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Dashboard Treasury Proposal: (http://dash-board.info/Demo)
We love the De-Centralized nature of BlockChain/Crypto, but hate Decentralized Data and Information. Proposal is to create a centralized “DASH” web site (see current demo for a view of proposal) that enables custom charts and analysis of DASH specific data. We have data everywhere (decentralized): exchanges, public sites (e.g. coinmarketcap & cryptocompare), etc.. We must rely upon other public companies to provide us tools to create and utilize the views we want.
What is not available to the community is a centralized site that collects, presents, analyzes data from the various data repositories. By having a centralized repository built/funded by DASH treasury, we have friendly custodianship of all of DASH related data. No other coin has a dedicated site for this purpose and puts DASH one step ahead of competing coins and will help identify underlying trends in data where it is impossible today.
My proposal is to build a modern data repository to collect this data and create a website that allow custom views/analytics of the data. Starting with the major exchanges, utilize their API’s to collect public DASH data (both current and future) to aggregate the info into a single location! As the ecosystem grows and more data sources arise, a centralized repository is integral to supporting advanced understanding of the DASH ecosystem. At a minimum, it will provide insights that don't exist today.
What is not available to the community is a centralized site that collects, presents, analyzes data from the various data repositories. By having a centralized repository built/funded by DASH treasury, we have friendly custodianship of all of DASH related data. No other coin has a dedicated site for this purpose and puts DASH one step ahead of competing coins and will help identify underlying trends in data where it is impossible today.
My proposal is to build a modern data repository to collect this data and create a website that allow custom views/analytics of the data. Starting with the major exchanges, utilize their API’s to collect public DASH data (both current and future) to aggregate the info into a single location! As the ecosystem grows and more data sources arise, a centralized repository is integral to supporting advanced understanding of the DASH ecosystem. At a minimum, it will provide insights that don't exist today.
Benefit to the Community:
Masternode Operators:
Recognizing and understanding trends in our data will provide and immediate tangible benefit of assisting MNO's with a more meaningful allocation of future treasury proposals. Do you ever have questions about DASH analytics that go unanswered? Do you wish you could have this data at your fingertips? If not available, this is a mechanism to allow future and custom analytics to be requested by the community and acquired in a timely fashion! (i.e. don't have to rely upon other sites to develop).
Investors (including MNO's) are keen to understand analytics and trends as a baseline for decision making and capital allocation. Having a public tool for all (i.e. users and investors) will provide a more sophisticated tool to have at their fingertips when making these decisions.
Traders have many tools of their chosen exchange available. But, do they have a macro view of pricing data accross all exchanges? This would be a new, valuable tool for making informed trading decisions that currently doesn't exist, but could be available for DASH traders.
For reporters/bloggers that are interested in reporting on DASH, a tool that can provide raw data, charts, reports will assist in controlling the quality of information that is available. Working with the DASH
Everyday Users:
Everyday users do not necessarily care about analytics. However, the "buzz" of crypto is its "inflationary" attributes and curiousity of this will always lead to price data where this site will be among top search results.
Proposed Phases:
Phase 1: Research, Discovery and Data Modeling.
The research and discovery tasks are largely complete. The top 10-11 exchanges for DASH activity all have public API’s that will allow the automated pull of relevant price data into the repository. Will need to undergo a data modeling phase to normalize the data between the 10-11 different API’s.
Phase 2: Architecting Repository Backend.
Once initial data models are complete, will build a cloud based database/infrastructure using modern day cloud technology/platform. Will build redundancy into different global data centers for disaster recovery as well as site performance considerations.
Phase 3: Code API.
This will be an API that serves up the aggregate data (i.e. “Meta” API) to the front-end site.
Phase 4: Design a Custom, Mobile-Friendly Website.
Site to display the data in filterable tables, dynamic charts, custom searches, etc… Current and future community input will be requested to incorporate additional elements that add value to the community.
Future Phases: (would require additional funding).
- Analytics (Global Pricing Trends).
- As Payment Gateway API’s come online, use Meta Data to understand (Global Usage Trends).
- Add multiple language support (i.e. Korean, Spanish, German, etc…).
- “Dash bots”/AI bots analyzing data.
- Add new sources of data or customized reporting for MNO’s.
- Everything is growing so quickly that there will me more data sources that will need to be incorporated.
Phase 1: Research, Discovery and Data Modeling.
DASH: 15 (~$15,000)
Phase 2: Architecting Repository Backend.
DASH: 35 (~$35,000)
Phase 3: Code API.
DASH: 35 (~$35,000)
Phase 4: Build Site.
DASH: 30 (~$30,000)
Testing/Quality Control.
DASH: 20 (~$20,000)
Dash Proposal Reimbursement: 5
Cloud Infrastructure/Month: 6 DASH (1 DASH/Month) - 6 month funding.
Dash Proposal Reimbursement: 5
Cloud Infrastructure/Month: 6 DASH (1 DASH/Month) - 6 month funding.
Total DASH: 146
Why me?
I have been building corporate Dashboards for 20 years. Moreover, I have the crypto "disease" with DASH being my initial entry into this space. For 2 years, I have been quietly observing and learning the space and feel now is a great time to combine these two passions. Moreover, I have been frustrated by the lack of centralization of data and the time it takes to research/find data on DASH (or any coin). It should all be in one location!
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