Pre-Proposal: DASH & Collective Evolution Partnership To Grow DASH & Educate Masses About DASH

Based on the guidelines for proposal set forth in these forums:

My name is Joe Martino, I am the founder of Collective Evolution and I am submitting this pre-proposal to discuss amongst the DASH community the value of this proposal for the DASH network and what we might adjust to gain support from the Masternode Owners and the community.

Summary of Proposal

Collective Evolution is proposing a long term partnership with DASH in order to promote ideas of decentralization, overcome the ban on crypto advertising, educate the public about cyrptocurrency and grow the DASH network by encouraging more people to adopt the use of DASH as a cryptocurrency. DASH would be helping to support influential independent media in a big way.

We are proposing 247 DASH monthly (at current value $308USD) in order to achieve the deliverables we have outlined below.

As a side, our plan and platform would provide a viable option to educate an age group of the population currently struggling to understand and invest in crypto but are curious and want to.

Further Detail

It appears that everywhere we turn, banks, old-world thought leaders and mainstream media have made their stance clear about cryptocurrencies amongst the public: ‘doubt it! And it’s not safe nor viable!’ This is because banks and the establishment own and control media.

With a global reach well into the millions, Collective Evolution intends on changing this outdated and misleading perspective to liberate people and encourage them to invest in cryptocurrency as the viable next step to decentralize power. This proposal will also help maintain freedom of press which is direly needed in these transformative times.

Collective Evolution has been operating for 10 years and is one of the largest conscious media outlets in the world. With our presence spanning Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and a powerful website, our content has been viewed over 2 billion times. While numbers are important, what we intend to do with those numbers to help support the DASH network is much more powerful.

Brief Summary of Collective Evolution

Founded in 2009, CE quickly gained popularity due to it’s neutral voice and lack of political slant. As a media and education company, we don’t simply create content to sway public opinion, promote one political side or another, or to win an argument. We help people see the world from a fresh perspective that is truth based but also personal. We empower people to think for themselves, educate themselves on things that will truly make an impact on our world and not simply follow the guidelines of a political party or leader. In essence, we remind people HOW to think, not WHAT to think.

Collective Evolution carved out it’s niche within alternative media that can often be quite angry, extreme, emotional or unfounded. This has made Collective Evolution a very well trusted source for independent alternative media created by passionate journalists and content creators.

We believe the ways of the old world do not allow humanity to thrive, and it is up to each and every one of us to realize that. In order to change our system and world we have to first change within, and from there take action on supporting the things we know will make a difference and pull centralized power away from a few who often don’t have our best interests at heart. Trust in the mainstream media is thankfully diminishing, and it’s alternative media outlets that will be the rising force to bring real change to our world. This is a crucial time for alternative media to align with like-minded change makers and companies to once and for all bring the power back to the people.

Collective Evolution’s founder, Joe Martino, was asked to join The Evolutionary Leaders Council for his work with CE and the impact it’s having in creating a world based around peace and viable solutions to help the world thrive. The ELC group is dedicated to bringing actionable change to the world in a real practical sense. This put Joe alongside colleagues such as Deepak Chopra, Vandana Shiva, Jack Canfield, Neale Donald Walsch and more.

(Interview between Jeff Berwick & Joe Martino on Anarchast here.)

The influence, and authentic respect CE has built both online and offline has been a result of passion, authenticity and commitment to a cause of truly helping humanity change and bring forth solutions that put the power back in people’s hands. This is why CE feels it aligns so well with DASH.

As a media company, we produce our own content and we stick with facts. CE has worked to lead by example in covering stories that stretch outside the mainstream narrative but do so with facts and sources everyone can track. We avoid sensationalist approaches which keep people irrationally tied to information and instead bring a grounded neutral approach that helps us see things authentically and truthfully.

We feel CE and DASH align for a number of reasons, but notably the desire to help make the world a better place via its core mission. DASHCares is an example of this, as well as helping to decentralize currency which is 100% necessary for our world to thrive at this time. We want to showcase the deeper humanitarian aspects of DASH and how it’s truly changing the world.

Brief Overview of CE Audience Numbers:

Our own Facebook page has 5.4 Million fans and our Instagram over 275,000. *This does not include our syndication and partner networks that bring in millions more.
We receive over 6 million visitors to our website monthly.
We have an email list topping over 250,000 and grows by 500+ every day.
We currently have over 63,000 subscribers on YouTube.

