Pre-proposal: Dash Wallet for Android - Maintenance and Support

Thats fine , but we need proper mesh network design , for example once the app doesn't see internet , ask whether users want to move to a mesh network , think how works, they shut down internet even in a developed country like hongkong recently , i am pretty sure they can do this any where

so we need to make dash Govt Proof ,thats not a nice to have , it's a necessary feature
Oh. You mean a PIN as a password for starting the app.
Hm... I guess it could be added, but you can already set the pin for sending and I hope you have some sort of security on your phone already, so not everyone can unlock it and start the app.
Hello, Im new at the Dash forum, Im from Venezuela. I saw on dashcentral that your proposal was accepted, congratulations! The reason this post called my attention is because of the "support" issue. Here at Caracas (Venezuela) there are a team that are doing a great job doing conferences with the main objective of adoption of DASH. Now, the problem is that they are having such a big (and increasily) demanda that I think they will run out of capacity. There are a lot of people having many questions and since they are not having enough responses they forget about DASH and continue their lifes. This cant happen anymore, we need a total support team, at least in Venezuela (for beginning) and then continue growing for other countries. But I think its necessary since DASH is gaining atraction from people of all ages and social strates. We need to keep them. What do you guys think? I would apreciate your valuable opinion!
Great stuff , also can you add a pin on top of the app like the blockchain guys

This update will support the lower fee (it will also support an option for zero fees - it is there for testing, not sure how well it will work):

This app currently supports a PIN that encrypts the wallet (private keys) and is required for spending or viewing the recovery phrase. We have no plans to require a PIN to open the app.
Hello, I'm new at the Dash forum. I'm from Venezuela. I saw on dash central that your proposal was accepted, congratulations! The reason this post called my attention is because of the "support" issue. Here in Caracas (Venezuela), there is a team that are doing a great job doing conferences with the main objective of adoption of DASH. Now, the problem is that they are having such a big (and increasing) demands that I think they will run out of capacity. There are a lot of people having many questions and since they are not having enough response they forget about DASH and continue their lives. This can't happen anymore. We need a total support team, at least in Venezuela (for beginning) and then continue growing for other countries. I think its necessary since DASH is gaining attraction from people of all ages and social states. We need to keep them. What do you guys think? I would appreciate your valuable opinion!

My proposal was approved and it was a three month proposal that ended in August. It was only for the Support of the Dash Wallet android app which I develop. I am now a contractor for the Core Team and do the same (Technical support and development) of this app.

For your particular needs there are others in the Dash Community that work on the support that you are talking about.
My proposal was approved and it was a three month proposal that ended in August. It was only for the Support of the Dash Wallet android app which I develop. I am now a contractor for the Core Team and do the same (Technical support and development) of this app.

For your particular needs there are others in the Dash Community that work on the support that you are talking about.

Thanks for your kind reply! I will definitely do that. Future seems great for DASH but we cant let it alone, the DASH succeed depends on its community
Currently there are no plans of adding fingerprint touch to replace the PIN. If the Bitcoin Wallet app developers add it, then I will eventually add it in.
why do we need to wait till blockchain rolls, let not be copy cats , lets try and be world class , check coinbase or xapo app
I agree. There should be an advanced option for sending, that would allow the user to change the default fee to whatever value he wants.