Hi @Plateglassarmour, thanks for your feedback. I plan on having an emphasis on the proposal detailing how the first month of development will all be based around getting the MVP finalized, the second will be making it look better and adding key features like filtering and other quality of life features. The third month we will take a look at the data collected and figure out what the best path will be going forward.I like the structure you are laying out, and it's clear you've put a lot of thought in to running it properly.
My main concern at this point is that people arguing for perfection before a MVP can be launched will stall the project indefinitely.
I certainly encourage you to think about the ultimate structure, but I think getting a MVP out the door in the next couple of months is just as important.
So long as you're clear that it is a framework to be expanded upon in the future, I have high hopes for the masternodes to see the sense in passing it.
Thanks for your feedback again.