Pre-Proposal: Co-Funding of Dash Embassy Thailand / Asia Embassy Expansion Step 1 (Oct-Dec 2018)

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Objectives & short description
We are a professional team of business, marketing, education and cryptocurrency experts with a great partner network in sales, legal, payment, integration and implementation.

We are passionate believer in the Dash philosophy and are very active for the Dash Community in Asia (especially Bangkok/Thailand) with regular meetups and active support.

Our team envisions to now bring the successful open source project of the Dash Embassies to Asia - starting with Thailand. In short, we want to help to further grow the ecosystem by helping with marketing, education as well as hands-on support on integration and implementation. Our goal is to help Dash becoming further accepted in the real world and, at the same time, we aim to create a sustainable business concept, that does not rely on the treasury in the long run. We believe this is possible by creating as many win-win situations as we can.

As we are working with various payment providers and merchants, we have identified a common pain and ongoing trend in the crypto space: merchants want to accept cryptocurrencies but don’t know how, crypto payment providers want to compete with existing alternatives but struggle finding partners and Dash wants to be further accepted in the real world but only grows their merchant network slowly. We have learned that these perspectives are a big opportunity for a Dash Embassy as it brings all the different stakeholders together. We believe that we can grow a business with several revenue streams such as affiliate or cross marketing income. By doing this, we want to bring the Embassy model to the next level by making it a sustainable business model. For this project we got the full support of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH team.

We are on a good way as we are an existing legal company and already achieved very respectable results in the targeted region. To accomplish the targeted goals we require co-funding from the Dash treasury to create further momentum, starting in October. The Bangkok based Blockchain Gateway and only Dash acceptance so far in Thailand, Futerio by Infinite Solutions Consulting, a registered company limited, has been funding the complete start up, registration, office setup etc. to kick-start the project.

The team is focused on creating a sustainable business model to finance itself after the acceleration period and is asking for an initial 88 Dash per month (detailed budget below). Funding of the treasury will only be needed until the goals are reached.

Please read more about our achievements, current situation and plans below. We looking forward to your comments and feedback!

Thailand is becoming a critical country for blockchain
While United States regulators are still trying to figure out how to think about cryptocurrencies, Thailand’s government is already mapping out its own central Bank digital currency.

This is just one of numerous examples how Thailand has emerged as one the most interesting cryptocurrency and blockchain countries in Southeast Asia in 2018. Read more in this article:

As this article - like many other - shows, the opportunities in Thailand for Dash and Cryptocurrencies in general are amazing right now.

Especially if a professional and trustworthy real-life team with a long standing reputation and credibility offer people the right education, implementation, integration and legal support they need. Combined with the right marketing we want to generate a momentum and use this great chance for Dash in Thailand and Asia.


Pictures from our first research and promo tour in Asia. Sascha Jochum & Felix Mago from Futerio hosting Rafael Schultz (@blockchainpunk) - [email protected]
(from left to right: Sascha Jochum, Rafael Schulz, Felix Mago)

What have we achieved so far?
Our Team members are in the crypto scene for a long time and have already been very active for Dash in the local community.

1. Dash Meetups & LIve streams! With our DASH TUESDAYS ASIA [Live from Bangkok] we reached 5,600 people so far. The Dash Tuesdays Asia is a regular education and networking event where we invite different speakers for different target groups (beginner, shops, restaurants, students, entrepreneurs , …). Each Tuesday event has a keynote presentation on a specific subject including a workshop or Q&A (What is Dash, DAO & DGBB, how to use Dash, how to buy/sell Dash, how to accept Dash as a merchant, …) The Keynote presentation takes around 20 minutes. The sessions are recorded and promoted online to the public, so that not only the visitors can learn but everyone can profit from it any time, any place. Other Asian countries like our partners in Vietnam video stream the event and host their own local events around it. Even a collaboration on another continent is planned - so far in Kenya / East Africa (with @Brighteous).

These events have of course been accessible for free for the public interested to learn about Dash. It’s always education and marketing in once. Community management and real-life contacts have been our key to success so far.

