Hi David,
Here is your report,
Couple of notes:
- There is NO pass/failure mark. The percentage simply allows us to create a Prioritized List of Evaluated Proposals. The idea being that a MNO with very little time can concentrate on Proposals at the bottom of the list only. MNO’s with more time will obviously look at all proposals as per normal
- The evaluation also enables the Evaluators to look for scammers etc and red-flag a proposal that is a possible danger to Dash. They have more time and tools to look for the tell-tale signs.
- How did the Evaluators decide on marks: PEC Evaluator Guidelines https://goo.gl/Futw1d
- MNO’s have been very lenient in the past. So even if you have, what you might consider a low mark, you might still pass the Vote

- Most Important: The evaluation is to give you an idea of where you can improve your proposal to have a better chance of earning MNO votes.
When you improve your proposal, please color all new material in red and don’t delete any word/sentence, but use strike through or underline. This will make it easier for the evaluator to find changes, when she or he re-evaluates your improved proposal. The MNO’s will also so be interested to see what you changed to improve your proposal.
Since you were unlucky enough to submit your Pre-Proposal just as the PEC started, you had a handicap: You did not know the importance of the
Dash Project Proposal Template https://goo.gl/m0jgfS .
This Template was created some years ago by the MNO’s to get all the information that they need to make an informed decision. It is also the easiest way for you to earn extra marks

If your proposal did not cover a question in the Template – just put the Heading and answer in your detail doc. If your proposal does cover the question: Just put the Heading with the words:
See original Proposal.
Project Scope - Milestones and Schedule: See original Proposal.
We know this is a painful bureaucratic exercise, but once you’ve done your improvements for this 1st one, the next couple of improvements (maybe just one?) will be easy, and of course – you are bound to have more proposals in the future!
Good luck