CE has a global audience but is largely represented by the US (40%), Canada (10%), India (10%), UK/Europe (25%) most notably.

The largest age bracket is between the ages of 30 and 40. With second largest being between 45 and 55
This presents a unique opportunity to help educate an age group very intimidated by crypto.

The gender split is 55 – 45 in favor of females.

Benefits to DASH (Network Overall)

Numbers can look great and while views, banners and branding are great on websites and social media, having worked with sponsorships in the past we know deep down how to bring the most value in order to help a company or a movement. Education and story telling is truly where it’s at and that’s a big part of our intention.

Our proposal is not simply to make DASH a part of our websites advertisements, but to also give DASH a platform to talk about it’s updates, what the DASH network is working on, as well as the good that DASH is doing outside of just cryptocurrency. Along with all the crypto and decentralization work, we want to tell the world about the humanitarian efforts associated with DASH’s work and the other projects it funds that are aligned with our ethos so that people understand the true value in adopting DASH beyond just being a crypto currency.

If people invest in DASH, they invest in themselves and helping others. This is huge.

Another high priority for us is to educate people via a series of videos and articles on how to get started with cryptocurrency. Our audience research and surveying shows that lack of education around what cryptocurrency and how to use them is one of the biggest barriers stopping people from getting involved. We would love to feature DASH as the primary currency we spotlight in educating people on why they should get started and how they can do so.

Deliverables (To Be Accountable by Transparency & Contract)

We plan to keep the DASH community informed of our work and deliverables via a clear line of communication on discord and the DASH forums. We also plan to work closely with DASH Force News to coordinate our efforts.

1. (Advertising Exposure) Collective Evolution will guarantee DASH 10 million monthly prime placement ad impressions on Verifiable by a Google DFP report. Considering Google has shut down crypto advertising, this is a way to get it back and direct. Given the fluctuation of DASH currency we are beginning with a guarantee so we can determine financial viability within the trial period before looking at full website ad takeover.

2. (Advertising Exposure) Collective Evolution will add a “Powered by DASH” logo inside daily emails that go out to 160,000 daily email subscribers) Upon click they will be taken to a landing page designed to further educate readers about DASH and how to invest in the DASH network.

3. (DASH on Facebook) DASH branding will appear in our videos and on certain segment we produce and make viral on Facebook. This will help get DASH back on Facebook which has also shut down

4. (Video Series) Collective Evolution will produce a video series containing 4 parts about crypto currency, it’s potential, how to get started and how it will change the world. DASH will be the official sponsor of this series and we will outline the benefits of choosing DASH as a currency to invest in. Collective Evolution will work with the DASH team/DASH Force News to produce accurate facts and align with company goals in producing the series. This series will also be the ‘go to’ series to send viewers to anytime they ask about crypto and how to invest. It will help fulfill our education based mission around crypto awareness.

5. (Regular News & Updates) Collective Evolution will act as a platform to which DASH can release press release information in the form of news articles or video stories on our website and social media on a regular basis.

6. (Video Branding Partnership) DASH will be the sole partner of CE’s in studio new videos. These will contain DASH branding during the segment and post-roll.

7. (Podcast Episode Feature) We will do a podcast episode with a DASH team member of DASH’s choosing. This episode will go out to all of our subscribers. Currently our podcasts average about 30,000 listens each.

8. (Podcast Sponsorship) Collective Evolution will notify podcasts listeners at the beginning and end of podcasts that CE’s podcast is powered by DASH and provide some basic info into how people can learn more about investing in DASH to grow the DASH network.

9. (Potential Video Series) Collective Evolution and DashCares can team up to create an ongoing series chronicling the good DASH and DASHCares is doing to help the world. These would be feel good stories with an actionable, invest in DASH to support further work. (1 episode per month)

10. (Series Partnership) DASH would also become the official and exclusive partner of a weekly Collective Evolution episodic show we would bring back called ‘These Guys.’ The show covers differing perspectives on popular topics happening in our world through a comedic and entertaining style. Episodes would air once a week across all of our platforms.

11. We have another idea we would like to specifically propose to the DASH core team privately as the early workings of this idea would need to be protected under an NDA. This idea would not roll out until after the initial 3 month proposal.

