Currently, 0.01 dash is nearly 12 cents per transaction. We need to make this cheaper.
Do we know where this fee goes? To the masternodes?Currently, 0.01 dash is nearly 12 cents per transaction. We need to make this cheaper.
fixedTrying to get a better understanding of instant send but the wiki link to the white paper will only show me the first 3 pages unless I download a special app. Is there some reason that we cannot afford to host this document ourselves?
imo, 0.01 = 12c usd is not a high rate and IF that is in part how Master Nodes garner their reward, it seems like a fair amount.Currently, 0.01 dash is nearly 12 cents per transaction. We need to make this cheaper.
imo, 0.01 = 12c usd is not a high rate and IF that is in part how Master Nodes garner their reward, it seems like a fair amount.
AFAIK, XMR Monero is presently fee scheduled @ 0.10xmr for a transaction, which is 10x higher...
The crypto public must be made aware of the value and utility in making use of DASH for P2P !
PR, and a crowd funded fiat gateway are the two most important projects I feel should be undertaken for the improvement of DASH.
fyi, new fee for instantsend is now merged into 12.1 dash core, congratulation to all votesThanks PR from @chaeplin
0.001So what will be the new fee for InstantSend?