I didn't say that I will be the only person working on Dash Chat or checking the chat transcripts. I want you to know that there are tools that I thought of to make sure that no policies are broken, if you'd like you can be a part of Dash Chat if the proposal were to be approved. I do however promise 100% transparancy and Dash Chat agents can have access to all the chats that take place in dash.org
I don't have access to your emails. I never requested access to them either. You can open the files in an anonymous browser, in fact, no one even needs to have an email address to access the documentation I provided. The reason why I did things the way I did was because I didn't want to bombard this post with a lot of text which I included in the documentation.
You do not need to trust me in order for Dash Chat to work, you would need to trust the majority or part of the Dash Chat members, that is because they will all have access to what is taking place within Dash Chat.
In one of your previous replies you mentioned, quote: "Second if an organization (delivering a mass market product like ours) needs staff to engage new users individually to be able to use it or convert it, it's pretty obvious that product is badly designed / uncompetitive and those economics just don't add up."
Let me explain Dash Chat in another way so perhaps you get a better understanding of what I intend for Dash Chat... Think about a conference taking place to promote Dash, similar to the one that Juan Galt delivered a while back... What was the purpose of this conference? To promote Dash, right? Now, the same applies to Dash Chat, it is a form of promoting Dash but in a different method, via chat. However, to maximize agent work activity they may also answer basic tech questions.
If you'd like you can participate in Dash Chat for as long as you'd like to witness first-hand that nothing immoral is taking place. Not only that, but believe me, if something wrong does happen, it is just a matter of time until it becomes evident to everyone, that's just a rule of life.
@AndyDark @TroyDASH @fernando @fible1