Use of Funds

CE’s monthly budget breakdown for DASH Funding to deliver on promise

Full Time Journalists & Content Creators: $20,000
Researcher: $4500
Video Production Team: $10,000
Content Manager: $5000
Chief Editor: $6000
Social Media Managers: $4000
Graphic Designers: $4000
IT/Web Hosting: $5000
Community Management/Outreach: $5000
‘These Guys’ Show Production: $8500
Editorial Copy Editor/Fact Checker: $5000

Total: $76,000 USD or 247 DASH (1 = $308 USD) Monthly.

We propose this partnership for a 3 month trial to allow for Masternode Owners to see the value of our work and what we are delivering. Strategies can adjust as necessary, and we can hold accountable mutual benefit.

From there we would propose renewal with the intention of a longer term partnership in 3 month stints.

We are open to hearing any feedback and suggestions. We also are open to any questions!

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1. We explore Astrology from a personal development perspective only. i.e. how can you utilize it to explore our own self, beliefs and take action on changing our lives. Not your average run of the mill newspaper horoscope or anything. Usually have about 1 article per month on this topic.

2. When it comes to aliens, we point to declassified documents and and credible witness testimony. This includes our contacts with credentialed whistle blowers from the military, government programs and so forth. With this subject finally now be spoken about in mainstream media, people are realizing how much involvement governments, intelligence agencies and so forth have in the subject.

3. We generally don't support the 'Vegan' label. We feel it pushes an identity that creates anger, judgment and division amongst people. We advocate a plant-based diet, but also help people see how they can continue eating animal products in a healthier way.

With our media choosing a neutral tone and stance, we tend to offer solutions vs judging people for their beliefs, choices, political slants etc.

Ok, here goes...

What's your view on

1. Astrology
2. the existence of aliens on earth
3. Veganism

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Well, this is your top row, front page story about some of our astronauts visiting another planet with aliens, i.e. Serpo:

Here's a direct quote:

“Two Americans liked life on Serpo so much, they decided to stay there. The remaining astronauts Returned Home in 1978 and the government quarantined them for an entire year. During that time, they had many debriefings, which resulted in a 3,000 page report. They were then allowed to go back to their normal lives. Little is known about their lives since, except the last surviving one died in 2002. There has been no communication with Ebens on Serpo since 1985, so it is not known what happened to the Americans who chose to stay on the planet.”

To my view, this would be the antithesis of credible witnesses and legitimate government sources.

And here are two recent stories from the front page (2 days apart) regarding astral charts and how your astrology sign affects your relationships.

Sorry, I just can't go there.
Those videos were one off's due to a partner podcast. Again, not content we cover on a weekly basis.

Serious question I have to help better understand, would your disagreeing beliefs on quality astrology reporting once a month stop you from wanting to vote to help get DASH to millions of people?

As for the ET article, I refer to this part of the article:

"We already have an enormous amount of verified data and verified whistleblowers to pull from, but again, it’s also fun to speculate every once in a while, and why do we always have to lend our ear to a “verifiable source.” Obviously, it’s understandable if you’re trying to reach a wider audience, but we could be potentially missing out on some interesting revelations. It’s always a worthwhile effort to take a look and see what might be true, especially with regards to stories that, at the present moment, we can’t really say to be true or false.

As long as it’s clear we are speculating, I think it’s a healthy and creative thing to do, especially in light of all the evidence that does already exist suggesting human/alien interaction. We, for the most part, know we are not alone and know that some sort of interaction has taken place, at least that’s our stance here at Collective Evolution, and we know much of the world feels the same way.

It’s truly one of the most exciting times in human history to be alive and although there is, I believe, ample evidence to suggest that humanity has gone through phases of extraterrestrial contact before, it’s looking like it might be on the verge of happening again, at least that’s the gist we seem to be hearing from many different prominent people who would be in the position to ‘know.’

It’s the biggest story in human history, one that leaves no aspect of it untouched.

Since we dropped the Atom bomb, UFO sightings have been increasing every single year, it’s something that can’t really be hidden anymore as citizens all over the world have shot footage of crafts performing maneuvers that defy our known laws of physics and aerodynamics, including the government.