The Dash Tuesdays ASIA Event has reached 5,700 people till 7th September on facebook


Below some pictures from the last Event on the 4th of September

Video Streams can be watched here:

The Events are hosted at the Blockchain Space by UNIONSpace (Ekamai BTS Station) in Bangkok

2. Dash Community expansion! During these events and through our service and support activities we have been already building up a big community with over 1,000 members in Thailand, Vietnam and other Asian countries. We already built a shared social media presence on facebook to onboard them easier. We promote Thailand as a role model other countries can follow:

Dash Embassies ASIA group = 1,091 members [7th September 2018]

The Dash Embassies ASIA page = 158 likes [7th September 2018]

Here we do regular posts, inform people of new events, other dash related asia news and communicate with the people as a 24/7 chat support.

3. Chat and call support! On our social media channels we support people with all Dash related topics like integration, implementation, payment, etc. and actively help finding real life solutions for them or connect them to the right people.

4. Dash competence Team! Our Dash Embassy core team includes 1 marketing expert, 1 education professional and 1 dedicated person for administration, implementation and integration, all 3 from the Dash Embassy Asia founding company and professional Blockchain Gateway!

Plus 2 legal partners from and 1 integration and implementation partner from who targets the Merchants. In Thailand we are also working with 2 local hands Dash Ambassadors from the (with 6,500 followers) and Blockchain Zone. In Vietnam and Indonesia the team is still very small and focused mainly on the meet ups.

What is our current situation?
With our Dash meetups, community and support work for Dash in Thailand and other Asian countries we explored many business opportunities and income streams. For example affiliate programs, referrals, event cross marketing etc. with merchants, exchanges, payment processors, brokers, OTC desks, ATM & POS providers, Business services etc.

Below are our most recent leads:

So far our team has already reached respectable goals as explained above. We see high potential in following up on those leads and to accomplish relevant income streams to keep up the good work and developments. Our goal is to achieve even higher targets and professionalize the whole project and the activities for Dash in Asia on a legal, governmental and commercial level.

But to to cover the growing external expenses and costs of a professional team we need additional acceleration funding from the Dash treasury; on top of the founding investment our company Futerio has already put in.

For this we request a funding of 88 Dash per month (detailed Budget below)

To canalise our ambitions in Asia we want to take the successful concept and experiences of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH as a role model to built up on and to combine it with our experiences and business approaches in Asia.

This is why - inspired by their work - we already got in contact with the team of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH quite some time ago.

What is the proposal about?
As the Dash Embassy concept is to create an professional open source company, that can also be used in other countries and languages by other Dash people it was clear for us to use this already established and tested framework (website, marketing materials, workflows for integration, etc.) instead of inventing the wheel new. So, our next step is to setup a Dash Embassy Thailand and later help other countries in Asia to do the same.

Further on we have been contacted by people from Vietnam, who also would like to create a Dash Embassy after the model of the D-A-CH team and our Thailand team.

The Core Team of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH assured us to help us with this, if our proposal for a Dash Embassy Thailand gets funded:

Jan Heinrich Meyer (@essra) - [email protected]
Klaus Hipfinger (@SimontheRavager) - [email protected]
Rafael Schultz (@blockchainpunk) - [email protected]
Nils Hermann (@Orion) - [email protected]
Siney Demirel (@Sidem) - [email protected]

So, on the first stage we want to set up 1 by 1 a Dash Embassy Thailand after the model of the Dash embassy D-A-CH like explained here in this guide:


  • Pre-Proposal Dash Embassy Thailand [11 September 2018].pdf
    178.9 KB · Views: 213
!!!!Sorry I could not post the whole text in one thread. Please see rest of the proposal below!!!!

Yet, we want to make one major difference from the beginning: we want to establish the Embassy Thailand with a more economic orientation and a lower cost approach. This means that we will not be as expensive as the Dash Embassy D-A-CH because:
  • Futerio will invest it’s legal company structure, office, resources and network to kickstart the project and safe the expensive funding costs to start a company in Thailand. On a later stage we want to establish a representative office in the way the Dash Embassy D-A-CH UG can be considered.
  • As long as the Dash market price remains lower than 250 USD, Futerio will cover partly the salaries of the 3 core team member.
  • We will generate other income streams from the beginning. We have the first event cross-marketing offer already from for 500 Euro in November. More to come.
  • We will do many education, PR and marketing activities inhouse to safe external costs.
  • And very important we can profit from all the materials, experiences and knowledge the D-A-CH Team already achieved
With this approach the Dash treasury need to fund only a part of the project as Futerio will invest in this project as well. The funding, therefore will also not be needed forever as our approach is to carry ourselves as soon as possible through the mentioned external income streams.

