Well-known member
Hello! Everyone,
I've been asked by Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante and Anarchapulco to submit a proposal to DASH for Gold Sponsorship of Anarchapulco 2018.
Given the popularity of DASH among ancaps, the speech I gave in 2016 (Which is my most viewed video) and the general ideological alignment between DASH and the Anarchapulco conference community, it seems to me like an obvious fit. The price tag is also quite low.
Here's what the Gold Sponsorship offers.
Gold (max 5) $3,500
Includes: 2nd level branding on all Anarchapulco materials including website, signage and videos, sponsor table, attendee email list - 4 passes for employees or friends
The Gold sponsorship is the highest under Plantinum which has already been bought out. https://anarchapulco.com/sponsors/
What do you all think? would masternodes vote for this?
Please give me a strong sense of your support or opposition, if I'm confident it'll pass, I'll make the submission.
Thanks! Loving DASH right now looking forward to engaging more with this community when time and other goals allow.
Best Wishes,
Juan Galt.
I've been asked by Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante and Anarchapulco to submit a proposal to DASH for Gold Sponsorship of Anarchapulco 2018.
Given the popularity of DASH among ancaps, the speech I gave in 2016 (Which is my most viewed video) and the general ideological alignment between DASH and the Anarchapulco conference community, it seems to me like an obvious fit. The price tag is also quite low.
Here's what the Gold Sponsorship offers.
Gold (max 5) $3,500
Includes: 2nd level branding on all Anarchapulco materials including website, signage and videos, sponsor table, attendee email list - 4 passes for employees or friends
The Gold sponsorship is the highest under Plantinum which has already been bought out. https://anarchapulco.com/sponsors/
What do you all think? would masternodes vote for this?
Please give me a strong sense of your support or opposition, if I'm confident it'll pass, I'll make the submission.
Thanks! Loving DASH right now looking forward to engaging more with this community when time and other goals allow.
Best Wishes,
Juan Galt.