Pre-proposal Dash Boost: Advertising campaign with Billboards

Red Productiva

New member
Redproductiva community Dash- Mérida Venezuela ally of Dash Venezuela This new proposal for DashBoost is to carry out the advertising campaign of the DASH brand so that all the Merchants and the general public learn to use Dash as an Exchange. The main idea is to place advertisements throughout the city and carry out events where we take to practice the exchanges. The campaign has the following impulse: 1.- Billboards up 2.- Ads by Radio 3.- Video in HD screens in Principal AV of city and Malls 4.- Events Redproductiva follows in the footsteps of its main counterpart Dash Venezuela, carrying out the promotion of Dash through advertising spots around the city of Mérida. The idea of this is to create merchants and users all at the same time that the use of DASH is generated in a more practical way with the purchase action Dash with BsS. Merchants will have information about Dash Wallet Apps, online POS, DashText available for receiving payments generated by users.
Project Purpose / Business Justification

An easy way to acquire DASH is provided to the user, with the help of billboards located in several areas of the city, there will also be electronic screens transmitting 5 different videos on the subject Dash. Both the user and the merchant will have the support through a web page that will be created to provide the necessary information. Goals (in business terms) Here we are working 5 different points: 1. Increase the operations of Change, FIAT to DASH. 2. Increase business and merchants that accept DASH 3. Conduct educational events for entrepreneurs and the general public. 4. All existing tools to facilitate Exchange: Dash Wallet (Android, IOS) Dash Text, Qr.CR, etc. 5. Create new technology alliances.
Objectives (in business terms)
In the city of Merida there are only 4 businesses using DASH, in the campaign of the month of December, We want to reach new businesses_ 1.- 60 new businesses and Merchant_ 2.- New uses Exchange Bs.S to DASH 3.-New alliances with Crypto Exchange 4.-National expnsion in 2nd quarter of the year 6.-Integration of other communities to the Project 7.- Create Web site
Key Deliverables
We would be presenting video and photos to enhance the event for 1 month.
Success Criteria
The statistics obtained will be published clearly and precisely on the productive network page, thus providing transparency of the results obtained. This will serve as a study for expansion for other cities taking into account the revision of the strategies followed and the new ones to follow.
Net Votes: 0
Project manager

Edwar Vidarte

Team members
Edwar Vidarte, Jose Arenas, Verandrys Hernandez

Dash Forum Discord: EdwarV#6109 [email protected] Instagram: @redproductiva1 twitter: @redproductiva1

Some Billboard up Example:


Advertising Screens Example:

Sin título.png
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This proposal really interests me as I have advocated before to move away from the conference and meetups marketing tactics which I perceive as low impact and high cost towards more traditional scaleable marketing activities.

In light of google and Facebook banning non exchange advertising, billboards and video screen advertising seems like a good fit.

Could you please elaborate on your background and experience with this kind of marketing?
Which brand messages would you run?
What do you consider to be the most powerful message to resonate with the venezuelan population dash has to offer?
How long would this dash boost proposal cover?
How quickly could you scale this up nation wide?
Have you considered partnering up with an exchange to offset some of the cost?
Me encanta esta propuesta. Es sumamente importante el uso publicitario y este tipo de campañas son necesarias para tener un alcance masivo en el conocimiento de Dash.
Saludos a todos. Apoyamos esta propuesta porque permite alcanzar a miles de personas, transeúntes y vehículos que transitan por esta vía. Algunas personas podrían escuchar hablar de esta alternativa por primera vez.
This proposal really interests me as I have advocated before to move away from the conference and meetups marketing tactics which I perceive as low impact and high cost towards more traditional scaleable marketing activities.

In light of google and Facebook banning non exchange advertising, billboards and video screen advertising seems like a good fit.

Could you please elaborate on your background and experience with this kind of marketing?
Which brand messages would you run?
What do you consider to be the most powerful message to resonate with the venezuelan population dash has to offer?
How long would this dash boost proposal cover?
How quickly could you scale this up nation wide?
Have you considered partnering up with an exchange to offset some of the cost?

The Answer: 1. I have +15 years working in the world of sales, I know that if a product, however good it is and does not have a good publicity campaign, the product will not have the desired impact. 2. It would circulate short videos of 10 to 20 seg as: What is Dash . Exchange with Merchant .Exchange from FIAT to Dash and vice versa . Businesses that receive Dash. As a means of payment 3. Campaigns to promote Investment in Dash, Avoid Devaluation, Savings un Dash 4. First stage, Regional Mérida Venezuela Second stage We would add 2 more states, Maracaibo (Dash Maracaibo) and Monagas (Dash Monagas) supporting themselves with the communities of those regions. This stage would place a proposal in Treasury and would cover 3 months (1 Quater 2019). Third stage: To other regions of the country accompanied with each community of Venezuela. 5. By the second quarter, 2019, the expansion at the national level would begin. 6. Yes, I would consider it

Hello Quansen, I´m Edwar Redproductiva Dash- Merida Vzla