Below some activity examples of the Dash Embassy Thailand!

Marketing activity examples:
  • Setup a Thailand Dash Embassy Website like
  • Setup the relevant social media channels for Thailand (thai/english), so also Thai people can get in contact with us in a comfortable way
  • PR in specialized press, trade press, daily and weekly press
    (interviews, press releases)
  • Attend events like crypto-, finance-, fintech-, startup- or payment conferences
  • Political communication with stakeholders of consumer protection, political parties and regulators with the goal to gain lobbying support
  • Become a member of national federations
  • Do lobbying with the federations together
  • Business cards and merchandise for the team
  • We will use the official Dash style guide for everything we use and create:
  • Use the official Dash marketing materials:

Education activity examples:
  • Start Dash Ambassador network, offer learning Tools for ambassadors: People who want to help educating people about Dash need to be trained so we can make sure that everybody talking about Dash as an “Official Dash Ambassador” is spreading the truth. Using also official Dash presentations and marketing materials.
  • Workshops (Dash Tuesdays) with trusted partners
  • Webinars / video streams
  • Legal questionnaire regarding laws and crypto regulation in your country answered by lawyers and tax accountants familiar to crypto
  • Organize a Dash roadshow with our legal and merchant partners to attract as many people as possible in venues like universities, co-working spaces and economic institutions.
  • find partners for education lobbying to bring decentralization and Dash to schools and universities on a regular base
  • offer free workshops to institutions like banks, retailers, merchants and payment companies rather than integration pitches
  • Educate Government, NGOs and associations
Integration activity examples:
  • Integrate Dash in Asian exchanges (and start affiliate program for own income streams and relieve pressure from the treasury)
  • Integrate Dash in Asian Crypto-ATMs (and start affiliate program for own income streams and relieve pressure from the treasury)
  • Find a proper POS solution (and start affiliate program for own income streams and relieve pressure from the treasury)
  • Creation of a Strategy and Concept for Merchant Integration in Thailand with the existing available means
  • Start partnerships with merchant integration companies
    Develop a Best Practice Case that fit to every countries’ needs
  • Start frequent meetings with merchants and payment partners
  • Launch Dash implementations to PSPs
  • Launch Dash implementations to ATMs
  • Launch Dash implementations to Merchants
Support activity examples:
  • Support Knowledge Base by adopting the existing Dash Embassy Knowledge-Base and translate also in Thai
  • Start email-support for B2C and B2B
    Building a full support team
  • Website Live-Chat and email Contact
  • Phone Support via the Support Tool if necessary
  • FAQ
  • External support with Legal Network of Law firms and tax accountants we trust to recommend our users and merchants if the need help

Admin & Law:
  • create a legal framework with our already existing partner
    setup a public budget accounting
  • setup all necessary tools
  • create a legal entity (in Q2-3 2019)

Who is on our team?

Marketing & Sales:
Sascha Jochum [Futerio]
DASH Forum = dashbkk, Discord = dashbkk#3673, phone = +66 827918244, email = [email protected]
(Dash embassy email, business card etc. will be done after proposal budget is confirmed)

Education & Business Strategies:
Felix Mago [Futerio]
DASH Forum = fx_bkk, Discord = jerimyah#5371, phone = +66 646246994, email = [email protected]
(Dash embassy email, business card etc. will be done after proposal budget is confirmed)

Administration & Implementation / Integration strategies:
Tobias van Rennings [Futerio]
DASH Forum = TobiasVR, Discord = TobiasVR#5394, phone = +66 979793994, email = [email protected]
(Dash embassy email, business card etc. will be done after proposal budget is confirmed)

This 3 Ambassadors from Futerio are the backbones of the achieved goals and will be initiators and full-time founding members of the Dash Embassy Thailand as well as the core team for the Embassy Asia Expansion. Futerio is a registered company limited:

FUTERIO by Infinite Solutions Consulting Co., Ltd.
Glas Haus Building, Level P, Unit P01,
1 Sukhumvit 25 Sukhumvit Road,
North Klongtoey, Wattana
Bangkok 10110, Thailand
[email protected]

To allow a kickstart and to keep a low cost approach Futerio will offer it’s legal company structure, registration, setup and office etc. for the first 3-6 month.