This was the sentiment of multiple insiders from within the U.S. Department of Defence, who recently released three videos of real UFOs shot by their military pilots. The director of the Pentagon’s ‘aerial threat’ program to investigate UFO’s, Louis Elizondo, along with one of the pilots, stated that they believe the objects they saw were indeed not from this world. Elizondo specifically stated that he believes there is ample evidence suggesting “that we are not alone, whatever that means.”

Keep in mind, there are thousands of these encounters described in the declassified literature."
To answer your question directly, yes. The presence of those articles, or in a similar vein once per month is a deal breaker for me.

The science behind astrology is right up there with the flat earth science.
To answer your question directly, yes. The presence of those articles, or in a similar vein once per month is a deal breaker for me.

The science behind astrology is right up there with the flat earth science.

You are going a bit overboard here solarguy. Almost every mainstream magazine and newspaper in the world has some kind of daily/weekly astrology ‘your stars’ report in it.

If this is what you are basing your blanket ban decision on, good luck finding a mainstream outlet to reach the masses.

Astrological readings are just a tool that some people use in their lives to find meaning, and is a bit of fun for others to read out to their friends.

Why would you call this a deal-breaker, makes no sense.

Astrology is on the up and up online too.

Re: Aliens, you have to admit, we can’t be the only living creatures in the universe. Maybe you are right, maybe we are all alone on earth, but again that makes no logical sense to me.

People pay or swap with CE to post articles. It’s very hard to police what others choose to post. I’m sure Joe will do well getting the Dash message out to many mainstream people, but I’m not sure if Dash is ready for these people. But from a perspective of raising awareness, its good to have Joe and CE onside.


I should add... you voted strongly for the Ben Swann proposal (two hands up). Joe is part of the same group. These are the grass roots guys, so I’m confused why you are immediately set against this CE proposal, in my view these are the guys pushing the same messages for freedom in media, and discussing things that aren’t mentioned anywhere else. Don’t focus too hard on censoring astrology, alien discussion etc. These more controversial subjects are what many people find interesting and draw them into discussions which helps with page reach, so a bit of a ‘tool of the trade’ so-to-speak.
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Sorry to burst your bubble but astrology and the is alien stuff is complete bull. There is not an iota of scientific evidence to back any of this stuff.
Freedom in media doesnt mean you can go online and spread fake news about epidemics or tsunamis or Alien abductions.

I completely detest Ben Swann's proposal but only from an ROI point of view. I quite like his show otherwise where as you are peddling complete BS.
@solarguy have you ever refused to buy a newspaper because it has an astrology section in the back? I'm sure even the New York Times has also published quite a number of articles on aliens, vegan diets and astrology over the years...

I have somewhat followed Collective Evolution for a while now I have often found their articles to be articulate, fresh and thought provoking. I get the impression that they inspire a following of forward thinking readers that like to consider a varying range of possibilities presented to them. For this reason I believe that Dash is inline with CE's general objective of a 'Collective Evolution' and would be well received and adopted among their audience.
As a libertarian, I totally embrace their right to print whatever content they see fit. My personal assessment is their editorial choice of content would be a poor fit for Dash. That's just my opinion and I relish the community that encourages discourse in what the best plan of attack is to promote Dash.

Carry on.

Just make sure you go read the serious article about our astronauts visiting the planet Serpo, and liking it (and the aliens there) so much that some of them stayed.
I know where you are coming from although even if they wrote an article about the Flying Spaghetti Monster I would probably be amused but not the slightest compelled to believe it. For the most part their content is quite interesting (to me atleast) and if any of their articles come off as airy fairy then in no way should Dash be intended to endorse these narratives by being a sponsor. While their media isn’t particularly relevant to Dash, they tend to encourage forward thinking, I think it is notable to consider that they have drawn a significant following, many of which one can assume have an interest in new technologies, solutions and perhaps even radical theories, whatever that may entail, even Satoshi’s White paper was a considered an incredibly radical theory. Some niche ideologies and believes are each to their own, but Dash is intended for everybody. For the most part I believe CE provide interesting content which is engaging to many users, and just as google and Facebook use targeted ads, I think it’s quite important to consider the likelyhood of CE’s followers adopting Dash, as opposed to for instance sponsoring a better homes and gardens channel. With YouTube soon wiping out advertising, we are in a position to retain YouTube viewership. So my question more to point is, what kind of viewers do they have? How engaged are they? And how likely are they be interested in Dash?
I know where you are coming from although even if they wrote an article about the Flying Spaghetti Monster I would probably be amused but not the slightest compelled to believe it. For the most part their content is quite interesting (to me atleast) and if any of their articles come off as airy fairy then in no way should Dash be intended to endorse these narratives by being a sponsor. While their media isn’t particularly relevant to Dash, they tend to encourage forward thinking, I think it is notable to consider that they have drawn a significant following, many of which one can assume have an interest in new technologies, solutions and perhaps even radical theories, whatever that may entail, even Satoshi’s White paper was a considered an incredibly radical theory. Some niche ideologies and believes are each to their own, but Dash is intended for everybody. For the most part I believe CE provide interesting content which is engaging to many users, and just as google and Facebook use targeted ads, I think it’s quite important to consider the likelyhood of CE’s followers adopting Dash, as opposed to for instance sponsoring a better homes and gardens channel. With YouTube soon wiping out advertising, we are in a position to retain YouTube viewership. So my question more to point is, what kind of viewers do they have? How engaged are they? And how likely are they be interested in Dash?

