Pre-proposal (aka an idea): create a DAO to build mining rigs for DASH


It seems every supplier of new mining rigs that work on X11 are sold out.
What if a small group of engineers were formed to build a DASH mining product to keep pace with the growing needs of the network?

The company's main goal would be to build ASIC rigs for DASH, but could also sell rigs for other algos - or a "multi algo" rig that just happens to favor DASH :)

DASH owners would then have a safe place to reliably buy compatible rigs - with their DASH!

This idea needs more pieces to it of course, I'm glad to hear suggestions to help it along. I know businesses exist that already do this, and I dont suggest reinventing the wheel - but the network has a need, and it just makes sense that the network provide this for itself rather than be at the mercy of some one elses product availability.

Anyone know how to design an ASIC for mining DASH? Anyone know where a suitable electronics supplier could be found? Whats the smallest number of people that would need to be involved to make this work? How much money would such a startup need?

Thanks for reading, and thanks for feedback
for ASIC's u need some serious company / tech behind u
just throwing out some funds for a DAO will not cover that
why ? i know the ASIC's are not easy to get but that is the free open market and it will play itself out
for ASIC's u need some serious company / tech behind u
just throwing out some funds for a DAO will not cover that
why ? i know the ASIC's are not easy to get but that is the free open market and it will play itself out

Serious tech should be what we're about. As I mentioned, our network is at the mercy of suppliers; as our popularity grows, our hash rate needs to grow with it or we will stagnate and/or succumb to skyrocketing transaction fees like some other major coins. I understand that a rise in new miners may mean a decrease in effective profit for existing miners. I believe the benefits to the network outweigh the costs to the centralized mining pools (which would flourish with new hash power anyway) or stand-alone miners (whose chances at solving a block alone are tiny anyway).

If we want the network to remain competitive and healthy, why not make sure of it by providing a source of well designed rigs designed and buity by employees of the network
I'm afraid that you are allowing Bitcoin Propoganda infect you thoughts about Dash. Skyrocketing fees are not caused by ASIC manufactors or by lack of them or by pooled mining.
In general, I like your idea, but I question it's viability.
What about adding GPU mining to Dash like Myriad does? It can be mined on multiple algorythms. Then slowly phase out asic mining altogether. ASICs are against the basic principles of decentralization.