Futerio is a successful company who will also follow the approach that the Dash Embassy will carry itself after a acceleration investment from the Dash treasury and won’t require the treasury support after a while.

Futerio is the only Dash acceptance in Thailand so far and we wanna change this!

Long-term effects and in- depth cultural integration as well as legal security is reached by including local partners and professionals early into the project and educating and supplying them with the tools and knowledge required to operate “their” embassy in their respective country and language with the specific legal setting. Our core team will provide this development efforts and focus on setting-up the next Asian hub when local operations are up and running. So far we onboarded:

Partner for Legal & Tax
Ivy Liu [DFDL]
Vinay Ahuja [DFDL]

Partner for Implementation / Integration
Felix Mohr [Silk Krypto]

Thai Ambassadors & Influencers:
Peeraphat Hangkongkaew (first thai author on Blockchain / Cryptocurrencies topics: Bitcoin 101)
Goshintas Wongrattananukul

As we are no locals but very well connected in Asia due to our existing businesses, it is important to notice, that we will integrate step by step more locals in our team. Once this is done in Thailand on the second stage. As soon as the Thailand embassy was successfully established, we will support future ambassadors in other Asian countries (e.g. Vietnam) in setting-up their own embassies like the D-A-CH team is currently supporting us and future embassies in Europe .

Our current applicant for additional countries:

Vietnam Applicant is Minh Thy Nguyen Ngoc


Please see detailed Budget plan of the 88 Dash in USD in link below


Our reporting will be done in the forum, on dashcentral and in our social media channels. We will publish a quarterly video summit and give you smaller updates with short videos in the same form as the Dash Embassy D-A-CH is already doing it. And of course we will get in contact with dashwatch.

Looking forward to get your feedback. We are always aiming to improve!
In Dash we trust!

Greetings from the Dash Embassy Asia Core team
Sascha, Felix, Tobias & Partners
Hello, as you might remember I’m a huge fan of the embassy model and very much look forward for other embassies to establish.

From the top of my head I have the following questions:
The Name Embassy ASIA is very broad. Do you plan on targeting every Asian country? Naming your embassy to broad could potentially put of other interested parties from establishing their own embassies in Asia. Would you consider renaming your embassy to a more realistic regional naming such as DACH?

Sellers of unauthorised digital tokens and those setting up unauthorised seminars to solicit cryptocurrency investment will be fined no more than twice the value of the digital transaction or at least 500,000 baht [~$15,619.88]. They could also face a jail term of up to two years.
There are currently 7 currencies authorized to deal with in Thailand. Privacy coins were explicitly mentioned to not be allowed. As you want to start operating in Thailand how will you deal with this situation?
Have you engaged regulators beforehand and managed to lift the ban for Dash? Can you please clarify the broader current regulatory situation of crypto in Thailand?

You have listed several example activities in several different categories. Do you have a specific roadmap in which order you would implement and prioritize your ideas?

You mentioned a legal entity and building g a business with several income streams. Do you plan to issue equity to the upcoming Dash Ventures trust? If yes how much?
Hello, as you might remember I’m a huge fan of the embassy model and very much look forward for other embassies to establish.

yes I absolutely remember thanks for your support and your questions (as we had the same questions already internally)!

From the top of my head I have the following questions:
The Name Embassy ASIA is very broad. Do you plan on targeting every Asian country? Naming your embassy to broad could potentially put of other interested parties from establishing their own embassies in Asia. Would you consider renaming your embassy to a more realistic regional naming such as DACH?

