I commented to you, so that you estimate it if it arrives to present itself to the treasury.
I recently participated in some meetings, where the use of the GSM system (basic system of mobile phone) and sending of SMS were discussed, and the statistics of the operators were very conclusive.
Today everyone has a smartphone, with a minimum 3G connection to the Internet. and they communicate through the Internet through wsapp, telegram, etc.
Access to a second-hand smartphone is very easy, the African dash colleagues will be able to inform you about this, since the African population has mostly smartphones, and they have worse communication infrastructures.
If people use 'the perolito' is their decision, so I understand that they have 2 phones the Smartphone and 'the perolito', they must decide what to use according to their needs.
The matter is simple: a smartphone requires a level of training and that people are willing to be trained in the use of new technologies that involves having a pocket computer, and that is digital literacy, and in the world there are many people with a low level of training in digital skills.
The cost of sending a sms, can be 30-40 ctm of $ / eur, (similar to a bitcoin fee), which must be added the cost of the fee for the service to be self-sufficient and lasting over time and no flower for 3 months of treasury.
There are already projects in BTC and BCH of little success that cover this small market of use.
In addition, they have support to several continents not only Venezuela (country), and if you do not support instandsend or privatesend, ('impossible' in sms txt) there is no competitive advantage.
Invest + of 100 tokens, when the treasury can have other international projects with a more interesting ROI I consider it to waste time and very scarce resources today.
It would be more interesting that from the support of Dash's Venezuela, you would promote the migration of your compatriots to smartphone, and if they steal your smartphone, a problem that can happen in Venezuela, USA, Brazil, UK, etc.
They Have training in recovering your wallet in another phone.
Thanks for your pre-proposal.