Pre-Proposal: A masternode server in your android cell phone

A masternode server in your android cell phone..

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Well-known member
As many of you know, an android cell phone or tablet is a linux machine.
So this pre-proposal is about to build a masternode in an android.
The main problem of mobile machines is that they have dynamic IPs, but I plan to solve this by using this script.
For the members of the community who have dynamic IPs, I wrote a script that changes all the IP related configuration files of the dashcore before starting the program. Here you are:
myoldip=`cat ~/.dashcore/dash.conf|grep externalip|cut -f2 -d"="|cut -f1 -d":"`
myip=`curl -s`
echo "my old ip=" $myoldip
echo "my curr ip=" $myip
mv ~/.dashcore/dash.conf ~/.dashcore/dash.confold
cat ~/.dashcore/dash.confold|sed -e s/$myoldip/$myip/g >  ~/.dashcore/dash.conf
mv ~/.dashcore/masternode.conf ~/.dashcore/masternode.confold
cat ~/.dashcore/masternode.confold|sed -e s/$myoldip/$myip/g > ~/.dashcore/masternode.conf
mv ~/.dashcore/testnet3/masternode.conf ~/.dashcore/testnet3/masternode.confold
cat ~/.dashcore/testnet3/masternode.confold|sed -e s/$myoldip/$myip/g > ~/.dashcore/testnet3/masternode.conf
sleep 2

When your gui starts, you will initially see the old IP in the masternodes Tab.
Press the "Start alias" button to fix the problem.

So what do you think? Would you like a masternode in your android cell phone or tablet?
Then main advantage of having masternodes in mobile machines having dynamic IPs is Anonymity, especially if your android is not connected to a cell-phone company and you are using public wi-fi.

This proposal is tagged as [android, masternodes, development,anonymity,dynamic IP]. In case it gets a lot of yes and I manage to get the 5 dash proposal fee, I will add it to the governance system.
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Let me clarify that this proposal is not limited only to android phones, but can be extended to whatever portable device may use dynamic IP, like tablets, rasberry pi, udoo e.t.c.

<vote history>
A masternode server in your android cell phone..
* yes I like it 2 vote(s) 50.0%
no I dont need this 2 vote(s) 50.0%
other 0 vote(s) 0.0%
</vote history>
A masternode is supposed to provide services that are only going to get more intensive with Evo. Will an Android phone/tablet be up for the task?
A masternode is supposed to provide services that are only going to get more intensive with Evo. Will an Android phone/tablet be up for the task?
It depends on the programmer. I firmly believe that a good programmer can fit two feet into one shoe.
Our conversation is meaningless as long as you do not define what intensive means. Define intensive, and take into account parallel computing, clustering and process migration. IMO, the bottleneck is not the disc space, the memory or the cpu. The bottleneck is the bandwidth. The bandwidth is the crucial factor which (in the current version of dashd) is not taken into account. This is the problem that privatix is trying to solve.
Furthermore who said that small pocket computers that are using dynamic IPs are not powerfull and cannot provide intensive services? Have you met udoo?
<vote history>
A masternode server in your android cell phone..
*yes I like it 3 vote(s) 50.0%
no I dont need this 3 vote(s) 50.0%
other 0 vote(s) 0.0%
</vote history>
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So...we're going to be designing custom hardware for masternodes because of the future scaling load requirements, and you're looking to use a cell phone to host a node, with public wifi?
So...we're going to be designing custom hardware for masternodes because of the future scaling load requirements, and you're looking to use a cell phone to host a node, with public wifi?
Yes. Because the problem is not in the hardware, but in bandwidth and in routing protocols.
Whatever custom hardware you are planning to use, the bandwidth will be your bottleneck.
And you can solve the bandwidth problem, the way I have told you. Read privatix paper. Have you read it?

<vote history>
A masternode server in your android cell phone..
* yes I like it 4 vote(s) 40.0%
no I dont need this 6 vote(s) 60.0%
other 0 vote(s) 0.0%
</vote history>
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The masternode must act as a server, i.e. accept incoming connections. Please explain how you will accept incoming connections on port 9999 when using mobile, home, public Internet - i.e. almost always being behind NAT?
The masternode must act as a server, i.e. accept incoming connections. Please explain how you will accept incoming connections on port 9999 when using mobile, home, public Internet - i.e. almost always being behind NAT?
This is definitely an issue in public wifi. I assume I will use port 80, or 8080. Whatever open ports are available. Nmap will be usefull. There will be middleware servers that will do the port forwarding, and redirect the incoming requests that arrive to them to the standard 9999, to the machines that run with the non standard 8080 or 80 or whatever.

In home internet, you can just fix port forwarding and allow 9999 in the router you managed to have access. I have already dit it in my router, thats how I run my dynamic IP masternode in the testnet.
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Please explain how HTTP ports are related to masternodes or Dash in general? The masternodes should listen on port 9999.
Let me first say that I am not a masternode owner, so I won't be voting. But I really doubt if anyone would like to walk around with a masternode on his phone. "Oops, I left my masternode on the bus...".
I do believe that there are small low power devices that may be capable of running a masternode (even in the foreseeable future). Also I think the security of these small devices can be better than average if you install it on a device that will only be used for this purpose (and NOT as a phone or webbrowser) and you do not install unnecessary stuff (compilers, script interpreters etc.). The low power consumption and enhanced security are IMHO the selling points, not the mobility.