We discussed internally the same and we might do that and change the existing Dash Embassy Thailand or SEA ..
But there are advantages and disadvantages
We originally choose the name to motivate other asian countries and give them a roof.
In case of Vietnam it worked ... but you might be right and it disencourage others

We planned anyway to do the webpage for Thailand only first. So we might change everything to Thailand ...
We will definitely reconsider that and keep you updated ... very good point

There are currently 7 currencies authorized to deal with in Thailand. Privacy coins were explicitly mentioned to be not allowed. As you want to start operating in Thailand how will you deal with this situation?
Have you engaged regulators beforehand and managed to lift the ban for Dash? Can you please clarify the broader current regulatory situation of crypto in Thailand?

That 7 coins are actually limited to trade in ICO's ... that does not mean the others are forbidden
Dash is not banned. You can buy dash for example on the regulated thai exchanges.
But yes we are already in touch with regulators and we wanna change the image and acceptance of Dash even more.
We are willing and prepared to work very close with the regulators as we know that will be very important.
Just as an example one of the latest articles published:

and shows pretty good the current situation in Thailand. Everyone included the regulators are pretty open and looking in a bright future

You have listed several example activities in several different categories. Do you have a specific roadmap in which order you would implement and prioritize your ideas?

We believe the first steps have to be clearly marketing and education. from a broad education about Blockchain and crypto currencies in general to very specific legal, accounting and payment education for merchants for example

You mentioned a legal entity and building g a business with several income streams. Do you plan to issue equity to the upcoming Dash Ventures trust? If yes how much?

We are aware about the upcoming dash venture. As soon as it is ready we will look deeper into it.
But for sure we will give a bigger equity to dash ventures ...
We are not sure yet how much ... I would say it is anyway to early as we do not have the seperate legal dash entity yet.

I hope I could answer your questions. Do not hesitate to ask more. Thanks a lot! :)
We are aware about the upcoming dash venture. As soon as it is ready we will look deeper into it.
But for sure we will give a bigger equity to dash ventures ...
We are not sure yet how much ... I would say it is anyway to early as we do not have the seperate legal dash entity yet.

I hope I could answer your questions. Do not hesitate to ask more. Thanks a lot! :)

@Quansen I hope you saw that I wrote my answers as comments in the quote? I just realised it's not easy to see ...
Let me know if you have any more questions or if you need any more details. cheers :)
Yes I have all answers I need. Good luck with your proposal
Thanks a lot for your support.
And please give us a vote on the pre-proposal.
So we can get here in the pre proposal discussion a good overview what we need to improve before the proposal and also how many people are actually positiv about it or not.
Thanks so much
Thanks for the great feedback and support so far!
Quick update! We decided now to put the proposal on Monday evening ICT on Dash Central.
Hope we get a lot of feedback in the next 3-4 days from you to do the last fine tuning. Cheers
I recommend yall rebrand to Dash Thailand. What does "Asia" even mean in this context?

Yall don't have a meaningful presence or influence in other countries and I don't expect you will from doing the activities you describe from BKK.

Most countries in Asia have almost nothing relevant in common, the laws, languages, exchanges, big businesses, economies and financial landscape are all different (the opposite of D-A-CH).

What's better for dash in [insert any other Asian country here] let's say Japan. Would it be better for Japanese dashians to make their own Dash Japan project and do there own thing or would it be better for them to join on to this group? Probably better for dash in Japan if they do their own thing.

At most you could make a case for Dash South East Asia or Dash ASEAN. The above still applies but a bit less and 1 thing SEA countries have in common is the western expats and travelers who go there, and that is what yall and most of your audience are so that's something.
I recommend yall rebrand to Dash Thailand. What does "Asia" even mean in this context?

Yall don't have a meaningful presence or influence in other countries and I don't expect you will from doing the activities you describe from BKK.

Most countries in Asia have almost nothing relevant in common, the laws, languages, exchanges, big businesses, economies and financial landscape are all different (the opposite of D-A-CH).

What's better for dash in [insert any other Asian country here] let's say Japan. Would it be better for Japanese dashians to make their own Dash Japan project and do there own thing or would it be better for them to join on to this group? Probably better for dash in Japan if they do their own thing.

