POLL - Defining the ISO 3-letter standard currency code for DASH

What should be the ISO 3 currency code for DASH be defined as?

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All currencies need to conform to the ISO 4217 for 3-letter currency codes. This allows compatibility with current standards in use for computerised accounting sytems

The first letter is reserved for the country that the currency belongs to - so USD, CAD, GBP, etc.

But X is reserved for 'currencies' with no country. Other Cryptos' have their own codes defined.

XBT (NOT BTC! as B is Bhutan) - Bitcoin
XRP - Ripple
XMR - Monero

So, what does the community favour for the 3-letter code for DASH?

Suggestions gathered in the dash_talk channel on Slack have been entered into the poll. Other suggestions welcome in the comments...

Votes away!
I don't think it's a good idea to fuse the brand with an ISO definition.

The ISO code is much more fundamental registration. It encodes the 'forever' nature of the currency and isn't a promotional type of thing. Also it carries much more authority is it's a monetary specifier rather than a brand specifier.

For that reason, I propose one that isn't on the list: XTA = Transparent Anonymous

For me, those two descriptors pin Dash down more than anything and will outlast any branding. The fact that it combines these two monetary properties is very rare.
I like your suggestion of XTA and I would add it to the poll...but I don't know how to edit it now :confused:

If I had to make a comment though, XTA does seem at once a bit confrontational, and also a bit presumptuous to assign to DASH when I guess other currencies might also claim those characteristics...if not now, then maybe in the future...
You guys [OP] really don't do ANY research before you make a post do you?

ISO that you speak of has been shut-out for Crypto
- YES, Bitcoin got one : XBT - I think it is

BUT - there was a decision made where NO MORE Crypto's will be given a ISO
[I don't have the link as I am working right now - but - if you look, you will find it]

Now, I guess it is possible that info has since been changed but not that I am aware of.

XDD is available and back when Darkcoin re-branded to DASH I did a LOT of research before I proposed the ISO : XDD

X = xcoin
D = Darkcoin
D = Dash

Then I stopped once I found out that the ISO is not gonna happen for DASH

Sorry to burst your bubble ....................
- BUT - if you think you can make it happen
- GO FOR IT !!!! -

[but I seriously have my doubt's it will happen anytime soon, if ever]

As @MangledBlue states above, if you do the research, the Official ISO issuing organisation has decided that ;

Chairman of ISO/TC 68/SC7 Patrice Hertzog said in 2015:
"The new standard states that only applications from central banks or other government authorities will be processed, as opposed to the previous version that allowed applications from private organizations."
"This means that the new standard applies only to 'sovereign money', ie that issues by a state authority, and no longer includes codes requested by private companies whose currency can never be recognized as legal tender."

However, the official ISO list (Yes, the official ISO list is an Excel sheet) does not include any of the Crypto's...and yet we do have recognised (or at least recognisable) Crypto currency codes (XRP, XEM etc.).

That means that despite a lack of official recognition, some consistent use and communication of a currency code might make it a de facto standard without official acknowledgement...meaning that I still think it worth our time, and perhaps that of the DASH hierarchy (such that it is) to decide ourselves what we will refer to, and what we will encourage others to refer to, as the 3-letter code for DASH.
We have been working on ISO 4217 c.a. 2 years ago, however the regulations were changed just before submission of the application.
Maybe some day we will have good connections within some government, so they could help with that if necessary ;). For now, it is not a critical requirement from my perspective
I don't care for official ISO recognition, cashtags are far nicer and searchable; $DASH

I agree to some extend, but you need to fit in with current financial systems configurations by having a 3-letter currency code...

We have been working on ISO 4217 c.a. 2 years ago, however the regulations were changed just before submission of the application.
Maybe some day we will have good connections within some government, so they could help with that if necessary ;). For now, it is not a critical requirement from my perspective

It would be good to start using a de facto currency code, despite official recognition, as it appears other Cyptos do this...and I know from experience it will be required for integration into existing payments systems...
We have been working on ISO 4217 c.a. 2 years ago, however the regulations were changed just before submission of the application.
Maybe some day we will have good connections within some government, so they could help with that if necessary ;). For now, it is not a critical requirement from my perspective

As I think about this more, I think you are wrong ;-)

I run payments for a network of websites using multiple currencies (maybe 6-7 base currencies) and multiple global payment methods (20+) and I know that if you asked me to integrate DASH into our payments systems without a 3-letter currency code I couldn't do it, or I'd have to make one up. That's not good.

How do you propose to pitch at integrating into existing websites payment setups without this basic requirement?

One other thing that is a Cryto hurdle as well...existing accounting setups are based on two digit decimals. When I think of trying to integrate a currency divisible by more than that, and what my accounting dashboards are going to look like with 8 or so decimals...my head hurts...as, no doubt, will my eyes...