@Roberto Julio Azar
This amount would be for a pretty good agent, I've actually hired native speakers from English speaking countries living in Bolivia for 600 bucks a month. You can definitely get an expat for 1K USD in Bolivia if you do some searching. There is a reason the Phillipines and India are call center hubs, they have excellent speakers. The type of agent you are probably thinking of work at call centers that "specialize" in cheap but poor service and they have a high turnover rate, and they earn half of what we are discussing. This is really a very good salary for a call center agent. Damn near outstanding.
If Bolivian law weren't so shitty I would set this up for you myself. Try Odesk or google and you can find what other people are paying and what reviews they are giving their agents.
Hope that helps,
the problem is Dash - tech knowledge
you will not get somebody with that background for 600- 1k US$
i honestly hold this proposal back for now
this is not needed imo + will cost a lot to maintain - if we hit some huge number of new users who need live support constantly we should consider (now is not the right time i believe)