Possible Malicious Front End on Github

HammerHead, you are correct about the way p2pool fees are calculated. Not that I've seen the code, but from what I've read the idea is that each share submitted by workers has x% chance to be considered created by the p2pool owner, where x is the fee percentage. My p2pool node makes (roughly) about 163 shares (no DOA or orphaned in this number) in 60 hours. My fee is 0.4%, 1/0.004=250, IDK how to explain my calculation, but basically it means my p2pool node has a 50% chance to get a share once out of every 125 submitted shares (I think, correct me if I'm wrong). Therefore, once for every 45 hours I have a 50% chance to get paid p2pool fee. I haven't been paid in 11 days=264 hours (which is almost 6*45=270), this means that if it's pure luck, it had ((0.5**6)*100=) 1.5625% chance of happening, not astronomically low. I have never studied probability theory, so feel free to correct me. My calculations are wrong.

About the repo - I would suggest you use vertoe's because his is already announced and I consider it "the official repo". He also merged everything (basically two-three lines) I had added.
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About the repo - I would suggest you use vertoe's because his is already announced and I consider it "the official repo". He also merged everything (basically two-three lines) I had added.
I still prefer to use dstorm's as "official", cause he is more capable of maintaining the code, but if he does not show up i will take over. I prepared the repository to make sure we have a working p2pool for the next hard fork.
FYI: I have my first p2pool node payment since the 3rd!

BTW if someone doesn't know that from elsewhere, dstorm's p2pool repository is up to date and should work without stopping for the fork.
FYI: I have my first p2pool node payment since the 3rd!
BTW if someone doesn't know that from elsewhere, dstorm's p2pool repository is up to date and should work without stopping for the fork.
Wow! Your patience is amazing.
How are you handling the memory management if you don't mind me asking?
I'm using 5gb of ram for one node at the moment but even that gets run over and requires a manual restart.
Rebooting when needed and I have 32 GB of RAM (16 of them for the p2pool VM atm) that have nothing better to be used for. Using a swap area doesn't seem to work IMO (at least in a VM), when I'm nearing full physical memory getblocktemplate latency deteriorates badly, so it's time for reboot.

Also, I'm tinkering with the code, I even read a book (well, half tbh) about python to better understand it and to find ways to find the memory leak - it's totally outside my usual IT competence so I'm not bored by that yet.

Moreover, I have a Windows Server VM installed only for p2pool (with the same fee address), so I'm redirecting the p2pool ports to it when necessary.

EDIT: One more thing, I found p2pool is the most cost efficient way to mine, so I need a p2pool node anyway, then - why not make it public with a fee? I really want to increase it (from 0.4% to 1%) not so much for the money, but mostly to see whether I will get more steady payments, i.e. to test the tech, but I'm not doing it for the moment, because I announced another number in this forum.
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Oddly enough, my server is using a lot more memory after switching to dstorms repo. Something added between then and chaeplins will be the largest culprit I think.

Here is my p2pool fee address. As you can see, it is almost always reliably consistent. This is with a 1% fee.
I'm the author of the UI in question.
It seems you guys have figured out by now that it in NOT my UI.
Plambe is correct, the UI is read only. It polls the p2pool server for data and displays it in an easier to read format. It cannot touch anything related to payments.
The php file that was mentioned is for use when you are running the p2pool server on one machine, and the UI on a different machine. Since the UI works via web calls, it can run anywhere, it just needs tiny bit of help when talking cross-domain.

It's unfortunate that you guys tried to use the UI at the same time as the p2pool server code was busted.