Well-known member
Hello, DASH members.
Penetration of the idea of cryptocurrencies as independent, decentralized, self-governing systems reveals the great opportunities for us.
For easy and painless integration of ordinary users into the world of cryptocurrency, for simple and convenient financial management using DASH crypto-currency, I have an idea to create a DASH telegram bot.
Why chosen the Telegram platform ? There is no doubt that this is one of the best cross platform messengers with an open API. And also Telegram:
Open (Telegram has an open API)
I want to put forward my proposal to a vote in the Dash Budget System.
The essence of my proposal is simple. Creating the telegram-bot that will perform the following functions:
1. DASH wallet
2. P2P exchange platform (Escrow)
3. Masternode monitoring
More on the features of the telegram bot
DASH wallet features:
- creation of internal wallets
- the possibility of withdrawing funds to an external purse (transfer of DASH from your (purses) to internal and back)
- the ability to select the DASH course and link the exchange rate to the poloniex / btc-e / exmo, etc.
- display of the purse currency in DASH and in RUB/UAH/USD at exchange rate
Features of P2P exchanger:
- transactions between people where the bot acts as a bulletin board and a guarantor (escrow transactions)
- the ability to transfer DASH to any user instantly and without commissions using special codes (voucher or gift card) that allow any Telegram user to get DASH simply by clicking on the link
- the ability to create ads for the purchase of the sale of DASH for rubles, hryvnia, dollars
- the possibility to set the exchange rate = <exchange rate> + <your interest> (<your percentage> can be equal to 0)
Masternode monitoring:
Service fee:
- adding your masternode to the tracklist
- notification on successful startup of masternode
- notification of the fall down of masternode
Interface localization:
- 0-50 DASH - 0.5%
- 50-250 DASH - 0.3%
- From 250 DASH - 0.1%
- RU
Proposal: https://www.dashcentral.org/p/DASH-telegram-bot
Budget allocation:
Prepare the Architecture design, functional/non-functional requirements, process overview - 8 Dash
For the main developer(core development for 2 month) - 40 Dash
Testing and bugfixing - 20 Dash
Tech support (VPS subscription fee, installation, support) - 7 Dash
Adding new features for queries from the community and users ~ 20 Dash
Interface Localications - 5 Dash
Primary promotion in the Russian/English-speaking community 15 Dash
Reimbursement for the proposal cost - 5 Dash
Total: 120 Dash
I will be glad to hear comments and suggestions.
just tested the telegram bot, looks awesome
Right now the transfer feature sucks ... i should be able to send to other contacts on my telegram app , thats what is really cool , incase they dont have dash bot , create one instantly.
I think we dont need masternode stuff for now , just make is more consumer friendly.
Also just checked the exchange rate , its terribly out of sync its showing 440 USD when the current rate is 620 usd , ( my heart skipped a beat
Telegram has got 450 million users , we should be able to capitalize on this as much as possible
also any idea of the security risks ?
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