PR Team ….>


Well-known member
Foundation Member
Masternode Owner/Operator
I think we need a PR Person/Team for DRK !

Where is the press release for RC3? (Has it been send out ?)
Has the team contacted coindesk to write a new article now that masternode payments are working?
(Nothing in the news yet !)
Seems like word has not spread, we gotta promote these positive updates and news !
Darkcoin team, please add a PR person or team !
I think we need a PR Person/Team for DRK !

Where is the press release for RC3? (Has it been send out ?)
Has the team contacted coindesk to write a new article now that masternode payments are working?
(Nothing in the news yet !)
Seems like word has not spread, we gotta promote these positive updates and news !
Darkcoin team, please add a PR person or team !
I Agree
Copy/Paste from Bitcointalk:

Quote: I think Evan is going to be heavy on the PR after RC4. I dont think RC3 should be shouted about at the moment since its more like a public testing.

Quote:+1 we should wait for it to be entirely bulletproof
It would be a bad PR move to be public about something still barely tested that could still easily go awry at this point
Payments are working but still not 100% enforced for some pools furthermore

ok i hear you
if RC3 is not 100% bulletproofed and such ….> (we should wait)
but then we should be ready for RC4 and whatever comes after !
in my opinion there has to be a PR team in place for future updates, press releases,
PR concernes, updating to the public (to get more people involved) and to our community.

There was a research here at some point (can not find the page anymore)
where somebody did a research on the community involvement of DRK, and we were way behind Dodge, BTC, LTC,….
(based on numbers from FB, Twitter, google+, bitcointalk,……)

Time to hit the drum and spread the word !
Maybe not today or tomorrow …. but soon !
and for that we need a proper PR team in place !

DRK Team, please check
onwards ….>
I think we need a PR Person/Team for DRK !
I also think DRK needs some PR people. Different than communications and publicity which could handle things like press releases and announcements, PR is clever and can help DRK deal with quirky stuff like troll attacks, developing memes, and turning FUD into happiness certainty and confidence.

I think propulsion made #Darkcoin-pr channel on irc already
We are coming to a critical junction with the long-term charts.
I hope the PR team has something up their sleeves to help up with the transition into a new positive pattern! :grin:
I'm thinking that if the development team were to just touch base every once in a while, like to say, oh we discovered the possible cause of this or that, or we solved an issue with that or this. Or if there is no progress, they could just say "we've been working on this and it's coming along. We are zooming in on this issue and feel we'll have a solution soon" etc... Anything. 'cause the people like to hear from their leaders, it's only natural, LOL

But I also don't want to disturb them. Then again, there are more of 'em now! Any one of them can do the sentence a day, or something, LOL. It would give everyone something positive to talk about instead of bickering, ugh! LOL
I know eltito talked to the development team about this,
and i believe their main concern is to be as professional as possible (and NOT drift off into this FUD talk like all the other Alt coins.)
I totally agree with them, all i am suggesting is a better communication between the community (more updates and such) and the Dev Team !
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FUD will be a fact of life, PR no PR. The questions is - where the Darkcoin is ultimately going? This is a huge shift, what's going on in the world, crypto developments being its most exciting part for MHS, but I'd like us to see where do we go from here. When I decided to put my money where my mouth is, and invest in Darkcoin I made this funny calculation:

* 22.67% of the world's economy is shadow economy;
* if Bitcoin is (controlled) and DRK not; if 100% of all legal transactions are made in BTC, 22.67% are still left for DRK
* on May 29, 2014, DRK = $10.96 vs. BTC = $614.38
* on May 29, 2014 DRK / BTC 0.01811
* on May 29, 2014 BTC MC is $7,885,362,984
* on May 29, 2014 DRK MC is $47,580,747
* DRK / BTC MC ratio is >>> 0.603406 ( on May 29, 2014)
* if DRK goes to parity of 1 DRK = 1 BTC, DRK MC would be 2667567714
* 1 DRK = 1 BRC gives DRK MC of >>> 33.82923 % of the BTC MC
* 22.67% shadow economy vs. 33.83% max MC ratio ~ some DRK = 0.80 BTC is kind of a max value for DRK
* 4,450% growth in DRK price, or 44.50 higher than on May 29th 2014
It shows you why I asked what I asked - where DRK is going. The attacks are easy to predict - it will serve for money laundering and all sort of illegal activities. Than what?

What we need are intellectual anarchists, political and economic visionaries, philosophers of new era so we'd be, as the old tHE cYBerPuNK aNThEM said (paraphrased):
the code is being rewritten
the system is being recalibrated
the time has come
for crypto-narchy
in crypto-merica


why not the full aNThEM for shits and giggles :wink:

cYbErPuNk :
the next step in [self-destructive] punk
: when the rebels realize they can’t bring down the system
: because they depend on the system
: can’t unplug from the system
: because they are part of the system
: can’t turn off the system
: because they are in the systemthey are OF the system
in a world where you are only as fast as your CPU
a delinquent’s dream
where you are simultaneously
anonymous and infamous
you choose the name you go by
and you have no face

and so they begin the destruction from the inside, out

We created a new dimension,
built it from the ground up.
At least, that’s what our propaganda tells us.
Maybe we didn’t.
Maybe we opened a door,
awoke something that had only been sleeping
for a very long time…

Either way, we found a world
too big for us to even comprehend,
let alone control.
An imaginary city that circled the globe.
An information superhighway.

And naturally we tried to conquer it.
but tell me
of the landscapes beyond the well-paved road
and unexplored

of the crack dens beneath the overpass
of the ones who live in the traffic’s shadow
tell me of the hitchhiking strangers
tell me who sleeps in the ditches
living off the discards
of the superhighway surfers
one man’s trash, another‘s treasure
you cannot control a space that doesn’t exist
and in the lost lands
the disputed territories
from the unexplored oceans
to the places in the cities that have slipped into abandonment
and been forgotten
those who have no home
the domain squatters
the digital pirates

are taking over
the code is being rewrittenthe system is being recalibratedthe time has come
for E-narchy
in E-merica
^ resource depletion and environmental destruction...
The only lasting code is your dna.
Economy, Energy, Ecology