If we want to take this opportunity then we need to act sooner rather than later, because Facebook have been taking steps to drastically reduce organic reach of pages like CE on their platform.

I’m sure CE can spin Dash in such a way that their users will find engaging. I’m not saying make a clickbait post that Evan is an Alien but describe more about the community and shared core beliefs that help empower and shape Dash, and what the Dash DAO enables and how it could help empower people to change and improve their lives around the world.

Maybe Joe can provide some example approaches of what he believes would resonate with his page users, and we can see if any are suitable for Dash.

Note. These guys and gals are ‘heart thinkers’, so I wouldn’t expect any Dash technical material or specs to get any traction on CE.
I'm going to jump in here and say that there is too much of a micro focus on a few pieces of content that in absolutely no way represent our brand as a whole. Our audience is already very engaged by crypto and it is one of the topics we get asked about regularly.

CE has been around or 10 years. We've gained brand respect and loyalty don't due to the fact that 1. we do not shy away from topics that sometimes people are scared to talk about. 2. We cover topics very well, factually and without sensationalism. 3. We provide real actionable solutions that change people's live. 4. Our message deeply resonates with people who wish to create a better world.

CE has been hugely instrumental in informing people and helping to create movements like the march against monsanto, questioning government, and it has helped pave the way for why crypto has legs due to the fact we speak so much about central banking and elite control of our infrastructures. Just because we talk about ET's and aliens from time to time does take away from the fact that the majority of our content helps people to awaken to what's really going on in our world.

There are assumptions and judgements being made off of a couple of hours of looking at some content. I've been doing this for years, so I've seen and heard it all, but it does still baffle me that people are so shocked and judgemental about the idea of ET's. Most countries in the world, with the exception of the US and Canada, has disclosed this information to the public, yet here in the west some of us still approach it like it's such a scary and laughable subject. Matter of perspective really. It's the exact same way uninformed people view crypto as an unsafe silly investment that will never work.. it's because they are misinformed, not because there isn't truth.

Our material, along with Ben's and even Free Thought's, is pretty well all the same in what we're doing. Sure, we take more of an approach where get our readers to question their thoughts, long standing beliefs and encourage us to live through our hearts instead of solely through our mind, but that has only proven to create a better world time and time again. You see, we don't do what we do because we want to make a quick buck producing media. We deeply care about the world, people and solutions which is why we go about things the way we do. This is why CE has generated a loyal and large audience that has millions in global reach. You don't get that with lies, bad journalism and no value.

As for our audience, the most popular and highest selling indie documentary on all of iTunes last ear was a film called Unacknowledged. It's a film in the genre of UFO's and ET's and I'm making this point because many don't seem to realize that behind closed doors, due to irrational criticism, this subject is one of the largest things on people's minds. This means that your average person, your everyday thinker, is into this subject. Viewing a media platform as having an audience other than an average person due to the fact it covers ET content from time to time is inaccurate.

As outlined in the proposal above, we've tracked and surveyed our audience many times over the years. They are your average person like you and I who want to be informed and make the world a better place. They want to move beyond the limitations so many of us face today in our world's structures. As I've stated, we've identified that one of the biggest challenges to people is that they don't understand crypto, they are intimidated by getting involved in it, they have no idea the benefits from one to another and they have no idea how to actually buy it and use it. This is direct feedback we get from our interested audience. So our approach would be to create content that educates people since our audience thinks outside the box, are already very curious about crypto and we get asked questions all the time about it regularly.