At most you could make a case for Dash South East Asia or Dash ASEAN. The above still applies but a bit less and 1 thing SEA countries have in common is the western expats and travelers who go there, and that is what yall and most of your audience are so that's something.
Thanks for your great comment! As you might saw in the post before we discussed that part in the team already. We have been always aware about the differences in the asian countries, but there have been some advantages in the passt to call it Asia as well ... we motivated Vietnam for example to do start something similar ... Anyway It clearly seems that the terminology asia leads to many misunderstandings. So we decided to rename our social media pages etc. to Thailand only ... but we will still try to motivate other asian countries and support them .... thanks again for the great inout to help us with final decision ...
Good initiative and BKK location is quite "strategic" for Asian expansion: big tourist destination, transit hub, lots of expats, freelancers-downshifters, retired foreigners, ... with relatively small prices and salaries there.

The only thing that worries me is legal status and taxation...
I've read that Thailand plans to impose quite large taxes on everything related to crypto-currencies. Also, can Thailand enterprises accept anything else than Thai Bahts as a form of payment?
Do you have any fresh actual information about it?
Good initiative and BKK location is quite "strategic" for Asian expansion: big tourist destination, transit hub, lots of expats, freelancers-downshifters, retired foreigners, ... with relatively small prices and salaries there.

The only thing that worries me is legal status and taxation...
I've read that Thailand plans to impose quite large taxes on everything related to crypto-currencies. Also, can Thailand enterprises accept anything else than Thai Bahts as a form of payment?
Do you have any fresh actual information about it?
thanks a lot for the great feedback. I totally agree with the strategic advantage of Bangkok with all the Backpackers, tourists and expats it works even like a gate back to the rest of the world and especially as the asian destination hub as it is it turns into a modern business center ...Not to forget what is happening in chiang Mai at the moment

About legal and taxation. We having 2 strong legal partners andworking very close with regulators. Everyone is very optimistic and people working on solutions together. The SEC for example is speaking on almost every crypto or blockchain related conference in Bangkok. the taxes on capital gain / trading profits might be a bit higher but they are very progressive regarding crypto as a payment ...

This recent article describe the current situation in my eyes the best:
I agree that you should narrow your focus and branding to Thailand. Also, I understand the attraction to naming yourself with a lofty name such as an 'embassy', but I prefer the more humble Venezuela approach, where they just get down to business: Dash Help Thailand and then a Dash Merchant Thailand.

Maybe start signing up merchants in Thailand on discoverdash asap, make sure they're in both thai and english, and maybe start on kao san road and in the malls.
I agree that you should narrow your focus and branding to Thailand. Also, I understand the attraction to naming yourself with a lofty name such as an 'embassy', but I prefer the more humble Venezuela approach, where they just get down to business: Dash Help Thailand and then a Dash Merchant Thailand.

Maybe start signing up merchants in Thailand on discoverdash asap, make sure they're in both thai and english, and maybe start on kao san road and in the malls.

Is started now already narrowing the branding of our existing pages to Thailand and we will keep that approach for the future pages:

Thanks a lot for the very helpful and detailed feedback also @Quansen, @Bitedge and @essra who also mentioned it before ….. @Unstoppable Your feedback helped us to finalize that decision.

Regarding signing Marchants. That is exactly our plan and main focus as we did already a lot of research, education and marketing work here for dash in the past. So far we are the only Dash acceptance in Thailand listed on discoverdash. We wanna change that and we are the right team with the ideal partners and network to do it. Most materials existing already also in thai. We wanna start with small shops, bars and restaurants in Khao San and Sukhumvit area first and then go to the bigger chains where we have good connections too, but we wanna get first some success stories before approaching the big ones.

About the Embassy name: For us it’s really not about the name it’s more about what we are doing at the end. That is what be wanna be known for. We like the concept of the Dash Embassy D-A-CH with a Marketing and Education approach first, but also the hands on approach of Venezuela. We actually wanna combine the positive parts of both concepts, because we believe the combination approach with marketing, education and Implementation/Integration (Merchant onboarding) would work for Thailand and the region as it is a bit of a different situation than in Venezuela as we all know. Also the Dash Embassy D-A-CH goes after their successful marketing and education affords a more down to business direction towards the merchants. We think that combined step by step way is also the right way for here. Every country need his specific way as we also discussed above.

But from the naming we are open at the end. An idea could be just naming us Dash Thailand and have a tagline where we go more specific with embassy, help, .... We are open for ideas here.
Please let us know your thoughts on this and thanks again for your feedback and support.