Pre-proposal: Community Stipends

When should the Community Stipends proposal be submitted?

  • This month: It's a good idea, let's use available funds now

  • Next month: It's a good idea, but we need more time to discuss

  • Never, I don't like the proposal

Results are only viewable after voting.
You shouldnt believe that everyone agree. You should PROVE that everyone agree. And the only way to prove this is to ask a question in the only place where all masternodes may be found. In the governance system. Wherever else you present your list, it will be a fake place, and the feedback will be unreal....
I see Demo deleted his negative post that I answered here.. LOL

....The Proposal Evaluation Committee will be discussed and dissected and adjusted and adjusted and eventually a proposal will be put to the MNO vote – just like any other proposal. Just like normal. Just like always. Nothing to be feared here.
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Ahh Demo. I see you as one of the 300 hoplites defending the pass against the decentralized horde!! Love you! You remind me of my younger days – all fire and brimstone. :mad:

But seriously: The Proposal Evaluation Committee will be discussed and dissected and adjusted and adjusted and eventually a proposal will be put to the MNO vote – just like any other proposal. Just like normal. Just like always. Nothing to be feared here.

What I am trying to tell you, is that you should cut your proposal into little pieces , and ask the masternodes all those pieces.
Otherwise, if you propose a big proposal, then the masternodes are stupid, and they will not read it. They will vote for it not with their logic, but with their sympathy. They are always doing this. The same they did to the Lamassu project, and the community lost 7000 Dash. Among us, they exist a lot of scammers, who are talking sweet words to the masternodes, they present their beautifull face to them, and send them kisses and they look funny, in order to address to their feelings, and not to their logic. And the masternodes always fall into that trap. Whatever stupidity is nicely advertised, they vote for it. But this is scam, and the advertisers are (most of them) scammers.

I wish all faces, all jokes, all advertisers to be banned from the budget system. And when someone proposes something to do it anonymously, in order to address only to the logic, and not to the feeling.
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I don't agree with everything that is in @Biltong outline as it is a bit too bureaucratic for me but i think we can work out our differences and present something a bit different to the community for feedback....
"bureaucratic" I take exception to that!! Pedantic.. maybe. Anal – OK .. I’ll go with that. But “Bureaucratic” FFS!! :mad: I’m going to PM you 17 well thought out and spellchecked reasons, why I’m not ‘Bureaucratic’.
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Oh Demo - I never knew you felt like that :confused:
Did I mention that you look like the coca-cola Santa Claus, ready to bring a big bag of gifts?

Everyone who proposes to the budget system should look the same. Everyone should have an identical avatar, and videos or sweet girlish talks should be prohibited. No santa-clauss or amandas should be allowed. Let us ban the advertisers, for the reason and the logic to prevail against feelings.
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So - while I didn't go into all the details of your solution - I just wanted to support you and let you know that you really did spot an important issue.
I like your idea from a contributor's and potential "receiver's" point of view, and I can imagine that the masternode owners would also appreciate a solution for this.

Good luck!!

I can definitely support @Aniinl commitment to Dash. She has been helping me write articles for the Dash For Newbies Medium publication as well as supporting our efforts to attract more women to Dash. She's an awesome part of the community and a great force of change. She's a natural organizer and very friendly, just the sort of person that attracts more people.
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