So I share again, just because people are open minded enough to explore the topic of aliens, doesn't mean they are anything but average people looking to make the world a better place. Yes, mainstream conjecture and mainstream media has designed our way of thinking such that we view these people as crazy, but it doesn't mean it's true.

Thanks for the dialogue!
@solarguy have you ever refused to buy a newspaper because it has an astrology section in the back? I'm sure even the New York Times has also published quite a number of articles on aliens, vegan diets and astrology over the years...

I have somewhat followed Collective Evolution for a while now I have often found their articles to be articulate, fresh and thought provoking. I get the impression that they inspire a following of forward thinking readers that like to consider a varying range of possibilities presented to them. For this reason I believe that Dash is inline with CE's general objective of a 'Collective Evolution' and would be well received and adopted among their audience.

To answer your question directly, I don't buy newspapers at all because it's rare to get decent, factual unbiased reporting. I don't watch network news for the same reason. And perhaps not coincidentally, the New York Times also prints astrological charts. All the news that's fit to print.
@Collective Evolution I would like to inform you that it can be difficult to get an approximate gauge even in the pre-proposals phase here as to how the masternodes will vote. We are only 3 (maybe 4) masternode owners/operators that have commented so far out of potentially upwards of thousands that make up the DAO. Quite a lot of voters are silent among the community too and not as outspoken as others, nevertheless I certainly think it's important to submit a pre-proposal here before going live on Dash Central.

I have noticed recently that an increasing number of proposals are finding it hard to receive funding because the budget is getting quite crammed with proposals. This on one hand is good for increasing the quality of proposals that pass but on the other hand some proposals in the actual proposal phase can get bombarded with questions, and after getting bumped from the cycle, need to go back to the drawing board and resubmit on the next cycle with some adjustments. I actually would like to see your proposal to pass and it would be a shame to burn 5 Dash from a failed attempt, preparation is key. To be honest I think what will happen with your proposal is that it will be compared to the Free Thought Project and We Are Change, both of which are similar projects and are asking for much less on a monthly basis. Take for example Free Though Project:

"In just the last two years, the Free Thought Project has received over 1.5 BILLION organic video views on Facebook alone. We have over 6 million followers of our own on various Facebook pages and belong to a network that reaches upwards of 30 million followers. In our few years on the internet, The Free Thought Project website has received nearly half a billion visits or roughly 7 percent of the entire world's population."

They passed (729 Yes / 59 No) for 126 per month, which is around 50% of the 247 per month you are asking.


"We Are Change has accumulated over 100 million video views on YouTube alone."
We Are Change passed (907 Yes / 153 No) for 50 per month, which is 20% of what you are asking.

I honestly think on this basis your proposal will struggle to pass asking for this much when it's compared to similar projects with a much wider outreach. $75,000+ per month is quite a significant amount of money for something that until this point I gather has managed to fund itself.
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Regardless of my personal views on becoming partners with Collective Evolution, we want everyone to get their proposal the best possible hearing. To that end, I would encourage you to make a poll at the top of your post. You can ask for Masternode only participation, or leave it open to the wider Dash community.

Furthermore, you should post on the other two big Dash forums to get the best and most feedback on your proposal. Reddit Dashpay, which is here:

and the Dashnation discord channel. We have a subchannel where you can engage with just Masternodes. It's called Masternode Office. You need an invite to get on Dash Nation. Here you go:

Once you're on the Discord channel, just post on Dash-talk general chat and support and ask a mod to add you to that Masternode Office channel.

And I presume you read the stickied guide for optimising your chances of getting a proposal passed. If not, here it is:
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I could be totally wrong about how the Masternodes as a group will feel about a long term relationship with Collective Evolution. Certainly, I got it wrong in my proposal for a Dash branded alternative to CoinMarketCap. We got creamed with no votes.

And if I had not, somebody was going to ask those questions regarding the more controversial aspects of CE's content. It is certainly better to get the issue out in the open and dealt with in the pre-proposal stage. That's the whole idea.

Put up a poll. Post on the other forums. Carry on the discourse.