power of mobile app - electroneum is killing it , 100,000+ downloads and counting


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electroneum has offered ( fake . ) mobile mining facilities by making sure you earn some coins and you earn more by referring others ... does it sound like getfreedash ? yes it is , thats exactly what they are doing.

they are able to fight the fraud by detecting IMEI and android ID etc and making sure every one with a smart phone gets a bit of coin and bit more for referring others

this strategy is extremely powerful and they have crossed 100K downloads (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.electroneum.mobile ) in an extremely short amount of time , we need to take cues from this idea and propel getfreedash on mobile with full force.

Dash should sign up few million users per month, else its not worth having this fantastic DAO etc
I do agree with the get free Dash.

As far as electroneum goes I will be following this. It’s a interesting idea and will be tested and attacked for sure