly status updates.

Who am I?

I co-founded one of the earliest and largest Bitcoin companies BitInstant and the Bitcoin Foundation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Shrem

Looking for your feedback!

Charlie Shrem
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Charlie was very professional and approached us to get advice on the process to get his first Dash project considered by the community. After spending a lot of time with him on the phone discussing it I firmly believe this is a great opportunity for Dash. Hopefully the community agrees and supports it. I advised him to start with a pre-proposal discussion so he had the chance to gather feedback ahead of making an official proposal. There are many other projects we can do in the future, this is hopefully the start of a great relationship.
Yeah, this is awesome! Fiat----->DASH DASH------>Fiat seems to the be the key....
So cool to see you in here making this progress....
Thank you for doing a pre-budget proposal discussion first, it shows you are open to feedback and possible changes if needed.
I like your idea of launching a DASHPayCard, my belief is that we need all the Dash-Fiat gateways we can get and this sounds like
a premium debitcard in the making.

I am awaiting the responses from other community members, to see how they react to it .. but my initial reaction is a positive one.

Welcome to Dash, Charlie Shrem.
We are glad to have you aboard.
@CharlieShrem - as a Crypto Godfather that went before us to prepare the way, I would love to see this card and your ideas worked on here. I have a lot of respect for what you have done in the early days of Liberty and Crypto -- to help all of us.

Sincerely -- Barry


Hey All!

After speaking to many in the DASH community and business development team, I've decided to make a pre-proposal and I'm excited to announce the creation of the DASHPayCard! In addition, I will be working to integrate DASH into Payza for a fiat to DASH gateway.
Hi Barry! Such a small world! I've been in this Dash forum for about a week, and I'm going to give you a rainbow now! Nice seeing all the Steemit crew in here!
Hi Barry! Such a small world! I've been in this Dash forum for about a week, and I'm going to give you a rainbow now! Nice seeing all the Steemit crew in here!

I posted today here letting people know about some of the Steemit drama and lies and politics that are stealing community and I am on Steemit Strike and made my posts on it this week and won't go back for awhile. I told people here at DASH about Dan Larimer quitting today too, they could not believe it. I am sick with a lot of the Steemit nonsense stealing my time and good people leaving and nothing getting fixed and the same 1%'er getting greased and looking after their friends and said the same on Dan's post today. My only post in days.
I was an early user of the shift card through Coinbase, and I really liked having a crypto-backed card. Unlike shift, this proposal looks like it requires 'topping up' which seems to me more of a hassle. However, able to use dash would be a great feature, even if it's not automatic. I'd sign up right away.
I was an early user of the shift card through Coinbase, and I really liked having a crypto-backed card. Unlike shift, this proposal looks like it requires 'topping up' which seems to me more of a hassle. However, able to use dash would be a great feature, even if it's not automatic. I'd sign up right away.

Agreed. It will take some doing to have a DASH balance instead of fiat, but I think it can be rolled out in a few months.
This is something I've been hoping for. As I've written about before, I regularly convert some of my masternode profits to Bitcoin, then transfer to Coinbase to spend with my Shift card. Having something to remove the BTC part out of that process is great...and having someone like Charlie make it happen is even better.

You'll get my votes.
Again Welcome aboard @CharlieShrem .. this looks like it will get my MN votes.

My only suggestion/questions.

can/should we have the QR code and dash addy on the back to send funds to? Also consider the EVO release and being able to send coins to a username.