Just my 2 Dash cents (do they have a name? Dashtoshi's?)


BTW, if time allows I am willing to join your team. I do have another project going on, but I also have some IT experience. See LinkedIn.
Please explain how HTTP ports are related to masternodes or Dash in general? The masternodes should listen on port 9999.

I was editing the comment while you were asking me.
This is definitely an issue in public wifi. I assume I will use port 80, or 8080. Whatever open ports are available. Nmap will be usefull. There will be middleware servers that will do the port forwarding, and redirect the incoming requests that arrive to them to the standard 9999, to the machines that run with the non standard 8080 or 80 or whatever.
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Let me first say that I am not a masternode owner, so I won't be voting. But I really doubt if anyone would like to walk around with a masternode on his phone. "Oops, I left my masternode on the bus...".
I do believe that there are small low power devices that may be capable of running a masternode (even in the foreseeable future). Also I think the security of these small devices can be better than average if you install it on a device that will only be used for this purpose (and NOT as a phone or webbrowser) and you do not install unnecessary stuff (compilers, script interpreters etc.). The low power consumption and enhanced security are IMHO the selling points, not the mobility.

I agree with you.
I am talking about android cell phone hardware, which we will tottaly remove their operating system and put a new linux version in it.
You dont expect to use the android already istalled by the companies to the cell phones, do you?
Rooting the android cell phone or tablet is a (forgotten) prerequisite of all what I have said.
In home internet, you can just fix port forwarding and allow 9999 in the router you managed to have access
And you need dedicated ip address from your isp. Or ...

There will be middleware servers that will do the port forwarding, and redirect the incoming calls that arrive to them to the standard 9999
... or you need additional vps for this

I am talking about android cell phone hardware, which we will tottaly remove their operating system and put a new linux version in it.
If you not meant linux on top of the android I bet you have no clue how many difficulties you will face to accomplish this.

Hence reasonable question - what it is for? Why overcomplicate things?
And you need dedicated ip address from your isp. Or ...
No I dont need dedicated IP address. The IP address will be dynamic. At worst I will need dynamic dns.

... or you need additional vps for this
No I dont need additional vps server. The middleware servers could reside at the places where you have access to the router and you can configure it (so that the port forwarding will be available in the standard port 9999). Those middleware servers will be used in order to inform the clients where they can find masternodes who do not use the standard 9999 port.

If you not meant linux on top of the android I bet you have no clue how many difficulties you will face to accomplish this.
Hence reasonable question - what it is for? Why overcomplicate things?
No I dont mean linux on top of the android. I mean install linux directly into the android phone hardware, after obtaining their root password. A special team should formed that will consult what you have to do in your old android phone, depending on the phone's hardware. Have a look at this, they consult how to get root access of your router. So a similar page should be written, that will list various tablets and android phone hardware, instructions on how to get root access on them, and how you can perform a rom-flashing, in order to install a masternode server there without unnecessary components.

<vote history>
A masternode server in your android cell phone..
* yes I like it 4 vote(s) 36.4%

no I dont need this 7 vote(s) 63.6%
other 0 vote(s) 0.0%
</vote history>
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Maybe with a VPN that never changed... But, why? It compromises the MN in so many ways...

Dumb idea.
No I dont need dedicated IP address. The IP address will be dynamic. At worst I will need dynamic dns.
No I dont need additional vps server. The middleware servers could reside at the places where you have access to the router and you can configure it (so that the port forwarding will be available in the standard port 9999). Those middleware servers will be used in order to inform the clients where they can find masternodes who do not use the standard 9999 port.

How does dynamic-dns relate to port forwarding?
Masternode MUST(!!!) listen on port 9999. You should forward the port 9999 to be listened on your public IP. You have no reliable way to forward this specific port through ISPs' internal network (commonly Enterprise/IPS hardware do not support UPnP). In edge cases you can achive it, but in most cases you will fail.

No I dont mean linux on top of the android. I mean install linux directly into the android phone hardware, after obtaining their root password. A special team should formed that will consult what you have to do in your old android phone, depending on the phone's hardware. Have a look at this, they consult how to get root access of your router. So a similar page should be written, that will list various tablets and android phone hardware and instructions on how to get root access on them, in order to install a masternode server there.

Why you need this root if you going to install custom firmware on the phone? You clearly not understand what you talking about.
You need to unlock bootloader. Then you need custom linux image for specific phone to upload. You need to build it yourself for every phone model because of different phone hardware (with all necessary drivers for wireless modules, touchscreens, etc.). Should I continue?
In what ways? Name one way....
Network Switching.
IP changing as networks change.
Port definitions inaccessible and/or controlled by a part over which you have no influence. Can shut it off at any time.
Bandwidth usage will be huge. They will notice. Can you afford it even if they don't shut it off?
Under powered.
Power draw. You'll basically have to leave it plugged into the charger. Many phones draw more than the charger supplies under these loads. Battery will die even when plugged in...
Since you're anchored, may as well use a Pi...

It's much cheaper to run a dedicated server, and all of these areas are eliminated and/or massively improved upon.

It's a dumb idea. It compromises MN's in so many ways...